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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. We are not getting George Fowler mixed up with T J Fowler are we ?
  2. If there is I'm not aware of them, something ive written in my forever forthcoming book is that in those days they payed someone to log everything down that was played on the show (don't know if they still have to do that now) in its full details but they had a shock when Guy went on the show as he was playing acetates that he and we had picked up in Detroit with little to no information written upon. The poor girls head was in bits.
  3. Yes, Terry Christian before he became famous did radio Derby, he was one of the few that bought awards to the Derby based station. Guy did it and later Dave Evison. I, Tim Finch, Guy and Chris King took Richard Popcorn Wylie on the show onetime and all of us including Terry went over Normanton for a curry afterwards.
  4. Where is the bit about finding Tony Colton under my bed
  5. Got mine from a collector friend in Detroit 1994 when I was there with John Kingham. it was less than $10 from memory
  6. Don't get confused with the DJ his name was Spike, the smallest DJ in the UK. Having said that I think Spiv who was from Repton also DJ and of course Kev Orton DJ at a very early age, money raised for his vinyl doing a paper round whilst still at school
  7. Hi, since this is about Midlands clubs I would like to include a very famous one from my nearest Town of Burton-on Trent. The famed 76 Club. Not entirely devoted to Soul music by any means but people on hear will have fond memory's of that venue. The list of live acts appearing there over the years is quite outstanding. As I remember it Friday was "Freaky" night. Saturday was maybe more commercial but included a lot of Soul music. Sunday was the dedicated Soul night with the likes of Carl Dene being the regular DJ. A book written and published by Rob Cox entitled "Rock This Town" is/was available that covers the clubs history and of course there is a large section dedicated to its coverage of Soul music, I do hope the older members on here can recall some story's regarding this iconic club. As most will know there was a club every night of the week and weekend where you could have your fill of Soul music These are some of the places of those times I talk about and remember as a 13yr old in 1970 Rugby Club, Sharpes and Knights Club, Leander Club, Pirelli Club, Henhurst Hill Club and more that I don't remember. What a great start in life for me, I continue to this day (without tea breaks) still doing this Soul thing and I'm currently writing a book about my trips to Detroit in meeting and spending quality time with the people who created the music of what this Soul Source Forum is all about Richard "Gilly" Gilbert X of Willington, Derbyshire.
  8. Gilly

    alan day and chris 1

    Mr Day, my first musical hero, and that shop in Burton on Trent The House of Sounds
  9. Still got Bob Bloor's phone No he gave me written on a beer mat at Samantha's
  10. Yes, what an artist, had almost everything by him inc UK demos, EP, blue, white and yellow US Unsatisfied, Big Top and Big Hill, Canadian Quality Unsatisfied and Magic Potion. LP +a copy of "The Panic is On" long before it got released courtesy of Ady C. Weaned on Unsatisfied and Magic Potion. As you can see I was rather obsessive about him. Only had the extended version of Unsatisfied on CD not acetate. Thankyou Lou, oh how would have loved to see you sing live. R.I. P. you legend
  11. Used to know Alan quite well back at Wigan, a very nice guy and always approachable. Remember him for playing (yes I know a poppy type song) Eskew Affair. Salt and Pepper. Also Drake and the Ensolids and New York in the dark
  12. Forgot to mention (no its not a sales ploy) when this book does come out I intend for every book sold to donate £2 to go towards the stroke unit at Kettering General Hospital, as some will know I spent Xmas in there and those people work so hard its the right thing to do
  13. Yes still working on my book (alongside my two helpers) its been quite a challenge but it has to be right, of course once its printed then it is too late to change. I get asked by someone every week have I finished the book yet, its all very encouraging and I thank you for that. Please stay with me on this project I wont let you down. Most will know the general outline of this project but for those who don't here is a basic run down. I tell the story of the 5 trips I made to Detroit with various fellows from the UK 85-94 Its not about just records more about the interaction and the quality time I spent with those super stars that not only formed our lives but through their music gave us our lives, its their legacy going forward. Its not meant to be about me but its a story that in most cases only I can tell. How proud in being responsible for (through ACE/KENT) bringing the likes of Little Ann Bridgforth, OC Tolbert, Dave Hamilton for every ones pleasure, living at Richard "Popcorn" Wylie's house for several days and going over to Duke Browner's house for a couple of hours, and even fainting in Pat Lewis's bathroom one time. Tony Johnson of Tony and Tyrone fame pissing on Andy "Tats" Taylor's shoes when in a Detroit bar. With the book I hope will be a DVD of footage taken of those stars at that time and some photos never seen before. Book forwarded by Sharon McMahan, its my book and even I cant wait, but I do hope you will.
  14. Indeed, so sad
  15. It was done after Steve Mancha's release as they used the same backing and in no way is that a 62 production. No matter who David was contracted to these guys hung in each others pockets they all knew one another, it was never intended to be released just a song David wanted to do. David had a very impulsive nature due to his lifestyle. Don't forget Don Davis told us this, it couldn't have come from a better source. Anglo American bought the masters from Willie Davis (Dons brother) as his prices were more favourable than Dons, I know because me and Guy tried to purchase them but the prices were like telephone numbers and don't forget this is pre CD explosion so we could never of made a penny out of them
  16. Yes I can tell you about this, its featured in my forthcoming book. The story told to me and Guy Hennigan in 1985 Whilst at United Sound Systems by Don Davis. By all accounts David had been bugging Don for a while in wanting to do this song, so one night or should I say early morning Don gets a call from David saying I want to do this song now so Don gets out of bed and meets up with David at the studio. Also a few tech people as they were using the same backing as the release. David started to sing in a conventional upright stance and as the song progressed David dropped gradually down to lying on his back on finishing the song off. Dons words were he had never seen anyone prior or since do that, one perfect take David nailed it
  17. yes I had an address for Arkansas, but no reply
  18. OK well that's one of my theory's out the window, so now we know, wonder about the Rhythm label connection
  19. Since the email for John Ellison has kindly been put up I hope someone has made an attempt to contact him, guess its just a case of waiting for a reply.
  20. I gather John has two places, one in Florida and the other I cant remember
  21. I remember Tim Ashebende has a great photo of the Servicemen (Colouredman) on here
  22. Yes Lester Osban is the name I have x
  23. Here is a bit of bollox slightly related trivia that some of you might find funny, when I spoke to Hadley Murrell many years ago I told him we had named our pet cat Hadley in honour of this man (I had recently bought the Wind Hit 45 from Dave Thorley) that cat was a real tough one, he actually got run over on the Repton rd, Willington where im from originally, a passing Ambulance stopped, put him in the back and round to the village vets, the cat made a full recovery and lived to a ripe old age. Well that should of lightened things up a bit and on my Mothers life is all true
  24. There is a record that I have by the Soul Brothers Six called "I Don't Want To Cry" on Fine Records that came out of Rochester NY 1966 to me if you compare the voice on that song and with the one in question. The label is/was owned by the Osban family who ive tried to make contact with for a number of years. If the old man is still alive he is getting on for sure. The family still live in the same house to my knowledge and I have tried some of the extended family in touching base with but Americans are not noted for their replies. You may think I'm waffling here but there is a record by the Brothers of Soul on Rhythm (red label) there has been one for sale recently on Rare soul site out of Leicester £500 which is half the price ive seen it go for, I would love to own it but its against my principles to spend that kind of money on a record. One side is funk (that's actually been put out on another label) but the slow soul side I would dearly like to have. If readers on here can get a sound file of this well again the voice seems to compare. None of this has any link with the Detroit group before anyone wastes there time. OK these are my TWO theory's laugh all you like but its TWO more than anyone else has come up with

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