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Posts posted by Davenpete

  1. Some really nice originals for sale including I'm No Fool on Terri Dee, Detroit Soul - All of My Life  FW matrix stamped, Wilson Pickett Let me Be Your Boy British issue, Krist Want to know more, Seventh Wonder Captain of My Ship, Curtis How Can I tell her, Superlatives on Yellow orig, Lovelites - Get Him Off My Conscience, The Gems I'll Be there original demo.





  2. Merely trimmed the sideys to a manly earlobe length mate - tash - accidentally cut that off 2 years ago (slipped with a razor whilst thinning it down - musn't look too boystown!) - first time Pete had ever seen me without it (I've only ever cut if off twice since I could grow one) - took about 1 hour for him to stop saying it made me look younger and to agree I should grow it back as soon as possible (I looked like the toad man off the League of Gentlemen without it).




    PS I've heard it said pretty authoritatively (by someone that knew what they were talking about) that Willie Small was played at the Wheel - can anyone comment?

    • Helpful 1
  3. was wondering that myself, christ for what was considered a bit of an oldies nighter at the time the music sounds pretty progressive by todays standards.



    Didn't realise you went there back then Algis (must've been a couple of years later we got to know each other) - I'm kicking around somewhere in there too - probably with Buey and the Oxford/Swindon lot.


    I notice Craig Westwood looking like a model out of an Armani catalogue even the next morning - as ever.


    I pop up with big silly sideburns in the last video at 45.01 and 47.07 utterly off me tree.


    I loved the Unicorn - probably still my favourite nighter.


    Loved Use It Before You Lose It - first record I paid £70 for back then.




    PS Baz Riley - used to take out his glass eye and put it on the turntable.

    • Helpful 3
  4. No question it's a fantastic label (you forgot Sonny Craver) - but I wouldn't say it's that rare, I've had the Penetrations and still have Sonny Craver and have seen several copies of both. Come to that I've seen a few UK Kings in my time.


    The rare shit one on LaSalle you probably mean is Ellen and The Shandells (do you still have it Sooty?) - this is a different La Salle. Love Lynn Terry with a passion - cack singing, cack recording, but there's something about it.


    Used to have Lou Lawton Wrapped In A Dream on UK Speciality - never seen that anywhere else (the track being released om the UK Ember compilation).



  5. Don't know if anyone else has ever had this but I just had my paypal account randomly frozen (presumably because of increased activity).


    They wouldn't put it back online until I'd sent them all sorts of proof of postage, a scan of my driving licence (they wanted invoices as well until I finally persuaded them I was selling part of a private record collection, most of which I'd owned for 25 years) etc.


    This stop might have been understandable if had never sold stuff on the account before (I usually sell about £2-5k a year of various things) and I didn't have 100% positive feedback going back 12 years - but it's effing annoying being treated like a criminal.


    Anyway FINALLY back on (having had to make a 30 mile round trip home to get the postage proof stuff).


    Anyone who's ordered records - everything paid up to Monday Evening was posted yesterday (80 odd packages) the remainder paid yesterday and first thing this morning will be posted today.


    Dave (carne4464)

  6. Have to say I've been surprised at what has sold and what hasn't at the cheaper end of the stuff I've been offloading - I think it's largely the traditional eBay-itis - if something's well know to be rare and valuable it goes silly (I got £330 for one of my records that though it's a great record I consider common - a £30 sound at most, though currently in demand) whereas other really rare things that aren't widely known as 'something to have to impress your mates with' have had little or no interest.


  7. Being only 17 myself, i guess i'm still new to the scene as a whole, some people have been into it for 40 years or so, i'm just scraping the surface of a whole life ahead of new soul music and people to meet. I guess i'm alot different that the kids up at 'Wigan Young Souls' as my parents were never into the music, they were into the rave scene in the 80s. None of my friends were into it and to be honest, i didn't even know it exsisted! I got into The Jam when I was about 10...i found an old CD of it in my dads collection, and decided to listen to it, i didn't know about Paul Weller or 'mod' or anything, I just liked the music. I was listening to The Jam for about 2 years until i heard about The Who by accident...one of their songs 'I Won't Get Fooled Again' was played out in a pud or something once and i loved it! I found out who they were and i bought one of their CD's from Woolworths (can't remember what one now). I dropped that music for about a year and got into my parents music taste; Happy Mondays, Primal Scream, 808 state etc...When i was about 14 i got into The Who again and starting buying their other albums and looking to tours etc, it slowly came apparently that The Jam and The Who, both had the same logo...but it was actually the roundel. From there i got into other mod bands such as The Creation, The Byrds, Secret Affair etc... Through knowing these bands now, i found about about Ska bands aswell, Specials, Bad Manners...so i really got into that aswell.


    Northern soul, or, Soul music, was the last thing i found out about, i discovered it by accident when i looking on a page about 'mod music', so i decided to give it a try...I found out about kev roberts top 500 and started listening to them, it didn't click at first, so i tried to found some harder edged sounds, and the first track i fell in love with was called, Fox in a Mini Skirt - Claude & hank Carbo (castle records), which is quite under the radar. Slowly i started to learn about the tunes and started to collect records...this really helped me learn the music and get to learn new music, for me, records are a visual thing aswell as the audio, i find it easier to remember a record from the label, visualising it in my mind. Now I collect mainly r&b and funky stuff...i like the sounds that are a bit different from the 'oldies' as too be honest, i can't stand that stuff. Frank wilson...the snake...don't even get me started. I've never liked it, never will. Now i have a collection of about 400 45's and has become part from everyday life, going to a night on the friday and then an all nighter on the saturday or just a night, and maybe an all dayer on teh sunday if it's nearby, i travel all over england from bristol up to manchester, based in peterborough, i'm pretty much in the centre of everything, and the scene is still good here, no one my age, but that doesn't affect me one bit.


    I do anything i can to get money to buy records and go to nighters, I buy and sell everything from stamp collections to clothes to the obvious...records...

    so yeah, that's abit about me as a whole....




    You sound like me 30 years ago in almost every detail (except I was 18 when I went to my first nighter) - welcome aboard, it's a privilege to have you here.


    • Helpful 2
  8. It was obviously the coverer that was on something pretty strong - probably those giant bombers that they take in that silly Soul Boy film... More than likely (judging by the total lack of vocal or musical resemblance) he had stuffed them in his ears (having misheard the instructions for suppositories).


  9. You didn't say that though to start with that is why I replied with the reply I did......and no

    I said I heard it late 80's early 90's, reading your post number 5 it wasn't played till ten years ago then you replied to be saying never played when I said I'd heard it 80's and 90's...bit vague your reply. I definitely heard it a longer than 10 years ago.

    I remember 'Heartaches' from the mid-late 80s too - it was only recently I found out 'How Can I' was on the other side which is one of my all-time favourite nighter sounds - was it covered as Vickie Baines or was that the durophet?


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