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Everything posted by michael-j

  1. yep, on Jetstream. best version IMO, great horns
  2. says $8 international in the description
  3. Marcus' username is 'Macke' on here if you want to PM him
  4. from the notch in the label, looks like it was cracked whilst having one of those stupid clip-in metal centres removed.
  5. seems to crop up mostly between about 75 and 120 quid, although i just checked Popsike, and Toto records seem to have got $250 for one a couple of weeks ago...
  6. old Billboard magazines can be searched in Google Books, and have the following info: Gus Jenkins was a partner in Pioneer, other being Clayton Metzler they review 'Lament' as a pop record and give it 3 Stars ('good sales potential') !! Mamie Jenkins (wife?) appears to have previously recorded as Mamie Ree, so presumably is not Mamie Perry? would love a copy too, is a great track
  7. maybe this is confusing things - in post #87 in this thread you wrote: when it clearly hasn't...
  8. which release are you after? i've got a promo of 1505 for sale...
  9. yes it's true, but it was Liquid Paper she invented, Tip-Ex is a later, German product: https://www.snopes.com/music/artists/nesmith.asp
  10. both sides are great (Adam and Eva / Perdido Street). was told this was booted/repressed - mine is styrene and certainly has a later (70s?) looking typeface on it... anyone know more details?
  11. hmm, that's the identical scan that appears on rnb45.com, you can see the edges of the image where it's been rotated to straighten up the writing on the label. unless the OP just meant that theirs looks identical to that... pleased to know that there were only 15 copies - after one appeared (that TR won?) and a friend bought a 2nd chance offer, then a second appeared on ebay which i missed, i emailed the seller and he said that that was definitely the lot... and then a couple of months later another appeared (i got a 2nd chance on that one i think), and then another and another and another... guess maybe the owner was bringing them in a few at a time to the shop? either that or he simply lied...
  12. Chess is the second issue as well. gets plays on both mod and rocking scenes so a lot of people after it...
  13. interesting... the RB 100xx numbers match the US issue, and RB 101xx match the US Blue Cat issue, which started at 100 (didn't really plan ahead for more than 100 UK releases, did they?) https://www.globaldogproductions.info/b/blue-cat.html https://www.globaldogproductions.info/r/red-bird.html hence the gaps... edit - oh, just saw your second post, you already said that - d'oh!
  14. yeah, is a cheapie but doesn't come up too often. plus group are spelt wrongly on the label which doesn't help searching...
  15. and here he is in action on the soul and funk 45s:
  16. i don't usually mind Jiffy bags, if the record is secure between enough card inside and sellers make sure that the corrugation lines go in both directions - had one sent the other day in a corrugated card envelope with more corrugated card inside and could easily bend the package in one direction, thought it had snapped when it arrived, luckily it hadn't...
  17. thanks! - excellent article, not dumbed down at all, plenty of names and details in there
  18. worn styluses skip more - when did you last replace it? Diamond tipped styluses are supposed to last 1000 playing hours, but i imagine that's for nice clean LPs - playing 45s probably reduces that figure. and Sapphire tipped styluses (such as often come on the free cartridge supplied with a turntable) only last 300-500 hours
  19. anyone got any info on Bobby Long? same as Bobby Long and the Satellites 'Mojo Workout'? Bobby Long and the Cheerios 'Station HURT'? Googling for him doesn't help when there's some new singer with the same name...
  20. yeah, by the time the 45 came out i still hadn't got round to doing mine, either!
  21. this is the 2nd issue too - 1st issue was a 4 track CD EP released about 18 months earlier
  22. and don't forget it's excluding the P&P costs! 36 records for me, and almost all from the US, so that's another $250 or so...

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