Sad to her about Max.
Lots of memories. From the first time I walked into his shop at around the age of 15 to dancing to him spinning sounds at The Lafyette. His shop became a regular haunt for me and my friends in our early years. It was like an alladin's cave of jewels. The jewels of course where the magical records (vinyl) that hung from the walls in the windows and tempted you at every turn. And there behind the counter was this enigmatic, enthusiastic man who seemed to love evey record in the shop. The soul was not just in the records it was in the very atmosphere, in the air. How could you not hand your money over easily to this gentleman. I just had to have everything that Max recommended and never regretted buying anything. He would always welcome you as if you were his best friend and he made you feel as if you were. Once he knew me he would put bookings my way and often at Christmas I would stagger out of the shop after having a little glass or two of something warming. He always seemed to have hidden gems, sometimes hot off the press, sometimes in boxes that were collections he sold for people. The bargains I bought, the rarities I bought were mainly bought from Max. Every gem has a memory and there are quite a few. It seems so sad that a man that helped shape my life, my taste in music, has gone. He will be sadly missed, but the music will continue and every groove has his name in it.