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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. is that the one with 'ooh ooh mr peavly' in it?
  2. why on earth would they want to ruin it by doing that!
  3. found the same thing with ogs myself, uk always very pricey
  4. what a voice, a true king of blues and soul.
  5. I'll vouch for that, bidds is proper bugsy!
  6. Spiders hard to beat, but this tops it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2im2HDJtgc
  7. I payed £2 for otis clay, one of the best chicago dancers ever
  8. think most collectors all have some, 'only use in an emergency' records, think that what people are talking about it.
  9. if its a manhattan loft its half full, if its a town hall in dewsbury its deffo half empy, LOL.
  10. yeah but thats Mancusso at the loft not some bloke from hull djing to a half empty in a town hall in rochdale,
  11. i just think shorter sets build a buzz and help to generate atmosphere. any dj worth his salt whont completley chop into another genre or style straight away, surely you try to intergrate what you start with into the last person set. and gradually nudge the music into another direction. Shorter sets also help this intergration, it gets dj's working together for the good of the night, imho. Rather than being self obsessed and ego driven.
  12. I think this might of really worked a few years ago but things seemed to have moved on Russ, imho, both camps are more entrenched than the've ever been. And I just think its almost impossible to find a middle ground where the majority would be satisfied.
  13. think the peice in grand lam? was done over two issues, as you say great taster for what would make an amazing book.
  14. there is no place like dam on new years, queens day is also amazing.
  15. to quote Johnny Beggs once again, 'get payed', lol. from my own point of veiw there are no dj's on the northern soul scene, just collectors, jumped up collectors and people with more money than sense.
  16. tis a great track and in an ideal world only you should be playing it. Not getting one done myself, but its hard to work out why what appears to be a bootleg, fetches good money, when you could get a just as valid carver done for under half the price. sposse the vinyl would last longer though.
  17. loads of stuff i ddint know in that one post, and toad, I know its maybe too big for a read on here, but I just thought soem of you nice guys might like to give me soem great anecdotes.
  18. Just listening to Rodigan on R2, and wondered if thee are many parrallels between the two genres, obviously the collecting and clubbing scenes but also the development and the progress of the music, Is dub the island equivalent to P funk for example? Dancehall and Rap? Lovers rock and what passed as indie soul in the 8ts? Seems to me like there's cross pollination between the two styles throughout the last 50 years, or am I talking shite again? I dont know all that much about island music, but I like loads of it. It was hearing Rodigan play the lovers version of 'I caught you in a lie' what done it!
  19. is this any better than cutting a carver then really???
  20. I'm up for the manny date too, missed him last time.
  21. some absolute shite and some top notch discoveries, but even the shite i'd would sooner of listened to than being stuck in M's
  22. thats a shit hot, spot on, post, as for the returnee's, and your observations are only about those who actually went to wigan, lot alone the hoards of wannabe's who only went to thier local youthy. nowt wrong with that, its just the attitude so many, 50 something, plastic soulies, bring with them, ie, 'I know what northern soul is!'
  23. The cheery tree pub in runcorn seems to ring a bell as a midweek nigth and the cheshire cat, mondays in nantwhich used to get rammed.

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