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Posts posted by Davenpete

  1. Whilst I don't disagree that they may have THOUGHT it reduced friction, by definition the greater surface area of the inside of the large hole would have resulted in greater friction, not less. I'm still intrigued as to why this wasn't thought an issue in the UK.


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  2. Interesting - that they didn't then adopt the pop-out centres we did here, or that conversely juke box suppliers had to dink out the centres over here whereas juke box interest took primacy in the Colonies.
    Another point is that 33 1/3 EPs like Willie Mitchell etc remained undinked (even when made for juke boxes - my old Driving Beat EP even included platic JB selection tabs and little promo repros of the cover). 

  3. 13 minutes ago, Tomangoes said:

    Hope you live close by:)

    Some crazy fines going on these days...


    Closeish - I'm on the edge of Copeland DC/west Cumbria - I normally stick to the north Lakes within 20 miles of home (as the crow flies).


  4. 22 minutes ago, Winsford Soul said:

    Only very recently found out that Starlings only murmurate when there's predators about or they have recently been disturbed by them.

    Not sure how that works because I used to see a large murmuration every night at Port Carlisle on the Solway on the way home from work every night in Autumn in the same place. Dx

  5. 56 minutes ago, Winsford Soul said:

    Looks like Goosander Dave. Merganser is the American name ? 

    Surely Goosanders and Mergansers are different species? Either way they're an ecological disaster in our rivers - stripping them of fish at and appalling rate - and not really native, the first recorded breeding of a Merganser in Britain was 1906. Dx

  6. 1 hour ago, Winsford Soul said:

    Stoat. . Absolute pleasure to see and photograph one of the  best UK mammals , they are a member of the Mustelidae family along with there bigger cousin Otters and there smaller cousin  Weasels and Polecats , Badgers and illegally released American Mink which are now happily declining  now that Otters are re-establishing themselves 



    We used to have one living in our garden when we were at Bowness-on-Solway. Dx

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  7. I've decided to get a 'bridge' camera rather than lug my Canon EOS about (specially as it's in pretty permanent use on a tripod shooting closeups of my salmon flies - and occasional cheap and cheerful studio pack shot work, which I used to pay for it last year).
    Want to use it as a hiking camera - as per the above pics - though it's 600g (the Canon alternative is only 360g, but only 16mp) I am pretty settled on the Sony DSC-HX350 Digital Compact Bridge Camera - 50x optical zoom, 20mp - £294.
    Any thoughts or counter suggestions and reasons? Don't want to spend much over £300.

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