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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. its changed this week, just got another copy of, thanks to mr catto for reminding me how good this is, just sums different strokes up, and I played it last night @ change, quite simply the bollox!
  2. are we talking in the same night or month by month here?
  3. No expert and not a clue on any, apart from 2 obviously being a version of 'never found a girl', nontheless some great music, unknown to me, especially like track 1 and 6, sorry I cant help.
  4. it wasn't direct pop at your views Kev, I know your soul's in the right place on this. I just get pissed at the commercial lot getting all eaten up about it about anyone flyering thier do's, if their in direct competition or not, at the end of the day the punters are free to make there own choice about where they go and stopping someone putting a few flyers out doesnt alter the fact. I also realise there are plenty of petty, purrile, tossers out there who do intentionally clash nights to cause friction and scupper others events. sad really. So I take your point that there does need to be some etiquette and common manners shown to avoid friction. But to be honest If someone comes to 'change' to put out flyers for a rival warm up for the kings hall, I gladly help them to put em out. honestly! I'd also attend their night, pull my 40 inch bags down and deficate on the dancefloor, in full veiw, and I do make that a promise! atb, geese.
  5. Cant believe people are so bleeding fussy about this, personally I say it again, anyone who wont let you put a few poxy flyers out on a reportable underground scene, or at least one that has its roots in the underground, is a tosser! clear and simple. cant see anyone maning up to defend the practice of not allowing it, on here. but there plenty at it.
  6. I've seen one for 'Va vas' with named tunes on it like 'love and desire'
  7. this tends to be guys who are putting on events to make money, I've had a couple do it on me, but I'm not arsed, cant see what the problem.
  8. I've been told no a couple of times, once was at the guild hall, stockport, cant recall the others, never ever refused anyone giving flyers out @ my do's, only tossers would do it frankly! Anyone is welcome to give out flyers at 'change', tossers or otherwise.
  9. jez, in my opinion it was absolutley hammered, like 3 times a night @ the ritz and kings + every oldies night, around 10 years ago, I certainly got sick of it, great tune it may be, just very well aired, unlike my draws! lol.
  10. Shirley Brown - yes sir brother, passed onto me by Mr Cato, top tune and big current spin fo me.
  11. personally It would be a little sad if NS only legacy was a few young retro revivalists, coping the moves and clothes there parents made 30 years ago. The scene in terms of inspiring a fascination with music and youth culture is certaily far more signifigant than that.
  12. I love some really non black northern pop sounds to be honest, wouldnt dream of playing them out, there just grt pop tunes in ther own right. Others beverly anne being one example i detest with a passion.
  13. the best photo I've ver seen about the scene was guy, keb, adey and minshull at the back of the 100 done about 87, for some long forgotten trendy london only rag, wish i still had a copy.
  14. where's me eyeliner, and I've been looking @ getting a pair of those herman munster boots, with a the metal and crap on em.
  15. reading russells laudable comments I realised the answers brings you back the thorney chesnut of 'what is ns?' Great that you iniciated with the assursion that the oldies scene is in fact a splinter, but Russell asumes Northern soul has to be about 60's dance music, fair play, but I dont share that veiw, and if were talking about forever will it always have to be about the 6ts? or rather the very principle of rejecting the mainstream fodder and searching through the past, to uncover the forgotton, emotive, dance music of another generation?
  16. never heard of anything on there apart from neo experince, got to be worth futher investigation
  17. https://youtu.be/fAMxJlWYpx4 forget frank wilson, this is the best unreleased mt ever, well at least a serious contender
  18. https://youtu.be/vrquEJim9CQ here's another, as good as 'I, gone' imho
  19. https://youtu.be/0kvEdaqEOw4 hope thats better.
  20. try this for starters, oneof the best stormers from the last 20 year imho. not sure if its booted, the orig is $$$! but it is on c'ds https://youtu.be/teyr8jFfOsAy this for starters,
  21. thanks for the clarifaction, not sure I'd agree with all your definitions and whats wrong with novelty anyway? that just mean they had a gimmick to help sell there pop records, a bit like, 'cool off' ;philly dog around the world 'the duck' ronnie and robyn and a host of other credible ns tunes.
  22. fair enough, there were a bunch of bands in the late 6ts doing that rock soul fusion anyway.

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