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Everything posted by Davenpete

  1. A young Sparrow Hawk's been hanging around the nut feeders today (as it does periodically). After its latest unsuccessful sortie on the Blue Tits and being hassled by the bolshy Wood Pigeons that live on our patio, it stopped for a rest on the balcony railings. I was concerned after about 15 minutes that it hadn't flown off - even when I was right at the window - perhaps it had injured itself? Anyway I decided to go out onto the patio to check it could fly - it still didn't move - I got closer and closer. Eventually I was literally close enough to touch it - it didn't seem to be concerned, but after a couple of minutes with me close by it happily flew off into a neighbouring tree, clearly quite fit and well. I took these pictures with my phone - they are not enlarged in any way, just shot with the phone on normal setting - amazing, I guess it had just winded itself hunting, for want of a better way of putting it. Dx PS Anyone know if you can feed Sparrow Hawks successfully?
  2. 'You Don't Love Me' by the Epitome of Sound going by the "The girl you saw me with is just a friend" lyric.
  3. The down points... The Wheel memorabilia/pics are a bit thin on the ground and not very good quality as is the layout (should have got a proper designer - like me - to do it). At the tail end it when it talks post-Wheel it completely misses out and is clearly not aware of Brian Rae's (for a time) massively successful Twisted Wheel revivals which ran on bank holidays for several years - saying that Pete Robert's events were the first soul dos run at the club for 29 years. In fact, there were also some Placemate Allinighters in the very early 80s run by someones else, plus there were a few soul alldayers run there immediately after the Wheel closed and became Placemate 7 - I have Pete's Placemate 7 membership - I believe these were some of the first soul events that RS went to. It would have benefitted from some more input/comments from Wheel regulars. The bit on Les was pretty cursory too - specially given the fact he played the very last record, it also fails to make the point that ironically he DJed at Legends itself (as well as Heroes) in the 80s. HOWEVER... I have to say that what there is in there copy-wise is extremely well written and authoritative (only got it yesterday and have already finished it) - so overall I would HIGHLY recommend it, especially for the paltry £15 price tag. Rob McCeever - if you ever want to redo it 'properly' give me a shout and we'll work something out. Dx PS Would have put this in the new topic but I couldn't find it!
  4. What a pointless question - would the scene die if all our ears fell off?
  5. You'll be lucky it's unissued part from boots.
  6. Give it a week and Discovery will have a documentary out on 'The Lancashire Roswell', complete with 'ex-MI6' experts saying that the aliens must be monitoring British Aerospace at Salmesbury.
  7. His main car I remember was the manky matt black Volvo he used to turn up to scooter rallies in with Bear etc.
  8. I believe a certain spouse still has a her N 5 OUL plate. Dx
  9. How about 'Trade My Soul To The Devil'. Same feel and very much the same period of popularity. Not heard this for a LONG time - the other one that goes with 'the set' to me is Otis Lee's 'Hard Row To Hoe'. Dx PS In a weird way Chuck Wright's 'Palm of your hand' has something of 'Don't turn away' to it too (at least in my drug addled brain).
  10. What happened to The New Holidays??? Paid a fiver for it not that long ago - I see it's much the same price on Discogs as JM's auction. Is it the Levana factor? Dx
  11. You should try it with roaches out of the ash tray. Dx
  12. Sundown on the Solway (again!). I really ought to use my proper camera. Dx
  13. No it was never previously issued - RS will have played it off an EMIdisc/newly cut Acetete made from the tape. It was later released legally licensed to Grapevine of course - which since had never previously been issued can be considered the 'original' release. Dx
  14. Was all messed up today so I went for a walk on Bowness Common - a slightly higher ground peat bog than the nearby Glasson Moss and halfway between where I live now in Kirkbride and the next village, Bowness where I used to live. Dx
  15. Went for a wander on Glasson Moss (a lowland peat bog) - not much more than a mile from my house. I love the utter miles of wilderness of them - there are quite a few locally, but you'd just never know they were there in this area as they're always screened by silver birch woods. They're so primordial I always feel like you could easily be surprised by a Mammoth browsing in the bushes...
  16. Love the waders pic especially - sorry I'm useless on the species when it come to waders (they're my LBB). Dx
  17. Supposed to be 30s - it's new old stock from a defunct shop and had never been worn. Dx
  18. Another one of Pete's - a beautiful new-old stock 30s deco Oris bought very cheap off eBay - when he sent it for service (due to the oil gelling in the case through age) the dealer offered him more than three times what he paid for it.
  19. PS He used to have a single handed Meistersinger 24 hour dial watch - same as the one below (I forget the proper name for them - a 'Regulator' ?) - but with his eyesight being duff it used to be a standing joke that if you asked him the time, he'd look carefully at his wrist and say 'about mid afternoon'. Anyway we flogged it in the end for about £200 more than he paid for it new when they became trendy for a while. Dx
  20. Pete was a BIG watch collector - peaked at well over 100 (he had a full box that held a 100, plus two other boxes) - ALWAYS mechanical automatics - there's still about 50, including my various Mondains, Orises, Midos etc and our matching Omega Dynamics and the early 60s Breitling Toptime he bought me for my first birthday after we got together...
  21. Les Cokell said he discovered The Four Tracks and played it at The Mecca - it would certainly fit as it's a very 'Les' record and it was the only one he laid claim to - to me at least. Dx
  22. Not seen our Barn Owl this year - indeed only seen one all year up here. Dx

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