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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. well spotted, could it be the legendary white promo!
  2. I'll beat your typo with another inaccurate typo, I'm the worst in the world phil, people in glass houses really shouldnt throw stoned, lol.
  3. I know what you mean, especially when you talk about privet hedges, dont you mean privvy, lol?
  4. the're bleedin oldies as well! albeit modern oldies, So were talking about acorss the board oldies nights, lol?
  5. II'll crank my old soap box up again, To my understanding the concept of Northern soul is about looking into the past and reteiving or reviving music that evokes passion, expressed by dancing as well as chin stoking, next craning and oh clapping, sometimes. You can buy nigh on all the top 500 in tesco's with your nectar points, thats why I think playing the same oldies ad infinium is both boring and not actually true to the original concept of northern soul. If you want to be left alone to wallow in nostalgia, thats fine by me, I have far more difficulty understanding why some of the younger crew's insist on an oldies obsession rather than making the music and the scene truely their own, but time, I hope, may resolve that issue.
  6. there's certainly a grain of truth in people trying to freshen there collections, lot of folk are really skint at the moment dont forget too.
  7. just though of a few more that have certainly inspired me over the years, Derek Pearson for producing simply the best fanzine ever, Rod shard and Guy for advice, support and attitiude , Dave Carne for showing me you dont have to the oldsest person on the scene to be a knowledable bastard and of course our Kid, Mick Sway and his irepresable oppo Fran Girak. i sposse I like many others have a family connection to the scene that needs reconising here. Lastly Johnny Beggs the Mad scientist of northern soul non other.
  8. I'd second them, others to add would be Tony Smith and Ion for their passion and enthusiasm when most's had failed them.
  9. there's some great detail on the stamford hill scene in the most excellent book, 'a sharper world' edited by paolo Hewitt
  10. well made pionts, far from educating society and adding varriety to taste, the last ten, technology driven, years have been limiting and often seem the homogenisation of all strands of life, music is just one of the things thats got and getting worse worse.
  11. sounds like a fantastic project, will give me brother and fran a nudge, I'm sure they'll have stuff to contribute,
  12. you just reminded me I need to dig and see if I still have a copy of this.
  13. all in my all time top 20, most loved, lol!
  14. well there certainly loads of adds for kung fu gear, sharagan wheels ect in the back of 'blues and sou'l and 'black music', along with spencers ect, in the 7ts
  15. oh yeah no 2 is 'tribute' without a doubt, i love house and garage but this is a terrible example of both!
  16. cant think of my other two yet but I'd have to have that godawful instumental of 'do I love you', as played to a large extent in the 8ts, think i had the misfortune to hear at a soul night recently. does anyone know who its by? so I can properly bitch about how bad it is.
  17. its not about the tune itself, its a great jazzy/ pop tune, imho, but its what its come to represent for many, the overt commercialism of the scene in all its forms, for the lambrini gals, to plastic soulies in cheap and naff retro clobber. you could argue that its no longer a ns record at all, its become so much a part of general pop culture its now become just a pop oldie, regaurdless of its source.
  18. Sorry but I have a real problem with anyone putting up a blatant adevertising plug for a comercial prouduct that has nowt to do with soul or any music for that matter, just why is this up in 'all about the soul'? dare i ask, mods?
  19. amazing nighter, really dark and dirty in there, excellent spots from Rodger Banks and Pat Brady I recall. The tune's that always sticks out in my mind are; Kel Osbourne- quicksand and al foster Band- night of the wolf, cleared the floor for most, it was just too fast and most of us couldnt shuffle. If olny we still had a nighter with the same underground atmosphere and variety of musical policy!
  20. fair do's Steve but just to play keepy- uppy witht the thread, they are many, we are few, most of them, well a lot anyway. havent even heard of Butch, how can the guy truely merit the tag when the scene has been reduced to what it is for most, a retrofest were they play the same oldies year in year out. to the general media thats what the scene amounts to now, how does someone who plays cutting edge, fresh music relate to that? and how can he be called the worlds no 1 NS DJ? rare soul agreed, but Northern soul, well the terms been robbed from its founders. I think that dubious title must go elsewhere, personally.
  21. the macho one would get my vote for what it matters but itss a lot more relevant to most so called 'soulies' where they get there spencers or patches from.
  22. fair piont, I know its boring and negative to keep going over th old ground, but your tone did come across as a little over zelous matey.
  23. there a fair amount on here that, for me have very little to do with phyc soul, detroit seemed to be a bit of a hotbed for it, the early clintonj stuff for sure, maybe the influence of act like the stoogies and MC5 was a factor. I have to agree that sly definatly had the sound, as does quite of lot of funk out of texas, such as mickey and the soul generation.

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