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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. just noticed correct title given so cancelled comment ATB Floyd
  2. Hi any one know whats happened to the Paul Wagnar disc on Manships Auction bidding was at £500ish , went to bid on it but it has now disappeared any one know any thing ATB Floyd
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  3. Hi after an EX/M- copy of the following Bobby Blues Ray - Soul PT 1 on Ross or sac soul city no offers or silly prices please seen the one on steve jeffries site PM if you can help.thanks for looking ATB Floyd
  4. Hi After a copy of the Ascots anytime/some times i wonder Miradon must EX both sides with clean labels no offers or stupid prices please contact me if you can help ATB Floyd
  5. Hi do not use friends and family at all costs, only did it once against my better judgement to an ex member on here Rob Reily and got shafted for £300 expensive lesson but i wont be doing it again no matter how many assurances the seller promises ATB Floyd
  6. Hi Ted i thought there was a small multi storey NCP car park over the road from the venue can anybody confirm otherwise its a bit of a walk to the old Glades leisure centre car park ATB Floyd
  7. Hi is there any decent car parking near the venue dont want to walk to far with sales boxes ATB Floyd
  8. Hi message left ATB Floyd
  9. Hi Our first time at the Electric club and it wont be our last had a great night , fantastic music and people, see you at the next one ATB Floyd and Jane
  10. Hi is there parking near the club itself ATB Floyd
  11. Hi Johnnie mae Matthews i have no choice big Hit been after a decent copy for years they all seem to be battered when one comes up for sale Floyd
  12. No this is their other disc on fraternity, i have strange neighborhood came out on a Kent CD, could have had a red issue a couple of years ago but stupidly bought some thing else instead ATB Floyd
  13. Hi After a clean /flat playing copy of The Imaginations - Strange voice- fraternity must be at least vg++ no offers or silly prices ,please PM me with price and condition ATB Floyd
  14. Ric Tic review at Hinckley was also excellent, also saw Martha Reeves at Hinckley she was also very good back in those days, but then again we were all a lot younger then as i said great days, great music great, people. ATB Floyd
  15. Hi for me it was Gene chandler -Stafford Pop Corn Wylie -Hinkley both fantastic live, popcorn did a fantastic version of Sam wards sister Lee the place was rocking great times ATB Floyd
  16. Laura Lee for me, reminds me of Yate when it was played as a new release ATB Floyd
  17. Good luck in your search , ive been after one for years if it does turn up its normally knackered if your offered more than one copy vg++ let me know good luck ATB Floyd
  18. Hi After a clean flat playing copy of d+joe instant happiness on De to must be at least vg++ PM me with price and condition ATB Floyd
  19. Hi looking for a clean copy of the Ascots anytime/some times i wonder Miradon must play flat/clean labels and at least vg++ PM with price and condition ATB Floyd
  20. Hi Looking to trade Lord Luther My mistake schreck plays EX clean labels small edge warp and graze like mark on vinyl DNAP plays fantastic looking for a flat playing copy of Roy Roberts -i know what to do to satisfy you Tina must be at least vg++ with clean labels PM me if you can help ATB Floyd
  21. was played at the early Yate all nighters, quite a popular sound back then ATB Floyd
  22. Thanks for the comments, as i thought ok but not essential ATB Floyd
  23. Hi My son is thinking of buying me the book last night at Wigan Casino for Xmas thats the one with the photos from the last night can anybody recommend it or like wise say its crap i dont want him to waste his money if its poor quality or badly put together , all comments/reviews are much appreciated ATB Floyd
  24. Hi he doesnt put one up in every auction but from memory i recall bidding at least twice over the last 3-5 years but at the time didnt rate it enough to pay over 2 grand for a copy, he also seems to have more than one copy of the martineques on Meo which i really would like to get a copy off but its already over $600 so i can see that easily going for over a grand i dont think he has loads of copies but i wouldnt be surprised if hes still got copies of both records stashed away ready to put out every 12 months or so be interesting to see if any more pop up over the next year or so ATB Floyd
  25. HI the big game hunter has or had multiple copies of this all m- and hes been quietly knocking them out for at least the last 3 years as ive bid on them they all seemed to finish just over the two grand mark , which is a lot cheaper than Manships be interesting to know how many he has left ATB Floyd

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