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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Yes I meant to say Johnny Ellison, I will give you more details tomorrow as to why I think its the soul brothers six.
  2. Researched the whole dam lot of it, the family, including where all the original material went. Did everything I could but as usual no luck
  3. It has to be Jimmy Elison as in the Soul Broths 6
  4. Same story with Darrell Banks as you know Rob Darrell Eubanks might not sound so catchy
  5. interesting, if you look on BMI Rep Modern day woman is listed twice Bridges, Eaton, Knight. and again J Shorter, D Hart
  6. Spelling mistakes are not uncommon, if you look at the MAS-TER label it says ERQUHART but on the ABC LP its spelt EQUEHART. Other example SILKY HARGREAVES or SILKY HARGRAVES
  7. Top man Tim wonderful
  8. A friend told me I do know it as he played one side at an event and I went up to have a look, they would of come out of Lou Beatty's basement alongside stock of the La Beat 45s also many damaged
  9. Let-em have it Tim, you know I'am
  10. Yes, used to have this many years ago, got it from Graham Coats of Grantham
  11. Part of the MAG, MAS-TOK, CHAR-TOK. One of the label owners was married to a member of the Sterphonics (Mas-tok)
  12. Hi Dazz, yes im ok thanks, used to have the D Town (grey issues) very much overlooked I think, may have its day just needs playing more often.
  13. He doesn't come up in my book, I know he is not with us anymore
  14. Yes its the same person real name Donald Erquhart
  15. For me Morris Lamont Chestnut and out of Detroit Edward Hamilton
  16. Its Dusty Williams on this track mate, not Dusty Wilson or as the writer credit says Claude Williams
  17. Yes indeed, a lot of old faces and a lot of love all about, a wonderful day despite the circumstances, he would of loved it x
  18. As you know Val we are both very saddened with the loss of Dave (Boxy) With him being so humble and modest he never got round to putting pen to paper of your time in Chicago and who you both didn't know, well you know what I'm saying. Promoting can be a thankless task at times but you stuck with it and for those who took advantage of the live artists at the Wilton Ballroom, can I say on their behalf as well as mine and Nicolas, thank-you. You don't get many chances in life to see our hero's perform on stage and because of what you both did as is your belief to promote in giving us so much pleasure. R.I.P. Dave, few people in life can be what you are and what your SOUL advises us to be. Gilly and Nicola
  19. To add a bit more I found thisRW-1967-09-23-OCR-Page-0010.pdf
  20. Yes, nice and true words Mick, this music was his passion, even though he slowed down on going out, health reasons, he kept up with what was going on. His knowledge was quite unreal at times as was his love for the music. He made a point of being friends with the creators of the music we love such as Fab Glanton and Rose Battiste and some would stop over at his place in helping promotors to put them on the UK stage. He gave a lot to the scene in so many ways, the scene should in these circumstances think on, please give something, please. Gilly
  21. If it don't calm down a bit it will go up its own arse. There are more numbers of people connected with the soul scene than there has ever been, trouble is that 2/3 are of talc and handbag folks. The sooner they F*** off the better, of course posting things like this is a waste of time because they are unlikely to be on soul source anyway
  22. Thank-you I will
  23. A dear friend whom I loved to bits, mad as fuck, up to the brim with knowledge. I'm gonna miss you David my thoughts are with Cheryl x
  24. From memory I'm sure the US and the UK LP tracks are slightly different on this song

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