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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. great prod and song on this, and the voice aint as bad as much of his stuff but It'd be better with a whole lot of other 60's soul singers vocal on it. I can hear a fantastic version by chuck or Clyde Mcphater in my head.
  2. oh christ pass me the rennies, those words are proper sticking in my throat, LP only? I want one!
  3. I was just asking about the state of play in general and honestly hadnt considered 'the true meaning of modern soul', but its certainly been informative, I'd assumed there was a little more coherance to the scene, if by the sound of it, you can call it a scene, rather than various scenes.
  4. I think what's really dawned on me recently is that in all too many nights/ nighters of the northern ilk the focus is on collecting and collectors, or even ego's and egoing, rather than purely the music, its probably not as bad as it was in the 8ts and 9ts, when nighters were often allnight record fairs for many, but there's still a sizable portion who never dance and seldom listen.
  5. great point, please dont take ignorance on my or anyone else's part for contempt.
  6. Sorry Chris, I really will try to make to next one, but for me, and what I meant by modern was uptempo sounds from the 7ts to current releases, crossover (tends) to be lttle easier on the feet. But hey what the hell do I know, that was the point in asking in the first place, what role does crossover play on the modern scene nowdays? Would I hear, say a midtempo, super soulful groove in the same set as some contemporary soulful house tune?
  7. Bob sinclair is just plain terrible Keith imo.
  8. Thanks Pete, I suspected 'the lord said' was hard. gloria's not a bad version, the verse's are ok but the chorus a little weak.
  9. just how big is the modern scene? please dont take this as me stirring things up. I just dont know, it seems that NS and modern are so divourced now that my knowledge of what goes on modernwise is really limited, so what's going on?, where can I hear it? top venues, variations in the modern scene ect. Please let not turn this into a NS v Modern debate, though comparisions are fine, it would be also interesting to hear opinions on how the modern crowd cope in attracting younger punters to there respective scenes.
  10. Thanks guys, ill be cecking out all those mentioned, and ideas on price of, 'the lord said'? or any of the others for that matter.
  11. Thanks guys, any idea of titles for the other tracks that use the backing?
  12. Somebody told me the backing track is used for another tune/ tunes, any truth to this, as always scuse my ignorance if this has been done before.
  13. I'll be looking for one of those, the vinyl comp I have it on has millions of tracks on each side, thanks Dave.
  14. I shall try to listen and be prepared to eat my words as usual, its not the falsetto thing its just that he cant even stay in tune at such a high pitch, and I am prepring to be amazed.
  15. here you go, interested on how many know this I think its ace surely it came out on a us single, scuse my ignorance on this if it was a hit or something.
  16. I have a great track ona german comp - a rerecorded greatest hits I think, anyway the tracks called 'I believe in you', anyone know it?
  17. Anything at all by Donnie elbert, what made him think he could sing ffs? dont care if i turned up and acetate with him doing a new version of 'do I love you' I'd still shte on it!
  18. i'll try something new, is awsome on the mfp lpee.
  19. someone posted a want on this, and offered me 250 for this last year, I still have my copy, still playing it when ever I get the chance, one of my fave oldies and the epitome of classic funky northern
  20. If the technology was around at the time I can imagine someone who went to the wheel posting a wigan, mecca or clethorpes playlist on youtube and thinking what the hell as this crap got to do with what I used to listen to and I'm not just talking about your Murial Day's here, a whole bunch of the classic cassino sound was black music for white ears at best, imho.

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