As I remember it's only about £200 to register a limited liability company (not a lot anyway) - it's extremely unlikely that things like Twisted Wheel Soul Limited, Torch Northern Limited, Wigan Northern Soul Limited, Casino Northern Soul Limited, Big Trousers and Circle Skirts Clown Attire and Fancy Dress Supplies Limited etc etc etc are currently registered...
Never mind variants like Whatever Name You Want 'Ltd' (you can register the company name as Ltd as opposed to Limited) and Northern Soul (Wigan) Limited (or indeed Northern Soul (Any Place You Care To Mention) Limited.
And that's not to mention Any Old Limited TRADING AS (T/A) 'Russ Winstanley's Wedge', 'Kiss Me Quick Northern Soul' or 'Riker Liker Floorshaker' - whatever it is, if you want to register it or use a Trading Name you can (as long as you are clearly not another company competing in the same market and that it states your company's legal name on the letterhead, a trading name if applicable, and its registered number - 'Registered in England and Wales' or 'Registered in Scotland')...
The only thing any of this really means is that if you are bidding on this eBay item you are clueless about business and that if you are aiming to use one of these sorts of names you are probably a cynical bastard aiming to milk the scene because you've got infinitely more love of money than respect for the scene or love of the music anyway.