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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. the rock and roll/ teddy boy scene preceeded NS on being obsessed with older records surely. maybe enevn the blues scene too, they werent interested in the electic stuff in the early 6ts
  2. the most fundamental problem is that 90% of punters have the expectation of hearing tunes they know, be they oldies fans, rare soul obsessives or even the majority of the upfront crowd. How often do you hear 'he played.......' illustrates it perfectly, doesnt matter if it was a good or bad record, they always name the tune!
  3. I read somewhere that those type of goods werent coming in to liverpool by the 6ts and fact it was more likely in manchester via the ship cannel. Cant recall what book it was. Possibly Dave Haslem's 'Madchester England'
  4. I'm trying not to be a twisted troll on this, but an awful lot of that freindlyness is shallow and short lived, an awful lot of cosying up to the dj, promotor on the northern scene thats named as freindlyness but is really just networking for self gratifaction.
  5. What was it someone quoted to me last year , ' sold anything to so and so? Sam (refering to top oldies dj) Sam 'how do you sell a man a good record who's still playing Paul Anka?' wise words inedeed.
  6. just wondered if these new divs will wear ridiculous plastic parodies of wigan garb, constantly go on about how the used to go to station road, when in fact they only went 'the youthy' buy loads of pressings and go to there local northen/ motwn night and the kings once a year. can they actually be any worse than the MAJORITY of punters now attending event!
  7. too many knock Isaac's later stuff, dug juicey fruit out recently class all the way.
  8. found one, aminter in its sleeve on soulcity, in Camden in the 8ts, cost me 70p. definatly one of my best ever finds.
  9. saw a movie on sat, 'weekender' about manchester in 1990, thought this might be good, and it was just sooooo wrong. everyone's bone dry in the club scenes, really spoilt it for me and I lost interest after that.
  10. off topic i know but when are the earliest wigan tapes from? do they go right back to the start?
  11. from my memories of record bars in the 8ts and 9ts little british was seen for sale and it held little interest for the young collectors i knew from back then. maybe its a tainted view but thats how it came across to me.
  12. todays pick, my third stab at this, robert owens martha wash.
  13. is that an insult considering who murphs and his tones were?
  14. Christ almighty what at on about lad! sorry its Eddie Kendricks and Rochelle Flemming today.
  15. think I got go for oits too, female it'd have to be Linda jones.
  16. oh thats sounds interesting, anything good on it?
  17. maybe i missed it but did anyone mention 'fingers snappers', 'under the street lamp' or soulful kinda music' some fantastc tracks on all three. are these relatively uncommon? my brother bought a job lot of multiples in the late 8ts and passed them on to me and his mates.
  18. congratulations guys, well done for all your efforts.
  19. Ian made a brilliant point there just more I want to do with my spare cash nowadays, I still buy, but I'm not obsessed anymore, maybe I'm cured!
  20. just out of interest, who much does it go for? demo obviously, always wanted one, never owned it.
  21. have you checked the matrix on your edison cylinder of it though?
  22. would of thought it was an adaptation of a tradition comp from a spiritual source, thus dating back far earlier.

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