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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. thats pretty dam rude and ill though out, there's quite a diverse set of records there, not all perasonal faves of mine but certainly all aimed at the dancefloor.
  2. Cant believe we've got this far and I dont think anyone's mentioned the dastardly cover up's on playlists syndrome! I know its piontless but whatcha gonna do if you post up say 15 plays and there one or two cu's on there, and yep I'm guilty of this, but what do I do, just miss them out of leave a space with CU written in. Thinking back to many of the old stafford and searling's Wigan playlists, maybe as many as 80% of the tunes listed were cu'd at ther time, yet he they posted playlists, it seems to contridict the very piont of playlists.
  3. I can just imagine ray cutting an album wuith her but never releasing it due to his missus finding out about them, oh the mouth waters.
  4. The original ethos, you mean wearing skirt width trousers, assorted other clown garments and dancing to the well established top 500 records ( pref of 2nd issue's we dont want toy damage those precious originals, YEAH RIGHT!) in plastic venue nearby. Oh and you gotta have loads of talc. havent you
  5. I know Kev, better than the old David 'cassidy' and the giants yarn that.
  6. Dont know myself, Ive wondered, I include both the events I run, even though one is purely oldies. Shame really, I look it as great promotion really, and I enjoy looking at the others thata are posted.
  7. Didnt she have an affair with bother Ray? tony Evans tried to blag me that she was Jimi's brother, but he's full of it, LOL.
  8. I brought this one up last week, cant believe how much this item sells for, i found one on berwick st market in the mid 8ts, when it was around in abundance @ 20ish, just camt bring my self to folk out for it, though its a great floor filling oldie i could deffo use.
  9. Right Guys, thanks for all the response so far, should be able to sort everyone out with something soon, i'll get back to all of you tonight with details and times ect. once again thanks one and all! 5 till 6 suit? https://www.facebook....53551751331067/ Here's a link to the fb event, hope it helps see you all there. sitenote last 4 similar posts merged and as seems all sorted the thread has been closed as per the policy for event posts in aats
  10. Its due to be 5am, and were doing a last man standing this from 3-5 am, so slots here to go.
  11. still got some slots sat night/ sun morning guys.
  12. certainly can matey, 2-3 or 3 till 4 availible, just let me know, the venue's easy to find, the waggon and horses, is on the the manchester road, from congleton its about 1 - 2 miles. see you there, get in touch if there's any problem.
  13. Dont know why, snoopy dean and Bobby Franklin get knocked so much, yer not the first, its a clique now, both great dance tunes in my opinion.
  14. Fancy a spot of djing this sat? No payment sorry but I have a couple of slots now on sat pm and early hrs of sunday morning @ the congleton scooter weekender, cheshire this wkend. Obviously it gets you free entry though, contact me if your interested. Sat pm you can play pretty much what you like, soulwise. 1 hour slot availible, its indoors too, case the weather turns all English on us!
  15. Wasnt aware of this release Til tony foster pulled it out, lol, at the last genuine, beautiful label.
  16. I got about £150 for the foundations about 10 years ago, not seen it for sale since.
  17. I wish i didnt have to be Kev but open mindedness to lesser known tunes on the northern scene, well lets just say, the NS crowd in general are not reknowned for it nowadays, it'd probably take 3 years to break Cecil Washington or even Frank Wilson were they discovered today!
  18. Trouble is it can all be so misleading, like assuming that a records relativly common cause you've seen multiple copies for sale in the last month, its often the case that several collectors are off loading the same tunes at the same time, tunes are ofetn like buses, you wait for ages...........
  19. Very well put, but genres sell magazines, gig tickets and records unfortunatly.
  20. not sure that any of those records would be assured to attract anyone to dance in the UK, not in my experience anyway.
  21. like many others with a young family, the weekend was all about flag waving, picnics and beacons being lit, sorry I didnt make it to any of the many worthy events listed above, but sometimes family has to take priority.
  22. sorry totally disagree, 1/2 slots should be the norm, for every great hour slot I've heard plenty of collectors, go out on limb with records that dont deserve dancefloor time, shorter sots should and do make things flow better, and the ego thing which most northern collectors seem to poccess in abundance, seems to respond really well to the competitive nature of short slots.
  23. muck fee, and mar lady calls me cynical, christ knows what i'll be like in ten years but I hope I dont get as bad as most of you lot, you'll have nay ficker selling on her at this rate.
  24. Last call folks, a bit late but this is what I played last friday. Yeah I know i streched the classics just a little in places! Black sugar- Too late Isonics- sugar Patrice Hollaway- love and desire Seven Souls- I still love you Cooperettes- Shingaling Velors- I'm gonna change Tommy Navarro- I cried my life away Harry Deal- I still love you and, as always, our last tune Maxime Brown- One in a million

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