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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. can I see an elephant in the room, its in the main, a load of tacky crap and has no place at allnighter and soul nights, although I will conceed it may be exceptable at some, in the right context, daytime events. I've not got a big problem with it personally, but it can be very invasive and ruin the vibe if its in a main room, ie somewhere folks are dancing, and I think if I was young I'd run a mile at the sight of someone flogging, cups, pencil sharpeners, talc holders, and particulrly plastic clothing for plasic people with plastic minds and plasitc ideas.
  2. I just wrote a speil for the Change Anniversary CD making exactly that piont, the whole piont of Northern compred top so many othger scene's is that its live or alive, were not Teds and never will be, there's a long history of Funky sounds being played, many are classic top 500 oldies. If you'd played Torch sounds to a regular from the the Scene club or Brazennose street you'd probably get the same reaction as many moaning about the changing style of NS inb the 21st century.
  3. Lost count of the times I've heard the gospel according to P smith onb here!
  4. The worst of it aint as bad as, a. the pop shite played at Wigan b. some of the leaden plodders from Stafford and the 8ts. its injected some much needed pace into dancefloors after nearly a decade dominated by lots of tricky, albeit soulful tunes with a crossover flavour, A much needed change of direction, imho but then I've loved funk since being surrounded by the rare groove scene in London as a stude.
  5. spot on, some Dj's wouldnt be seen dead out at a soul do unless they were playing
  6. In my experience yes, yes, yes! To the extent where I dont liike accepting booking cause you feel that you have to reciprecate and return the booking sometimes. But really I've seen it happen all over the north west and midlands in the last few years, but you cant blame it entirly for seeing the same DJ's on flyers again and again, thats as much down to promoters playing safe and repeat booking the same old, same old.
  7. Maybe part of the problem is that many of the RS crowd, who started out in the 8ts have kids and although they can make nighters and soul nights, there more limited for a whole weekend, this would certailt apply to me and a few other I know.
  8. spot on really, for me its always been about what makesyou collect, is it the deisre to hear fresh tunes; to delve deeper and learn about underground music or do you look up at say Sean Chapman and think, 'I wannabe like him', or maybe even, ' i cant afford to do that, so I'll buy boots, no one cares anyway'
  9. its all so true, but so sad and depressing.
  10. Just had a flash back seeing the bottom flyer, what a line up, a who's who, of top northern Dj's from that era.
  11. best time I had record shopping was queens day a few years back, when loads of locals use it as an excuse to flog their old junk outside there graght's, found loads of interesting bits, including a dutch fan club only Timmi Yuro EP.
  12. janis sou-less, well tony dont start me on that one, next you'll be saying Hendrix didn't play the guitar with any soul, or Coltane wasnt a soul-ful Horn player, its an atitiude not a style of delivery surely.
  13. I'd say that was the best shop I've been to in Dam too0, freindly staff too, its in the 9 streets area if my memories serve me well, and had some wonderful orig funk albu8ms on display behind the counter last time I was there.
  14. Alabama shakes, just came across this act on r6 this morning, and mighty fine they are too, anyone else like it? have the album? seen them? top notch on this track at least methinks!
  15. Geeselad

    ch 2

  16. Geeselad

    ch 1

  17. Ptetty certain this was early 87, I'd say around spring time.
  18. I think a lot of folks from other scenes would find it pretty bizzarre that Dj's and collectors dont want to share there music and ideas on the northern soul scene.
  19. shite, I'd love to be there, but the missus is bleeding working nights again! top artist.
  20. some marking, probably not the one's your describing, can be quite evocotive and apealing, who was he or she? are they still living ect. I have a pressing with 'pete lawson' scrawled on it that I'd never part with even though I wasnt close to pete, he was one of the scene's beautiful, mental characters.

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