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Everything posted by Davenpete

  1. Ted Taylor was originally covered as Cookie Jackson and nobody batted an eyelid. Dx
  2. Just goes to show there are some very wealthy knobs around nowadays. Think I sold my demo for £35 about 30 years ago. Dx
  3. They're fairly obvious but not mentioned - September Jones and Billy Sha Rae. Plus Jesse Johnson's 'Left Out' and 'Outcast' by Eddie & Ernie - practically the same song! Plus of course Rodd Keith's numerous recordings using the same or very similar backing tracks. Another pair that always struck me as having something weirdly in common - even though they're very different tempos, productions etc are the Ad Libs 'Johnny My Boy' and Cody Black's 'Slowly Molding' - imagine the snappy percussion of Cody Black laid over the top of Ad Libs. Dx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCno9K1C2hk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUJbZX0nelE
  4. Douglas Gibson for me - coz that's the one I have (thanks Pete S!) - like the Gibson and Harrison Brothers ones best because they're more psychotic sounding - though Luther Ingram is probably the best record. Dx
  5. Pete (when he was still a yuppie) & 'girlfriend' circa 1988. Dx
  6. I think people SHOULD be nervous spending this sort of money sight unseen - would cost you a damn sight less than the sale value to do a very convincing copy and as we all know there ARE hooky copies of sought after sounds out there - some of which are very good reproductions. Dx
  7. Me (absolutely fried) with Scouse, Mark and Barry from Swindon in the cafe after the Unicorn (one of Bucky's pics from about 1986), me (absolutely fried) and the boss round a certain scotsman's house about 15 years ago and me recently - not fried but wishing I was (I'm not REALLY that much of a posing twat - or perhaps I am - it's the only shot I have of me nowadays - a lighting photo for a shoot I was doing at a school with a pro-photographer). Dx
  8. Just seen Bob Meyer's version of Dee Irwin's 'I Only Get This Feeling' up for £450. I used to own one myself (that I paid a quid for out of Sid Scarborough's in Hull) - whilst it's scarce-ish it's a really second rate version of a mediocre song... How on earth did it end up with this price tag???? Dx
  9. Yes that's the one - a lively trip : ) Not getting out as Pete's not up to nighters at the mo sadly (last time Prestatyn weekender early last year). Up in Cumbria now, started buying the odd tune again. Dx
  10. Defo Audrey Matthews (especially for the dodgy Classiest Rarities CD cover design courtesy of me/Carne Whitney Partners!) - I'm sure everyone knows by now but Black Nasty were Johnnie Mae's kids. Dx
  11. Edwin AND Pete Myles - top trumps both of them. Loved the Unicorn - Jon gave us something special there. Remember Tam's car coming back from Manchester Edwin? Dave Carne. Dx
  12. There's one that is head and shoulders above all others for me (BTW I'm in the market - it's time I bought one) - one of the finest soul records ever made. Dx
  13. Being subjected to Doug Banks always made me f*cking miserable. Dx
  14. Ooops - almost forgot Donald Jenkins:
  15. Can't find it on Youtube, but one jolly tune we used to like was the RnB growler 'Misery' by Henry Stogen on Sylvia/Lamp records. Dx
  16. Don't know if any versions of 'Dead' have been played (keep getting told off by the boss for listening to this).
  17. It's not loading right - but The Glitter Band 'Makes You Blind'... A bit funkier as a band minus the nonce. Dx
  18. Always loved this, specially when heavily under the influence - never got round to getting one - Kitch and Colin Law spin as I remember. Dx
  19. WFON FM All Night Long - believe it came from someone up on Rivington Pike* : ) Dx PS *According to Mr Co(c)kell.
  20. He used to come to Swindon soul nights regularly coz he shared a house with Muff from Swindon. Dx
  21. No it's the Old Grey Whistle Test feature on Northern - in which he says "I've never been to an allnighter" - he was a punk at the time. Dx

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