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Everything posted by lizziep

  1. Tony came to Newcastle under Lyme and played at Mecca there before it became Tiffanys ... he played music we'd never heard half of the tunes before and we loved it ... he got talking to us and said if we wanted to hear more of the same then come to the Highland Room ... and we did !! on the first ever coach from Stoke to Blackpool Mecca ... and that's how many of us, the likes of Bob Morris, Bob McNicol, Timmy Dodson, Phil Morgan and yours truly got to hear and appreciate the sounds that became the foundation stone of our passion for what later became known as Northern Soul ..... On another level Tony will always be one of the nicest guys I have ever met, good for a laugh and personable ... he always played Girl Across the Street for me ... have often thought of how to get in touch with him and didn;t realise he was ill ... give him a very big hug and a very big thank you for being part of my life in those early years .... Liz Cooke xxxxxx
  2. Gene Pitney ..............Heartbreaker circa 1968 ............. not the best but definitely worth a mention
  3. and always the last one ............. in fact he owned the dance floor didn't he!!!
  4. It's 2 years today since Phil Morgan died and I have some great memories of him - he was 3 years older than me and a regular at the Torch, Trentham Gardens (when it was a disco off the main ballroom),Top Rank Hanley, original Mecca boy and was known for his passion for Northern,his record collecting, his dancing and his love of scooters. Original, cheeky, slightly arrogant, he was never shy in speaking his mind. I used to work with Phil at the Michelin in 1973 so apart from seeing him every weekend I had to endure his teasing at work as well!! Long time ago but can still picture him dancing. There must be quite a few of you on SS that have some great memories of Phil - sure Julie and his family would love to hear of them. Thinking of Julie, Mandy and his mum today - One In A Million.
  5. went to see this pile of shite last night in Independent Cinema in Newcastle - wasn't very optimistic beforehand but have to agree with Paul-S that it made me cringe - the dancing, the stand off, the acting and the abysmal storyline. The best part was the view of the kilns on the Cauldon Canal in Stoke!!! I would be embarassed to be associated with this representation of my Northern Soul experiences of the Casino.
  6. One hundred per cent girl - count me in xx
  7. Saw your poll in relation to who sang it best 'Open the Door To Your Heart' and the answer is PHIL MORGAN!!! Think if Dave doesn't play this one he should be the one donating some dosh!!! Liz x
  8. is that Terry Chamberlain by any chance? and is that Dave Church ?
  9. used to love the Top Rank as a bus ride away from Fenton and remember clearly being in a car with Andy Hanley, Tony Jebb and Ian Levine and my friend Jayne Steele tearing up the M6 about 10.30 so the DJs could finish the night in Blackpool Mecca. Another time I was chatting away with Dave Brennan and Mickey Colley and a partition fell on me dislocating my shoulder - got free entry to the Rank plus guest for the next year after threatening to sue the management!!! Think most people from Stoke and surrounding areas used to go, Bob McNicol, Phil Morgan, Kenny Proctor, Nogger, Paul Morris, Andrea and Janine Conti, Jed Skelley and the Newcastle lads and it was great to see people like Alex and Carole from newton le Willows. Anyone from Stoke remember the ABC Cinebowl? and the likes of Mickey Stubbs, Kevin Beardsley,Mickey Flynn - think Mickey Stubb's auntie used to work in the cafe there and we used to get free burgers and milkshakes - I used to skive off school when I was about 14/15 (1969-70)and hang out there with the boys!! This was what they turned into the Steam Machine!!!
  10. In 1972 I was working at the Co-op on a Friday straight from school and all day Saturday for £1.40p and I'd bought my ticket for Al Green at the Torch and my pills and still had enough money for shopping in Hanley to buy some Mary Quant lipstick!! Think Al Green played Boxing Day - no doubt I'll be corrected in this site if I'm wrong?!!! (LOL)
  11. will definitely be listening in -
  12. Definitely right about rose tinted glasses Stevie proudlove - wasn't all it was cracked up to be at wigan - far better when we were young and didn't have the influences and the pretention of being out to impress - just the music, the friends, the bombers, the job that paid £8.50 a week if we were lucky - and how we loved it!!
  13. Contours - just a little misunderstanding - 14 years of age at the Starlight in Stoke with Johns (John Johnson) DJying, playing Walk On By as the final record of the night. Prior to that Longton Youth Club and Mr Bang Bang Man, Apple Peaches Pumpkin Pie,Groovin With Mr Bloe and From the Teacher to the Preacher - 54 years of age now and memory still intact!!!
  14. Little Eva?
  15. Sandra Phillips - World Without Sunshine - one of my faves but remember Evison saying he wouldn't play it one night for me as too fast!!! and Eddie Parker is slow in comparison! (LOL)
  16. Love the pictures thank you- he would have liked his memory to be kept alive for so long - massive character, massive personality GARY WATKINS NEVER FORGOTTEN
  17. Bootlace was one of the best - remember the time he took a fishing rod to Wigan to hold over the balcony! Remember sitting with the Stoke crowd in Roman Candle pub in Hanley cursing him for not being there - that was the night he died in a car crash. Think that was about 34 years ago!!!

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