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Everything posted by Stanley

  1. all from my personal collection and in great condition,i can take paypal also on these, tony hestor--watch yourself karate issue--250 mint george jay--say that you love me--dynamic rare issue mint 400 mikki farrow--set my heart at ease--karate issue--first-- 600 mint james phelps --the look on your face-apache issue-650-- mint all originals and fantastic conditions best george
  3. mikki farrow original, mint issue, set my heart at ease /could it be,this is from my own personal collection at set sale £700,paypal available.
  4. hi dave, i,ll take the dee dee sharp demo as agreed, best g
  5. i have enjoyed reading all the comments on william powell and reckon my own copy signed by william powell himself (his own copy ) and bought off me by mick h a couple of years ago for more than the one sold on ebay,was a bit of a snip and great value. best george.
  6. hi nev, thank you for those nice comments,i must admit the cumby was a great place to" ply my trade,"and i doubt anyone could have been made more welcome.you guys AWAYS made it a special place to dj at. my best to you all. george
  7. hi nev, take your point,i would have opened up a bit more after a bit of interest.what i don,t want is being bombarded .i,m letting a few more things go again.best george hunt
  8. i have a mint issue of george jay "say that you love me" on dynamic for sale @£500.it is far more rare than the demo. best
  9. i have an excellent vinyl copy forsale,of chico lamarr what do you think i am on fuller,both sides play great,but both are label damaged .is it a grand to anyone? £1000.

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