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Everything posted by Davenpete

  1. The clown suits and ridiculous posturing on TV are embarrassing to us all and are a very recent resurrection (and were always seen as dead naff even back in the day by the boss and his crowd) - deeply tacky and counter to what I see the scene as about - basic love of soulful music you can dance to. Dx
  2. Really miss Saus - some fantastic stuff, as has been said WAAAY ahead of his time - even Pete used to like (most of) his RnB. Dx
  3. I don't think you can expect to get a professionally run venue on the cheap. It's not so much to enable the promoters to make loads of money (though WHY shouldn't they if they do a good job - were the Torch, Wheel and Wigan not all big money making propositions?) ...but if they're sailing close to the wind financially and they have a couple of bad nights (due to bad weather or venue clashes) they're seriously out of pocket and making substantial losses. I know back when me and Pete were involved in The White Heather at Carlisle, though it was well liked for its music policy by those who went, we only made any money a couple of times and lost A LOT several times. In the past we often used to get offered in free but always turned it down to ensure profits remained sustainable (with the exception of the Ritz guest list because we helped out here and there). Personally I think nighters should be of the order of £15+ to get in - not unreasonable on any level IMO for 8 hours of music that's very expensive to finance as a DJ (I bet the number of OXO spinners who actually really cover the costs of their records can be counted on one hand - at best) - and if it leaves you short of beer money then BLOODY GREAT as far as I'm concerned - the licensing of nighters was one of the worst things to happen in modern times IMO (more gear = more fun for everyone). Dx
  4. Isn't Ludix also Lloyd Price? What about Washpan? Dx PS Wasn't Reprise owned by Frank Sinatra?
  5. NO!!!! Adding oil to your labels - mad! Petrol lighter fluid - back in the days we still did artwork on drawing board we always used it for degreasing and removing spirit glues, also great for degreasing vinyl. Felt tip - unlikely you will ever really succeed. Dx
  6. Was told by Hank that it's CP Spencer on lead on the speeded up one. Dx
  7. First time I've ever had my trousers taken down for a search going in to a nighter... Remember some very phased rave kids coming to see what was going on with all these old guys off their tits downstairs - yes it was a crap night in the Northern room BTW. Dx
  8. Very sorry to hear that, it really stinks, my best wishes Gary. Dave Carne
  9. Went to the premier last night (thanks for the invite) - overall I have to say it was EXCELLENT - the dancing very good and not-overly reliant on silly acrobatics and the characters well portrayed and convincingly 'us'. A few minor and rather nuanced criticisms: The music selection was great, some real benchmark 'proper' Northern Soul sounds, though it DID represent a cross section of sounds spun from the early 70s right through to the early 80s rather than the sounds specifically to be heard around the 1974ish? period portrayed (though this is quite understandable I guess as the film will be serving as a musical introduction for many of the people watching it rather than a historical document) - with a couple simply unknown altogether before Wigan was closed. My other mild criticism is that there was a fairly overbearing drug presence - whilst obviously it would be foolish to deny their almost universal existence on the scene (especially in years gone by) - they are in my view of secondary importance in that use of uppers is (and I think it'd be fair to say this for most people) 80% about making it easy to stay awake - and the popping of the 'giant' black and whites and strange green and white capsules whether going out or not portrayed in the film (hey guys get your gear right!) was a bit too in yer face - I for one have almost never touched anything when not going out and find being wrecked with nowhere to go positively irritating. Would have also been nice to have seen more structured portrayal of the weekend life, its fraternity and the 'living for the weekend' cycle - Friday Soul Night/Nighter; Alldayer; Saturday Night Nighter, maybe another alldayer etc... come back to life Tuesday (maybe a soul night Thursday) and start organising the next weekend etc (though I guess for the Rochdale/Bolton/Bury type location local to the epicentre portrayed in the film this was less of an issue than it was for me in the 80s having to travel a gazillion miles to most nighters). Of course the scene is such a massively complex web of different features, sounds, trends and viewpoints (not to mention something that you can only really understand from within) that a dozen films couldn't capture it properly (and CERTAINLY not for someone on the outside looking in) - and so as a lovingly crafted, brave snapshot of the life I have to say it did do EXTREMELY well. Dave PS Was great to see everyone - pity me and Pete couldn't stay for the nighter.
  10. Normal design copyright laws prevent you from trademarking images/designs that are already clearly in the public domain (a bit like patents - you can't patent something that already exists) - surprised it even went to court - but WHAT a bunch of slimey profiteering little turds to even try it! Dx
  11. Tried to call her at the weekend about something else (Pete wants to pop down and see her when shes over here in October) and was going to ask her yeh or nay but she hadn't got up yet and was at church when we called back. Dx
  12. 1000% it turned up later than 92 - at least 95 I reckon. Dx
  13. The boss think it sounds like Brenda too (agreed the voice is deep for Patrice) - he's a major BH fanatic. More reminiscent of her earlier Donna period vocal sound. I know Brenda was doing the odd sneaky vocal foreigners under the Motown radar during her sessions at the Mirwood studios. Dx
  14. That SERIOUSLY sounds like a Holloway singing - can't decide if it's Brenda or Patrice. Dx PS Defo recorded at Hollywood and Vine though (as ALL BH's stuff was).
  15. Got my vote on that - how could you possibly compare the staggeringly brilliant Masqueraders with that piece of third rate clippy cloopy shite? Dx
  16. Always loved this - and its pin money to get a copy: Dx
  17. If you haven't got any DJs you'd be extremely hard pushed to better having Brian Philips and Julian Bentley on. Dx
  18. The melody has a slight feel of the Uniques' Not Too Long Ago. Dx
  19. Played on Radio 2 at the weekend. Dx

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