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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. really good insight into what was played @ the brazenose st venue, for me, thanks.
  2. I think he's got a fair piont, there ares an awful lot of currnet nighter DJ's in England that you NEVER see anywhere if there not DJing, then again there's also some dj's that are into the scene and being seen. The nighter scene at least, is small enough nowadays to realise that the same old faces only show up if they've been asked to spin. In fairness though the more booking you get the less you can go out I sposse.
  3. this has that wailing sax thing but it doesnt sound like sound like the worzuls having a go at a northern instro, to me at least.
  4. I'd say the wailing sax thangs, are what tipifies the sound but there's a shed load of things described as tittyshakers that are distint from that. Lots of people use the term on bay to pass off duff R and B and popcorn but that doesnt mean that everything described as TS is crap either, so there!
  5. pre wins hands down, there just too much knowledge out there now, lol. The net's created an equal playing feild, but equality = mediocrity in my book.
  6. Is a thousand pressing run, 45 years ago, especially when something didnt sell, that common really? how many of those thousand pressed are actually in collections? I just wonder, for a typical, major label, Northen tune, that did have a thousand run, 45 years ago, how many copies are still in existance today? how many have been dumped? how many too Knackered to play? and how many still reside in collectioins unbekwowing of there worth?
  7. valentinos- sweeter than the day... used to be around in bulk, and tho I still love it as an oldie, I just cant part with over a oner for one. Doug bank - kept on is another, Mick Smith had shiyte loads in the 8ts.
  8. Steve do you have some idea as to an average, for say a previously unknown artist. with no form and no special reason for promotion?
  9. found, 35 r and r records in a charity shop, last year, all in E+ condidtion, loads of Fats domino, on gold, tri centre, london. They made me £440, in totol, with £ 220 for 'I love you', his rarest uk release, that one was NM. Kept only two back, including- 'sick and tired' wich I've been playing out for a while, very similar to Back slop, but with a vocal!
  10. I've heard too many people say there put off city centre venues for exactly this reason, cc's tend to atract more agro in general, in my experience, but think its anythiong intrinsic, its just more likly you'd have thses clashes of culture where there's more folk about I sposse.
  11. no surely not, thats a shocker, here's me thinking goldmine were a legit business the payed all royalties that were due, ' now that what I call an insult to northern soul, part 1!'
  12. too bitter and twisted, removed! Thankfully and hopefully my days of slavishly slobbering over a single record have gone, I prefer to just dig in the more unusual places and see what turns up that I like, regaurdless of wether its the next big thing or highly in demand. amazing how liberating it is.
  13. to many jackie Lee's to pick from I sposse.
  14. Well it certainly helped to get me into the scene via the clip above, As I've said before, within the year I was attending Blackburn my self.
  15. When I watched it initially, what struck me about the lack of accuracy towrds stoke was the fact the main character had never heard of or mentioned the Torch, cant imagine anyone at that time not being aware about it., as a young kid I grew up surrounded by graffiti and hushed wispers related to the scene, you couldnt help but pick up on it.
  16. it has few moments where they get it right, like the sense of trying to desparatly fit into the scene at the start. but the film reeks of low budget and cheap popcorn fun which is OK, but not when your up against so many for who the scene meant so much.
  17. Sometimes out of sentinentality people over egg a musicians signifigance, in this case Carl's contribution can never be overstated, a true giant of the 6ts soul scene.
  18. Think John's been playing that about 2 years or so, a Bidds oldie by now, LOL.
  19. Mar mayte the Legendary Johnny Beggs asked me to pass these on following some requests. Third Generation- its time- CU Edie Holman- She's wanted- Alt take Marvin Gaye- Right on- Select sound Malibus- High on my baby's love-unissued Tina Turner- Out of you mind- Unissued- Sonjay The farmers - Touch me- HLF outtake Tony Sherman and the Black Cats- Save me- Wachi Wara Productions issac Hayes- Changes- Unissued- Enterprise Willie Bobo- I will always love you- Unissued Richie Mayo- Live the life CU Richard Coombs- I mean you- unissued Jose Piliche- Bananajuana- Fania outtake Tony Lawrence- I'm over you- Bell sound Unissued Sadly due to general Knackerdness after 'CHANGE' I mised his set, I do know the quality and originality the man possess and expresses through his tunes though, recently heard him refered to as 'the mad Scientest of northern soul', exploploring the outer reaches of the groove, certainly!
  20. in fairness, there's a bit of both really, cool kids in generally in city centres looking for an alternative to the mainsteam, and they tend to have a wider range in taste and and generally a greater interest in the music. Then we have the baggy trs and vest brigade, who seem more attracted to 'the scene' dancing, patches oldies ect. Many say, 'there just starting out, dont know any better' and believe they'll progress, limited evidence of this to be honest. I'd say the former would shun the term Northern soul and the later would embrace it.
  21. the commercial assosiations with Northern have definatly put me off using the term over the last year. In my head nowadays, All I think about is baggy trs, hoop skirts, patches and mugs, oh and presings, when I hear the term northern. I'm not young anymore but thats my take on it.

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