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Everything posted by Davenpete

  1. I'm gonna take you to the wood shed and drop a couple of planks on you. Big Daddy Rogers
  2. Some really nice originals for sale including I'm No Fool on Terri Dee, Detroit Soul - All of My Life FW matrix stamped, Wilson Pickett Let me Be Your Boy British issue, Krist Want to know more, Seventh Wonder Captain of My Ship, Curtis How Can I tell her, Superlatives on Yellow orig, Lovelites - Get Him Off My Conscience, The Gems I'll Be there original demo. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/carne4464/m.html?item=191065732807&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Dave
  3. Ending today! Still no bids on many of the nicer items. Dx
  4. Merely trimmed the sideys to a manly earlobe length mate - tash - accidentally cut that off 2 years ago (slipped with a razor whilst thinning it down - musn't look too boystown!) - first time Pete had ever seen me without it (I've only ever cut if off twice since I could grow one) - took about 1 hour for him to stop saying it made me look younger and to agree I should grow it back as soon as possible (I looked like the toad man off the League of Gentlemen without it). Dx PS I've heard it said pretty authoritatively (by someone that knew what they were talking about) that Willie Small was played at the Wheel - can anyone comment?
  5. Putting some good stuff on ebay - Superlatives, Lovelites Get it Off My Coscience, Donald Lee Richardson, Saint Demo, Valentines issue, Universals, Sharon Scott, Melba Moore 6Ts Anniversary single, Showmen Wrong Girl, Robert Banks demo, Gems demo: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/carne4464/m.html?item=191046117723&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Dx
  6. Oh... THAT Paul - how's things on the South Coast - don't get out a lot at the mo - between work and everything else. All the best Dx
  7. Further good stuff - Flaming Emeralds, Earl Grant, Chi Lites Love Bandit (British), James Cobbin, Maurice Williams - Being Without You, Kristy - Want To Know More etc https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/carne4464/m.html?item=191043265250&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  8. Put some good stuff up on eBay this week, including originals of Delegates of Soul, Earl Wright, Sapphires (Slow Fizz), Seventh Wonder, Curtis Lee, Willie Mitchell Driving Beat ep complete with duke box tags, Marvellows (In The Sunshine), Billy Webster, BJ Thomas. Dx https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/carne4464/m.html?item=191033862033&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  9. Pete was dead worried this morning til I persuaded him it was a scam. Dx
  10. Don't know if anyone else has ever had this but I just had my paypal account randomly frozen (presumably because of increased activity). They wouldn't put it back online until I'd sent them all sorts of proof of postage, a scan of my driving licence (they wanted invoices as well until I finally persuaded them I was selling part of a private record collection, most of which I'd owned for 25 years) etc. This stop might have been understandable if had never sold stuff on the account before (I usually sell about £2-5k a year of various things) and I didn't have 100% positive feedback going back 12 years - but it's effing annoying being treated like a criminal. Anyway FINALLY back on (having had to make a 30 mile round trip home to get the postage proof stuff). Anyone who's ordered records - everything paid up to Monday Evening was posted yesterday (80 odd packages) the remainder paid yesterday and first thing this morning will be posted today. Dave (carne4464)
  11. Have to say I've been surprised at what has sold and what hasn't at the cheaper end of the stuff I've been offloading - I think it's largely the traditional eBay-itis - if something's well know to be rare and valuable it goes silly (I got £330 for one of my records that though it's a great record I consider common - a £30 sound at most, though currently in demand) whereas other really rare things that aren't widely known as 'something to have to impress your mates with' have had little or no interest. Dx
  12. You sound like me 30 years ago in almost every detail (except I was 18 when I went to my first nighter) - welcome aboard, it's a privilege to have you here. Dx
  13. A lot of classic Northern tunes and some big originals like Carol Anderson and The Falcons' Good Good Feeling, lots more going on too: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190979475629?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  14. It was obviously the coverer that was on something pretty strong - probably those giant bombers that they take in that silly Soul Boy film... More than likely (judging by the total lack of vocal or musical resemblance) he had stuffed them in his ears (having misheard the instructions for suppositories). Dx
  15. I've got one on eBay at the mo: https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190979660577&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:GB:1123
  16. I remember 'Heartaches' from the mid-late 80s too - it was only recently I found out 'How Can I' was on the other side which is one of my all-time favourite nighter sounds - was it covered as Vickie Baines or was that the durophet? Dx
  17. Have added a load more - currently 168 up for auction - more to come. Dx

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