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Everything posted by zmpromo

  1. wanted duke browner...crying over you.....issue or demo...call zander on 07837667395
  2. timi yuru..it,ll never be over for me.....m-....label & vynil in great condition...£1000. or best offer.....liberty lbf 15182 karen striblin...we,re not to young(to fall in love)..m...-label & vynil in great condition...£300. or best offer.....jaber jb 7117 call zander on 07837667395
  3. looking to purchase this record ...if you can help, e-mail me on zmpromo@hotmail.co.uk
  4. im posting this for a friend,he is trying to sell off his northern collection..his name is mark mcdougall his mobile is 07703177958 his e-mail is markmcdougall1@hotmail.com he has made up a list if you call or e-mail him he will send you it ...thanks zander
  5. record now sold...thank you all very much....zander
  6. thanks for positive feedback ,im only trying to sell a record for what i think its worth.
  7. looks like you two wont be having it then
  8. MEL BRITT-------SHE^LL COME RUNNING BACK --------1000 pounds 100% original --- in 1st class condition all round ---call zander on 07837667395
  9. billy arnell is now sold ,,,thank you,
  10. billy arnell is now sold ,,,thank you,
  11. MEL BRITT-------SHE^LL COME RUNNING BACK --------1100 pounds or best offer BILLY ARNELL--------TOUGH GIRL---------------------------1000 pounds or best offer both 100% originals ---both in 1st class condition all round ---call zander on 07837667395
  12. the reason theirs an alternative after show party at the merlin is because mr winstanley asked soul boys promo to orginise the after show party for them and after finding venue,advertising,selling tickets,orginision pa system and dj,then wanted 100 free tickets & half the door money and didnt want to put any money towards party,as this wasnt feesable they then decided they would put the party on themselfs and put preasure on traverse thearte to deal with them and not soul boys promo...after all the hard work we had put in to this mr winstanley had stabbed us in the back so we are having our own after show party were everybody is wecome....film cast & film makers....so come along and join us for a great nite of northern soul oldies...8.00 till 1.00...at the merlin....hoping this answers your question roddy
  13. ALTERNATIVE after show party of oldies northern soul music being held at the MERLIN,morningside road, edinburgh..8.00 till 1.00 djs zander..billy marr....benny daly....great venue...great oldies music......no russ winstanly(mr double cross)................................. for a great nite hopefully after a great film...see you there.....love zander.......
  14. ps forgot to mention, newcastle,manchester,morecombe,gt yarmouth & glenrothes...very sorry........zm....if i remember any more ,ill let you know
  15. didnt know i needed to post a cv to ask a question on this site but here is some info on myself ,if you need any other info ,please dont hesitate to ask: my name is zander murray i have been into northern soul since the 70s ,i run the edinburgh soul weekender & co run the gilmerton soul club..i have also run the edinburgh scooter club since 1981, i have attended alnighters north & south of the border over the years. ie wigan, rotherham,stafford,warrington,edinburgh,aberdeen,dundee,shotts,dumfermline,fouldhouse,bonnyrigg,thornton. hopeing this is satisfactory zm
  16. thank you for replys,,,murry is spelt murray thank you who ever you are...zm
  17. can anyone give me contact details of russ winstanley as would like to book him for soul nite....zmpromo@hotmail.co.uk

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