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Tony A

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Everything posted by Tony A

  1. Just this line from Paul S sums it up for me, It was a different scene and the one I wanted. "Everything i ran away from and escaped from via the Northern Soul scene". Edited 1 hour ago by Paul-s
  2. That A looks a bit dodgy as well.
  3. Has to be, Any Day Now, that's the one I heard first of his.
  4. Snap, I normally give Chiffons & Florence Devore a spin on the rare occasion I guest DJ.
  5. First I've seen, not a very good photo though, issue here.
  6. One sided demo here Dave, in one of the boxes, will try find and post pic.
  7. I thought you was there, we ended up kipping in an old church that had been opened as a drop in centre.
  8. Edy, were you there that night Baileys got shut down about 2.30 in morning, all kicked out onto the streets ? Remember Necko, Pearsy, Crabby, Willie and myself been there, I think you was, but memory fading now.
  9. R.I.P. Speedy, was a great friend and fellow DJ, worked with him at several places, had a great knowledge of soul music, we would prop the bar up talking for hours about this great music we follow and love, a very big loss to us all.
  10. Just having your love gets my vote from the album Sharp.
  11. Mary Love, Turned my bitter etc.
  12. Hold on Chalky, I'm 55 now, but I have been doing it since I was 14.
  13. You say one speaker, is it the one nearest the deck ? try raising the speaker off the floor to see if it's feedback coming through the floor and transmitting to the turntable.
  14. Are they on the floor ? or on stands ?
  15. Tried adding feedback for you Des, can't find how to do it now ? Great service anyway.
  16. https://youtu.be/aMtCeHyZZ3c Here you go Bri. Have to click on link, don't know why it didn't load ?
  17. Thanks, will go have a nosey.
  18. Wouldn't mind a look but can't find the article (even used search) could you give me a pointer to the feature please.
  19. Tony A


    From the album: Tony A scans

  20. Tony A

    Tony A scans

    Scans of my 45s or some of them.
  21. Tony A

    100 0349

    From the album: Tony A scans

  22. The one posted in refo-soul is also a cape ann.
  23. Me too, got mine a couple of years ago from the states, from a really tacky old fashioned bookstore in a pile of grotty old 45s last place i'd expect to pick up a boot, but I suppose stranger things have happened.
  24. Mine is identical to yours Patto, A-side ss 107, B-side ss 108 both are very hard to see had to use a magnifier they are that faint, cape ann music, 8mm & 12mm run outs.

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