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Everything posted by michael-j

  1. covers33 don't have them. this was discussed a while ago on another forum and i think ordering from bagsunlimited.com in the US worked out cheaper than the ad in the back of Record Collector (they don't have a website, but might be able to dig out the phone number). also IKEA do nice wooden boxes for 4 quid, no lid and not sturdy enough for dealers, but alright for the home.
  2. Budget solution - IKEA Trissa wooden boxes, 4.50 each. not sure how many they hold though, about 80-90 each?
  3. not keen on a deejay playing the same record twice on the night in different rooms either. i can understand the repeated plays (in whatever room) if it's a new discovery, but otherwise it's a bit of a shame when it's just a big track getting played twice when there's so many thousands of records out there...
  4. supposedly there was a mispelt one on Ebay the other week? went quite cheaply, couldn't find it in Completed Items though...
  5. i like them, makes them easier to deejay with but without the guilt of actually popping out the middle yourself!
  6. was just reading this the other day: https://www.intellexual.net/bose.html must admit, all the Bose systems i've heard have sounded terrible IMO, but if it works for you then that's what matters... (goes for all hifi, only exception is buying new needles regularly and setting up the turntable right, otherwise you're ruining your records whatever they sound like...) re: turntables - the problem with a lot of the good, cheap ones available these days (Pro-Ject, Rega, etc) is the difficulty in switching between 33 and 45 (have to remove the platter and change the belt - you can get a voltage switching box to do it though) . i'm thinking of upgrading from a Technics clone at some point, and will probably be looking out for a vintage one, fully manual, usually quite a few on Ebay from decent brands, only potential problem is getting it in one piece through the post...
  7. yes, 78s are (mostly) shellac, not vinyl. but if it's an acetate then surely it will be the same as a more recent acetate, i.e. metal disc with hard wax surface...?
  8. just checked - there are two issues of the instrumental under the name 'Elijah and the Ebonites', first on Loren, second on Capsoul. forgot the label of the Bell issue, thought that was just the vocal though, hence my confusion
  9. UK Pama is vocal and instrumental, i think both sides are on different US 45s, the instrumental is on (i think) Capsoul as Elijah and the Ebonies? might be cheaper over your side of the world...
  10. regarding snapping records - the main culprit is probably those flat metal ones which come with Technics turntables, which are slightly too large...
  11. you could get a 'dinking' tool to cut out the middle of the record if the record had a solid centre, all jukeboxes have large spindles but some records probably weren't expected to get played on them! small labels and so on... it's easy to annoy UK issue collectors by threatening to push out all the middles to make them easier to deejay with...
  12. re: Big Daddy Rogers, have another listen - the bit about dropping planks is only if she believes it "when people tell you that i don't love you"... so actually it's the opposite (despite his violent temperament) any version of Get Out My Life Woman... Joe Tex - Pneumonia (funny lyrics but pretty nasty!)
  13. a nice little account of the uncovering of one of the most famous JA cover ups, must have been in the late 50s when Prince Buster worked for Coxsone... (from https://www.bluejuice.org.au/subpage12.html)
  14. yeah i guessed that, but not having uploaded to youtube wasn't sure... that was just my opinion of why he'll never understand. he'll never have respect for music scenes and so on - the type who just thinks 'DJs just play other people's records'. known loads like him in real life and on the net...
  15. the original comment was genuine confusion, and totally understandable, the later argumentative bloke is just being that - he obviously knows what Northern Soul is, and has a grudge against it for some reason. i'm guessing he's British because of bits like mentioning 'scrubbers from Stoke' and so on. he's just someone who doesn't (and won't ever) understand the importance of all stages in the chain of any soul and dance music - from the songwriting and performance, the arrangement, production, to radio deejays (at the time) and record collectors, club deejays and dancers in the period since. it's his 'rockist' attitude - that artists are somehow separate and above everyone else involved - that is unlikely to change. while it's ultimately the performance which gives records that 'certain something', they seem to forget about the songwriting, the arrangement, the studio band, the producer, and so on. and the records were meant for nightclub and radio play in many cases, so that had a huge effect on the sound and development of the music, and once you realise all that, then extending it to see that the championing of rare or forgotten sounds in the period since is important too is quite an easy step to make. edit - that's a long post, but i've seen this attitude a lot in various places and various forms, and while it seems a bit irrelevant, that's ultimately what it boils down to. i can maybe see his point on this clip, since it's a famous track, and not really associated with Northern Soul, but certainly not worth arguing about, and that's his strange grudge coming out
  16. i think the only case where you would be clear, is stuff explicitly in the 'public domain' - so either stuff intended for free public use, or records where the copyright has expired. copyright exists for *all* records, i think whether they have been registered or not with the PPL doesn't matter - royalties would still be owed where necessary (reissuing, radio/tv/film play etc), so this won't be any different just because PPL don't know who to send the money to. as mentioned in the first post (although i missed it on first reading - maybe others did too?) you still need a PPL licence whether or not the records are registered with the PPL.
  17. have seen them twice at New Untouchables nighters, and they put on a good show, with a proper band (not the people who were miming in that clip - well i assume miming, the sound wasn't working for me).
  18. great stuff! a very 'Vinylvulture' style record that one...
  19. Lee Maye was a baseball player, and only recorded in the period between baseball seasons. i think his version of Have Love Will Travel (also issued as 'The Off-beats') has had a few Northern spins...?
  20. no-one's asked it yet, but is this person still a friend...?
  21. no information on the artist themselves (nothing really from Google), but there were stock copies of this floating round about two years ago - got one if anyone wants one... great label design...
  22. stop being an idiot, you only had them listed for 2 hours before you wrote that! is the James Barnes the same as the Funky Four on Golden World? (and the backing track for JJ Barnes 'Don't Bring Me Bad News'?)
  23. 150 quid? that was the WRONG answer! curses, was hoping would be about 15 quid like their others... trying to save money at the moment... great CD anyway, not keen on the popcorn-tastic Esko Wallace, but otherwise fine, fine stuff. the Dolly Lyons possibly my favourite unheard one on it...
  24. just remove the extra dot between the u and the k in 'co.uk'...
  25. i want this one too! in fact quite a few on that CD... the Trends is probably better known for the a-side, Not Too Old to Cry... (is that you James?)

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