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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. it does indeed 'look good', but I have to say from the clip I'm struggling to find a real story in there, and thats what makes a great movie imho. Hate to knock it at this point but surely it needs to have an emotive plot that people, not on the scene, can connect with?
  2. my brothers mates told my about greaser mania after easyrider came out too.
  3. what! you mean there was a mod scene before Quad!!!!!!!
  4. made the same point penny a couple of months ago and got shot down for it. I always get more of a kick dancing to something I like dont know or is recently familier to me then a tune I've heard before.
  5. were not the only scene suffering from this, https://djzimmie.com/2013/09/05/end-of-djing/?inf_contact_key=ea5d6a7b8cd46e59708bff907d1d46a7436017c230be24d1d3e3e5c292bb9f0b
  6. interesting point matt, from a anthropological view now's more interesting than then, there were loads of youth tribes in the 70's, how many middle aged, youth obsessed sub culture are there nowadays?
  7. I been to some quality oldies nights Ive also seen a few car crashe wedding like the one mentioned bellow you post, there is a variety of quality in oldies nights.
  8. I wouldnt say it was a good dancelfloor chalky, it has some seriously hard, lumpy bits to dance on, most of it is ok. I would agree with you about the talc though, the floor is pretty slippy, its just the lumps!
  9. anyone remember the stoke oldies crwd throwing chairs accross the dancefloor at the lesuire bowl, mid 8ts?
  10. men at work- downunder!, I often say I want this playing at my funeral. I'd just love to imagine everyone going, 'i didnt know he liked Australia' (I have no association wirt it whatsoever!)
  11. you might call it intollerance, I'd just cal it passion.
  12. 'out of time' Adey, it was 3 times a night round local (stoke/ cheshire) nights, think its come from the later day wheel crowd.
  13. much has been said about the divisions within the scene, or the split betwix the billy smart and the stafford tunes, ahem, I mean rare soul factions. yet the narator of show remains oblivious to the tensions, strange that!
  14. chris Farlowe! I know! but its massive in certain circles, there are loads of 'I went to the wheel' ers too.
  15. it all comes down to how you define 'underground', and thats a tricky one, it certainly is and indeed was mainstream in certain areas. Around Stoke NS was THE popular music of the mid to late 7ts, kids down my street used to do skipping to 'what' as well as the rollers chant, 'b- a- y, b-a-y' ect. Is it really mainstream in the true sense? I'm sure there's loads around the country who've never heard of it, especially amongst the young, who are probably far too busy getting tattoo'd over 90% of their carcass whilst high on a mix of mad cat and veno's. Is it underground? well even the most commercial side of it probably is, to a certain extent. Is it cool anymore? you seen any of those weekender photo's? I sometimes catch the big band show on sundays evenings on R2, they advertise concerts by swing band's around the country, Cromer pier and the like, and I wonder about the 'big band scene', I'm sure its not cool, but its probably got more dignity than what's left of NS.
  16. I've been hammering the limitations over the lat 12 months, the very essense of 'it' imho, I cant say the 'n' word anymore, lol.
  17. You said it so much better than I could mate, sorry to cause offence to anyone, but you can hardly critisie another scene talking in cliches and steroetypes when you're perpetuating new ones. I also think to a certain extent its and age thing, in terms of relating to house and the roots of contemporary dance music. I often tell this anecdote about standing on the balcony at the Hac with me brother, he was telling me about standing on the balcony at station road, talking to a younger kid about the torch. The kid would say 'the torch cant have been better than the this could it?' My brother turned to me and said, Wigan and the torch were totally different but they werent even in the same league as the Hacienda.
  18. put simply your talking bollox, you were either not on that scene or simply going to the wrong venues.
  19. it can be very atmospheric, portishead amongst others have added to modern recordings.
  20. you obviously know nowt about house music, you're right in some ways though, go compare 'cc Rodgers or Mass order to say, 'phillly dog around the world' or 'the peanut duck' Northern soul is obviously far more shallow and trite than house. But then again I'm prone to sweeping generalisations about a music scene I know nothing about, just like you.
  21. can I give an honourable mention to Biddulph's Gary Fultcher, never saw him in action but I believe he came a close and contested 2nd to Sandy one year.
  22. think an earlier poster made a good point about ofo, you never heard anyone complaining about people not playing 'loving by the pound' of the original album. all this ovo talk really means is 'the rarest one' in most cases
  23. I mentioned this tune before, if you own the original, Carla didnt get a bean for it, the reissues she did. not really in keeping with the ethics of our patron saint, Dave, if you want the original.
  24. mylestones -the joker, 'anthphetonoveltycheesburgerdeluxe' but one of the best records ever made.

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