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Everything posted by Davenpete

  1. Used to collect em in a big way at one point - things like Frank Foster, Dick Leslie, Billy Preston (In The Midnight Hour), 'The Kinettes', Earl Van Dyke, Gerry and Paul, Exus Trek etc etc are SO full of oomph and excitement they're just brilliant - though I must admit I was never particularly hot on dancing to them. The issue for me is usually instrumentals of vocal recordings - especially the 'tracks' as they tend to have a badly filled hole in production where the singer was. Dx
  2. Way before my time - but I thought the thread was 'FORGOTTEN oldies from Wigan days' - 90% of these are super-well known today (not to mention many significantly pre-dating Wigan as well) - what's the point of just reeling off lists of well known oldies? Surely we're talking Night Train/Bobby Hill 'To The Bitter End', Dalton James and Sutton 'Run Baby', Little Lisa 'Hang On Bill', Mitchell Braithwaite 'You've Been A Long Time Coming', Ted Wilson 'I Can't Take Any More' or the Feathers 'Trying to Get to You' etc etc????? Dx
  3. Funnily enough when Pete's dad died we found this Pendulum badge in his hoard of nick nacks, medals and cap badges he had left over from the war - Pete couldn't remember ever having had the patch at the time. Dx
  4. Such a pity - he was a lovely guy. Dx
  5. On British I think they're backed up (it's a long time ago now and there's been a lot of gear between then and now) - that's what the 100 Club spin was played on. Dx
  6. Ruby Andrews - No. David Ruffin Junior - Yes. Dx
  7. Sad sheepish twats - where were they when there were loads of copies about at £10-15? Or didn't they like it then because nobody else wanted it - i.e. a chart music mentality. Dx
  8. 'Torch Classic' - i.e. it wants burning.
  9. Was well known IMO in the 80s - at least amongst nighter going collectors - seem to remember hearing at the Unicorn on occasion. Dx
  10. Er... No. You have to make the money to pay tax on it.
  11. Definitely known earlier than that - Pete had it in his collection which he gave away in 1975. Dx
  12. Apart from the Neil Young one (which neither me or Pete knew) - an absolute doddle - I even predicted what three of the questions would be before they came on - never thought they'd have anything as stupidly easy as the Berry Gordy question. The official Temps question answer was just wrong as far as we could work it out from any angle. Dx PS Does anyone know him?
  13. As I remember it's only about £200 to register a limited liability company (not a lot anyway) - it's extremely unlikely that things like Twisted Wheel Soul Limited, Torch Northern Limited, Wigan Northern Soul Limited, Casino Northern Soul Limited, Big Trousers and Circle Skirts Clown Attire and Fancy Dress Supplies Limited etc etc etc are currently registered... Never mind variants like Whatever Name You Want 'Ltd' (you can register the company name as Ltd as opposed to Limited) and Northern Soul (Wigan) Limited (or indeed Northern Soul (Any Place You Care To Mention) Limited. And that's not to mention Any Old Limited TRADING AS (T/A) 'Russ Winstanley's Wedge', 'Kiss Me Quick Northern Soul' or 'Riker Liker Floorshaker' - whatever it is, if you want to register it or use a Trading Name you can (as long as you are clearly not another company competing in the same market and that it states your company's legal name on the letterhead, a trading name if applicable, and its registered number - 'Registered in England and Wales' or 'Registered in Scotland')... The only thing any of this really means is that if you are bidding on this eBay item you are clueless about business and that if you are aiming to use one of these sorts of names you are probably a cynical bastard aiming to milk the scene because you've got infinitely more love of money than respect for the scene or love of the music anyway. Dx
  14. Don't know anything about Larry but apparently his Missus was a fugitive from Federal justice. Dx
  15. Not much doubt that Ady has been easily the greatest single positive contributor to the Northern scene in the last 35 years. Dx
  16. Always loved it AND the Kindly Shepherds (and indeed Eddie Kendricks' He's A Friend, though I choose to assign different meaning to the lyrics) and am a rabid atheist - it doesn't stop being brilliant record just because of the sky fairy lyrics. Dx
  17. Remember watching it at the time. Clocking Off also had a Northern story line where one of the lead characters was hacked off because her boyfriend was away at nighters every weekend. Dx
  18. 'Extremely Dubious' - does that suggest I actually think it's her?
  19. Seem to remember an extremely dubious claim that it was actually a young Linda Jones singing. Dx
  20. Different stuff but The Glories' I Worship You Baby popped up randomly as background music in an episode of Drifters I was watching the other night (bingewatched the whole series one evening and there's no other Northern in there). Dx
  21. Methinks he has a dodgy email he's using to bid up his own records to get better rates for them. Dx
  22. Aren't you rather missing the point? Limited 'Signed by Russ Winstanley' what a wonderful piece of exploitative cynical profiteering. Dx
  23. I paid that for it off Roger Banks and dumped it coz I hated it. Dx
  24. No 'Uncle' Jimmy DEFINITELY hasn't passed away according Freddie Gorman's son - though he is seriously ill. Dx

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