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Everything posted by abbeyrnb

  1. Hi Sam it is Martha Bass for sure . Hope yah get one soon.
  2. Hi for sale hard to find Lp by RED PRYSOCK with a great classic Mod/ RnB dancer titled " MONKEY BUSINESS " on it . This is the only format to find this track that has been played on the Mod scene for years and not an easy Lp to find these days . It is a great Mid - tempo organ laiden Instro dancer . Vynil Vg overall with a few marks and scratches , however , the " Monkey Business " track plays great . Cover shows some wear seams intact overall with a few tears , foxing also present see scans . £35 + P&P red_prysock.mp3 Many thanks for looking
  3. HI FOR SALE 2 GREAT ORIGINAL DUKE RELEASE LpS' BOBBY BLAND " HERE'S THE MAN " DUKE DLPS-75 STEREO . A great Lp with the in demand 36-22-36 which sounds great in stereo along with other cracking songs too . A very nice clean copy . Vynil VG+ very clean , cover with all seams intact a few creases on the corners still has a shrink wrap which has helped keep it clean . £40 + P&P ebay_sales_b_bland_36.mp3 BOBBY BLAND " TOUCH OF THE BLUES " DLP-88 STEREO . Another cracking Lp with three good dancers which can only be found on this release with no 45 releases available " Sweet Lips Of Joy " ( big play for Hoss ) " Sweet Loving " and my personal fav " One Horse Town ". Vynil VG+ has a few very light marks , cover in wonderfull very clean condition again shrink wrapped which has helped keep it so well. £35 + P&P ebay_sales_b_bland_sweet_lips.mp3 ebay_sales_b_bland_sweet_loving.mp3 ebay_sales_b_bland_horse_town.mp3 many thanks for looking .
  4. Hi for sale JEAN WELLS " KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ( AND YOUR EYES OPEN ) " on VOLAIRE 1001 DEMO . a great up- tempo dancer from this popular artist and a better version than her Calla release IMHO or certainly more dancefloor orientated. a popular spin at the minute on a good clean demo too . Vynil VG+ has a few very light marks , labels clean see scan . £25 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks jean_wells_volaire.mp3 many thanks for looking .
  5. Hi just the one today Not often seen for sale and much rarer than her other release on the label " LITTLE ANNIE " . ANNA BELLE CAESAR " I'VE GOT A MAN " GLAD HAMP 2004. Great dancer that always gets a good response on the floor in the RnB rooms when played . Vynil VG has a few light marks plays great , labels show slight wear with a stamp ontop side only . £180 + P&P please note will have to be sent trackable post . ** ON HOLD ** Many Thanks AnnA_Belle_Caesar.mp3 Many thanks for looking .
  6. HI JUST THE THREE TODAY . SHIRLEY KAROL " JUST TO MAKE YOU HAPPY " DAKAH 1449 . Sublime soulful dancer that rings all the bells with me anyway . Strong lead female vocals and a great backing track . This has been played on the scene for years . Vynil VG+ has a few light marks plays great , labels clean see scan . £180 + P&P JAMES CARR " A LOSING GAME " GOLDWAX 323 . Great classic dancer that still sounds good . Vynil VG+ very clean ( looks almost unplayed ) labels clean , has a drill hole see scan . £30 + P&P james_carr.mp3 KISSY DARNELL " YOU JEOPARDIZE MY LIFE " GO GO G.T.O. RECORDS 006. A great little dancer that seems to be getting some attention lattley in the rooms. This copy has Instro on the flip and comes with what looks like a release sheet which makes me think this is a demo release allthough nothing to confirm this on the label . Hard to beleive that after all these years the two have stayed together . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean with 2 X's on vocal side only see scan . £200 + P&P many thanks for looking
  7. Hi have Pm,d you
  8. Hi 3 dancers for sale WILLIE HUTCH " CAN'T FIGHT THE POWER " SOUL CITY 754 DEMO . Great up- tempo Northern classic dancer in lovely shape . Vynil VG+ very clean labels clean see scan . £30 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks willie_hutch.mp3 LEAH DAWSON " YOU GOT TO CHANGE ( YOUR EVIL WAYS ) " BIG HIT 002. Cracking up- tempo dancer with strong lead female vocals and a good backing track . Vynil VG+ has a few light marks plays great , label clean see scan . £60 + P&P leah_dawson.mp3 MINNIE EPPERSON " GRAB YOUR CLOTHES " PEACOCK 1960 DEMO . Very good mid tempo Soul / RnB dancer with strong lead female vocals and a great backing track . This has been played on the Rnb scene for years and rightly so . Vynil VG+ very clean labels fine with Demo info marked out both sides see scan . £50 + P&P minnie_epperson.mp3 Many thanks for looking
  9. OOPs I blame the beer ( does a double sider not count as 2 then ! ) Steve H
  10. Hi 7 good sould dancers for sale . VERNON GARRETT " KEEP ON FORGIVING YOU " WATTS USA 054 . Great mid tempo dancer with typical strong lead male vocals and a well paced backing track . Vynil VG+ has a few light marks plays great , labels clean see scan . £35 + P&P vernon_garrett.mp3 MARVIN L. SIMS " GET OFF MY BACK " REVUE 11038. Up- tempo dancer that has been played on the scene for years and allways popular . Vynil VG+ clean , has a small drill hole , label has writting both sides , no stickers or tears see scan . £60 + P&P marvin_l_simms_revue.mp3 LITTLE MILTON " JUST A LITTLE BIT " CHECKER 1217 . Great classic dancer from this atrist with strong lead male vocals and a good backing track with some nice horn work throughout . Vynil VG plays great has a drill hole labels see scan . £5 + P&P little_milton_checker.mp3 ROSCO GORDON " YOU GOT MY BAIT " / " JESSIE JAMES " JOMADA 602. Two great sides here with 2 you got my bait only on the issue releases as demo's have Jessie james on both sides . Vynil VG+/ Vg+ has a few light marks both sides play great , labels clean see scan . £30 + P&P rosco_gordon_bait.mp3 rosco_gordon_jessie_james.mp3 SAMMY TAYLOR " NEXT IN LINE " ENJOY 2023 . Great mid tempo dancer with strong lead male vocals and a good backing track . Vynil VG+ clean labels clean see scan . £25 + P&P sammy_taylor.mp3 BOBBY McCLURE " I'LL BE TRUE TO YOU " CHECKER 1130 DEMO . great mid tempo dancer with good lead male vocals and a well paced backing track . Vynil VG+ very clean labels clean see scan . £10 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks bobby_mcclure_checker_demo.mp3 many thanks for looking
  11. Hi Ezzie hope all well . That Charles Clark is still a corker to my ears . Harold Burrage on piano , Otis Rush and Louis Myers on guitars , Willie Dixon on bass and Sony Boy williamson on harp . WHAT A LINE UP ! Soundfile for those who may not know it charles_clark.mp3 Good luck with the sales bud speak soon Steve h
  12. HI 6 good soul dancers for sale . ALVIN CHRISTY " I'M SO PROUD ( TO BE A MAN ) " / " I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU GOT releaed on PIN POINT 101DEMO . two good mid-tempo dancers with a funky edge that is popular on the floors these days . vynil VG+ / VG+ clean both sides , labels with small spotting on top side only see scans . £35 + P&P alvin_christy_im_so_proud.mp3 alvin_christy_what_you_got.mp3 C.L. BLAST " DOUBLE UP " STAX 229 DEMO . Great mid - tempo classic which has been played on the scene for years . Vynil VG+ labels show slight wear see scan . £20 + P&P c_l_blast.mp3 KING FLOYD & THE THREE QUEENS " TIMES HAVE CHANGED " PULSAR 2401. cracking mid-tempo dancer which doesnt show up that often and on a very clean demo too . I believe this is getting some floor action recently and deservadly so . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean see scan . £60 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** MANY THANKS king_floyd.mp3 LITTLE ARCHIE " ALL I HAVE TO DO " DIAL 4056 DEMO . A great classic dancer that has been played on the scene for years . Strong lead male vocals with a good backing track with a nice sax break . Vynil VG+ clean , labels show slight ring wear see scan . £50 + P&P little_archie.mp3 BRYANT HEADEN " GUESS I BETTER MOVE ON " COBRA 106. great mid-tempo soulful dancer with a distinctive lead male vocal and a well paced backing track with guitar , bass and organ . Not often seen . Vynil VG has a few light ,marks and a small wave that doesnt affect play , labels show some ring wear see scan . £60 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** MANY THANKS bryant_headen.mp3 WILLIE JAMES " STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS " UNITY 2711. great up- tempo Soul / Funk dancer with strong lead male vocals and a good backing track with punchy horns and guitar and organ . Sounds right for today to me . Vynil VG+ very clean ( has a slight storage warp DNAP ) label shows slight ring wear see scan . willie_james.mp3 Many thanks for looking
  13. Hi six good soul dancers for sale GAIL ANDERSON " MY TURN NOW " EARLY BIRD 49662 DEMO . Good mid tempo dancer with strong lead female vocals and a well paced backing track . Vynil VG has one light scratch that doesnt afect play , plays great labels clean see scan . £25 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks gail_anderson.mp3 DELIA GARTRELL " FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE " RIGHT ON RECORDS 109 . Great up- tempo dancer with strong lead female lead and a good backing track is getting plays . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean see scan . £12 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks delia_gartrell.mp3 MITTY COLLIER " I CAN'T LOSE " PEACHTREE 121 DEMO . Great mid-tempo soul sister track with typical strong lead female vocals and a cracking backing track on a not often seen demo . Vynil VG+ very clean labels clean see scan . £25 + P&P mitty_collier.mp3 HELENA HOLLINS " BABY YOU'RE RIGHT " STONEGOOD 701. Great mid-tempo soulful dancer with good lead female lead vocals with female backing vocals and a cracking well paced backing track . Vynil VG+ has a few very light marks plays great , labels clean see scan . £35 + P&P helena_hollins.mp3 SUNDAY'S CHILD " WHAT ARE YOU THINKING " REPRISE 0959 DEMO . Great up- tempo dancer that was C/Up for a while on the not often seen 45 format . Vynil VG has a few light marks and scratches plays great , labels clean see scan . £40 + P&P sundays_child.mp3 JEAN WELLS " KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT ( AND YOUR EYES OPEN ) " VOLAIRE 1001 . Great up- tempo dancer from this ever popular artist . A difrent and better production and sound to the earlier CALLA release IMHO and much more suited to todays floors . Vynil VG+ clean , labels clean see scan . £20 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks jean_wells_volaire.mp3 Many thanks for looking .
  14. Hi 4 Soul dancers for sale . KELLY BROTHERS " CRYING DAYS ARE OVER " SIMS 293. Great classic mid-tempo dancer with strong lead male vocals and a well paced backing track with a nice sax break . Vynil VG+ very clean plays great , labels clean see scan . £30 + P & P. ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks kelly_bros_crying_days.mp3 JOHNNIE TAYLOR " TOE-HOLD " STAX 202 DEMO . Great mid -tempo classic from this popular artist . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels with a few marks see scan . £15 + P&P johnnie_taylor_toe_hold.mp3 JIMMY HUGHES " IT AIN'T WHAT YOU GOT " ATLANTIC 2454. Good up- tempo calssic dancer which has been played on the scene for years . Vynil VG has a few light marks plays great , has a small drill hole . labels show slight wear see scan . £20 + P&P jimmy_hughes.mp3 BOBBY RUSH " MUCH TO MUCH " STARVILLE 1204 . Great up- tempo dancer which has been played on the Northern and Rnb scene for years . This is the first local release before CHECKER and not seen that often these days . Vynil VG+ very clean plays great labels clean see scan . £50 + P&P . ALSO have a Checker demo and issue for sale too . Both vynil VG+ very clean labels clean . Demo £34 , Isuue £25 bobby_rush.mp3 Many thanks for looking .
  15. Hi 3 good dancers for sale LULU REED " AIN'T NO COTTON PICKIN' CHICKEN ( GONNA BREAK THIS CHICKEN HEART OF MINE ) " / WHAT MAKES YOU SO COLD " FEDERAL 12440 DEMO . two good sides here both had plays on the RnB / Mod scene on a very nice demo . Vynil VG+/ VG+very clean both sides labels clean see scans . £45 + P&P lulu_reed_demo_cotton.mp3 lulu_reed_demo_so_cold.mp3 LEE SAIN " TELL ME BABY " GLOWSTAR 816 DEMO . cracking little dancer which sounds spot on in a venue nice and loud . Vynil VG+ real clean labels clean see scan . £45 + P&P lee_sain_demo.mp3 ODESSA HARRIS " YOU'RE WHAT I NEED " UPTOWN 720. great dancer with strong lead female vocals and a good backing track with organ and horns throughout with a nice sax break . Been played on the scene for years and not as easy to pick up as the artist or label suggests . Vynil near mint labels clean with no tears or stickers has small S on label see scan . £45 + P&P odessa_harris.mp3 many thanks for looking have a great weekend .
  16. Hi just popped on evilbay a very clean copy of the Classic dancer JOHNNY SUMMERS " I CAN'T LET GO " ON YORKTOWN 1009. Ends in 6 days see link https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130528216390 many thanks Steve h
  17. Hi Dan thanks for the info , I knew it had been re issued somewhere . Yes two nice sides . ATB Steve H
  18. Hi up for grabs Rare not easy to find funk dancer JIMMY " BO " HORNE " HEY THERE JIM " / DON'T THROW YOUR LOVE AWAY " DIG 901 . Cracking dancer just right for todays floors IMHO! strong lead male vocals and a brilliant backing track with organ and good horn work . I believe the top side has been re issued by jazzman . Vynil VG+ very clean has a small drill hole , labels clean with a little ring wear on the flip side . Offers please on this not often seen dancer . ** NOW SOLD ** MANY THANKS jimmy_bo_horne_a.mp3 jimmy_bo_horne_b.mp3 many thanks for looking Steve H
  19. Hi 5 dancers for sale MARIE ADAMS " THAT'S THE WAY TO GET ALONG " ENCORE ARTISTS 300. Great mid-tempo organ laiden dancer with strong female lead vocals . vynil VG+ very clean labels clean see scan . £50 + P&P marie_adams.mp3 THE CREATIONS " A DREAM " ZODIAC 21005. Great Soulfull mid-tempo dancer with male lead vocals and male backing vocals and a sweet backing track . Vynil VG+ ( has a coiple of dimples in the pressing that dont affect play , labels clean ( small X on the flip side only ) see scans . £50 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** many thanks creations.mp3 MARVELLE & THE BLUE MATS " MELLOW MAN " DYNAMIC SOUNDS 2001. Great soulfull mid tempo dancer with good male lead vocals and a well paced backing track that has been played on the scene for years . Vynil VG+ clean plays great , labels clean see scan . £120 + P&P marvelle.mp3 BOBBY THOMAS and THE AFROS " PLEASE , MR. LOVEMAKER " LYNDELL 998. Good up- tempo dancer with strong lead male vocals and a driving backing track with some good horn work . Vynil VG+ very clean ( has a slight wave DNAP ) labels clean see scan . £40 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks bobby_thomas.mp3 BOB HOPKINS ORCHESTRA " FUNKY FROM THE GET GO ( Pt 1 & 2 ) EL TORO 1001 . Cracking mid tempo Instro that is not often seen from my experience ! . Some great horn and sax work on this . Vynil VG+ has a few light marks plays great labels clean see scan . £75 + P&P bob_hopkins_orch.mp3 many thanks for looking .
  20. Hi 3 Soul / Funk dancers for sale JOHN ROBERTS " I'LL FORGET YOU " DUKE 436 DEMO . Great up- tempo dancer ( one of his best on the label ) . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean see scan . £30 + P&P john_roberts_duke_demo.mp3 MITTY COLLIER " I CAN'T LOSE " PEACHTREE121 DEMO . great mid-tempo dancer on a not often seen demo . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean see scan . £25 + P&P mitty_collier_demo.mp3 BOB SMITH and THE BOO-KOU'S " WHAT DO IT MEAN " BOO-KOU 421 . Good up- tempo dancer sounds great loud in a venue . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean see scan . £40 + P&P bob_smith.mp3 many thanks for looking
  21. Hi six RnB / Mod dancers for sale BILLY ( THE KID ) EMERSON " EVERY WOMAN I KNOW " TARPON 6601. great up- tempo dancer that has been played on the scene for years now , strong vocals and a good sax break . Vynil VG plays well with a little background noise and a few pops . labels show wear see scan . £15 + P&P billy_kid_emerson_tarpon.mp3 COOKIE JACKSON and THE FLARES " I DIDN'T LOSE A DOGONE THING " PRESS 2814 DEMO . Good up-tempo dancer that has been played for years now . Vynil VG+ clean , labels clean see scan . £18 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks cookie_jackson.mp3 AMANDA LOVE " YOU KEEP CALLING ME BY HER NAME " STARVILLE 1203 . Great Mod classic on the original label release . Vynil VG+ very clean plays excellant , labels clean small stamp on top side only see scan . £45 + P&P amanda_love_starville.mp3 SONNY BOY WILLIAMSON " HELP ME " CHECKER 1036 . All time Classic mid tempo harmonica driven dancer all ways popular on the dance floor in the RnB / Mod rooms / Vynil VG+ has a few bubbles in the press DNAP plays clear with no background noise. labels clean see scan. £12 + P&P sonny_boy_williamson.mp3 THE FOUR DUCHESS " CRY FOR ME BABY " CHIEF 7014. very hard to find Chief release ( only the second copy through my hands ) . Great up- tempo dancer not often heard out which is a shame with strong lead female vocals with female backing vocals and a good guitar break . Vinyl VG has several marks and scratches plays with a little background noise and some pops . £35 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks four_duchess.mp3 VI CAMPBEL " SEVEN DOORS " PEACOCK 1940 . Great mid tempo dancer that has been played on the RnB scene for years . Vynil VG+ very clean , label shows some small flakes around the centre hole see scan . £25 + P&P vi_campbel.mp3 thanks for looking have a great weekend
  22. Hi 5 Soul dancers for sale JACKIE RUSSELL " IF YOU DON'T WANT ME ( LET ME BE ) " SOUL KITCHEN 0010. great up- tempo dancer with strong lead male vocals on a collectable label . Vynil VG+very clean , labels clean see scan . £100 +P&P j_russell.mp3 MERLE SPEARS and The TREATS " I WANT TO KNOW " ATLANTIC 2243 DEMO . Great popular up-tempo RnB / soul dancers which has been played on the scene for years . Vynil VG+very clean , labels clean see scan . £80 + P&P merle_spears.mp3 JOHNNIE MAE MATTHEWS " GOT TO BE ON ( THE CASE ) " ART 003 . Brilliant mid-tempo dancer from this ever popular artist and one of my fav releases by her . Vynil Vg+ has a few light marks plays great , labels clean see scan . £100 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** Many Thanks J_M_mathews.mp3 AL DANNER " SWEET LOVEN DADDY " / " DO YOU NEED LOVEN " GOLDEN STABLE 5687. two good sides from 1980's . Vynil VG+ clean , labels has slight staining on one side see scans . £15 + P&P al_danner_sweet.mp3 al_danner_lovin.mp3 PHIL FLOWERS " ONE MORE HURT " / " WHERE DID I GO WRONG " DOT 17043 DEMO . 2 great sides , both having been played on the scene for years on a not often seen demo . Vynil VG+ / VG+ both sides have a few very light marks play well , labels clean with sticker residue on one side only see scans . £45 + P&P phil_flowers_hurt.mp3 phil_flowers_wrong.mp3 many thanks for looking .
  23. Hi 6 dancers for sale GOSPEL COMFORTERS " YES GOD IS REAL " MARCS 1221. Great up-tempo gospel dancer with strong lead male vocals and a funky style backing track popular on todays floors . Vynil VG+ very clean plays great lables clean see scan . £100 + P&P gospel_comforters.mp3 MIGHTY SAM " PAPA TRUE LOVE " AMY 11,044 DEMO . Great classic dancer on a hard to find demo ( first I have ever had ) . Vynil VG+ very clean , labels clean see scan. £50 + P&P mighty_sam.mp3 THE MEDITATION SINGERS " DON'T YOU WANT TO GO part 1 & 2 " CHECKER 5020 DEMO . Great up- tempo gospel dancer that I havnt heard out that often . Vynil VG+ very clean plays great , labels clean see scan . £12 + P&P meditation_singers.mp3 LITTLE MILTON " LET'S GET TOGETHER " CHESS 8100. Great classic dancer from this so under rated artist on Uk black Chess . Vynil VG+ very clean although has had the centre punched out which is a shame . A few light marks on the flip . £10 + P&P little_milton_chess.mp3 LITTLE TOMMY " LOV'H " SOUNDS OF SOUL 100 . Great classic soul dancer that has been played on the scene for years . Vynil VG+ very clean plays great , labels clean see scan . £15 + P&P little_tommy.mp3 LaCHARLES McCOY " LETS'S TALK IT OVER " AMC 820 . Great classic dancer that has been played on the scene for years championed by the likes of Roger banks and others . Great super clean near mint copy both vynil and labels . £100 + P&P lacharles_mccoy.mp3 many thanks for looking
  24. Hi five good soul dancers for sale JESSE JOHNSON " LET'S DO THE FUNKY SOUL STROLL " / " YOU ' RE BLOWIN ' HOLES ( IN MY SOUL ) " STILETTO 200. 2 good sides here . Vinyl Vg+ both sides have a few very light marks play well , labels clean see scans . £25 + P&P jesse_johnson_a.mp3 jesse_johnson_b.mp3 TONY OWENS " I'LL BE THERE " / " WISHING , WAITING , HOPING " SOULIN' 145 good mid-tempo dancer with strong lead male vocals . Flip is a cracking soulfull side too . Vinyl VG+ labels clean see scan . £45 + P&P tony_owens.mp3 LITTLE WILLIE JONES " YOU'RE WELCOME TO TRY " VRC 115. Great up- tempo dancer . vynil VG+ very clean label shows slight ring wear see scan . £45 + P&P ** NOW SOLD ** many thanks little_willie_jones.mp3 PIC & BILL " IT'S NOT YOU " CHARAY 67 DEMO . nice soulful mid - tempo dancer from these popular artists on a not often seen demo . Vyinl VG+ has a few very light marks plays great , labels clean see scan . £40 + P&P pic_&_Bill.mp3 PAUL SINDAB " YOU'RE SOMETHING ELSE " / " CAN'T WAIT NO LONGER " KASIKA 31341. 2 great sides here one up- tempo the other nice mid-tempo soulfull dancer . Vynil VG+ few light marks on both sides play well , labels show slight water staining no tears or stickers see scan . £45 + P&P sindab_else.mp3 sindab_longer.mp3 Many thanks for looking
  25. Hi wondering / hopeing if somebody could give me current values of these please. Al Trahan " Funky Lu " Spindletop 0018 Joe walker " this is my last goodbye " Bold 1004 Dejah Ahres " let me be your girl " Verve 10614 Demo Many thanks in advance Steve H

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