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Posts posted by Geeselad

  1. 1 hour ago, Mickey Finn said:

    No worries, I get your main point and agree with it. The whole cultural appropriation argument to me is something I am very uncomfortable with because it is so open to abuse and, well, appropriation. My line is as MickL said in another thread on here:

    Give credit where it's due, it's all you can do.

    Wise words and we would avoid so much bother and aggravation if they were heeded, and not only in the soul scene.

    That was my general point really, regarding, the term cultural appropriation is so rife for abuse. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Mickey Finn said:

    No, it's just certain academics playing the same self-promotion game by finding a form of oppression and then developing an angle on it. Nothing to do with Marx or the virgin Mary. As with social media, academics compete for likes (citations) via posts (publications) that simultaneously appropriate (borrow/adapt/quote) from the work of others whilst marking themselves out as somehow unique from the crowd and therefore worth following. Much of academic publishing today is influencer marketing gone mad.

    People who have never read Marx call this "Marxism" because its practitioners adopt oppressed poses and claim to speak for the oppressed, even as they build nice careers and are anything but oppressed themselves. Ultimately it's all about them and little or nothing to do with the ordinary people they claim to defend. Marxism it most definitely is not. It's just a variation on what seems to be the central theme of this and some other older threads - appropriation for the singular purpose of self-advancement.

    Fair points, I haven't read him and I'm well ready to accept it's a lazy metaphor on my part. 

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  3. 22 hours ago, Corbett80 said:

    There’s a pretty strong argument that Northern soul itself is cultural appropriation of the highest order. A bunch of white people robbing 45s from poor black folk, building a scene around them, copying the dancing and using black power iconography etc - the list goes on. I mean, i love it and i’m fully invested and would argue it’s all out of love, but we can’t get the hump about other people culturally appropriating cultural appropriation can we….?

    It depends how much you want to dig really, is it cultural appropriation when a black picks up a guitar, an instrument invented by Caucasians? Marist theory has a funny way of making it's own rule up, don't you think? 🤔

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  4. 3 hours ago, Tlscapital said:

    The Discogs styrene screams evidently 'alert !' as it uses the SP pressing plant label (vinyl)  but the other entry if ever a variant pressing (or the same as it's "open sourced" for new entries) don't say much in regard of material (vinyl or styrene) and matrix sadly. The 45cat 'open sourced' entry is not much more enlightening on the matter FWIW.




    Thanks for the info. 

  5. I've not watched this and after recent BBC fare I'm hesitant. It's a subject that's already well documented, especially in book form. Looking forward to some detailed coverage of disco's  roots at the sanctuary in San Francisco. I thought 'rock you baby' was considered the first disco record? 

  6. 5 hours ago, Dave Pinch said:

    Bloody hell geese that was dear.. my 2nd copy  of epitome came from John manship in 1989 and was only £10

    They were dead stock, but I think I ended up trading for 'tune up' on British, to minshull, who Tim owed. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Dave Pinch said:

    In 1980 I was an apprentice on £26.25.. most I spent was £5/6 on rarer uk Motown.. epitome of sound £3 all subjective I guess

    I got a epitome of sound, stone mint in 87, off Tim A, £20, he had a stack from the states. 

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  8. On 11/12/2023 at 06:47, Roburt said:

    There are quite a number of 'covers' that I like.

    Not too many decent Beatle's songs covers on the soul side but I do like E,W&F's attempt + Syretta's effort too. For me, Jose Feliciano was at his best on covers -- his take on "Golden Lady" is just sublime.

    One song that never really did it for me was "Pony Time" -- that certainly inspired quite a few cover versions in very quick succession after Don Covay's group's original effort ... 


    Can't remember the artist but always liked the female version of ' got to get you into my life' on scepter, if I remember correctly.

    And this

    The best version for me



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