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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Dornie Elbert, and would get my worst soul singer of all time vote, and he awful
  2. get your point, true as in never hit commercial success, but that's a whole other thread daddyo.
  3. I'd say it's really relevant how many copies have knocked about in the past. I wouldn't personally pay mega money for something Anderson had in bulk in the 80s. In fact these are the only things we have to go on in terms in the true value of records. Shouldn't rare records be rated by rarity rather than monetary value?
  4. from the west coast gotta add Jackie lee as a worthy of top ten.
  5. in terms of output its hard to beat many of the artists from the Motown stable
  6. yeah groups included Dylan, good call the masqueraders, excuse my ignorance but was there just one group of that name in the 6ts?
  7. just been reading the article of Otis I wouldn't dispute his rights to greatest soul artist, but northern that's a different matter, who do you think the greatest is? I'm throwing my hat in the ring with a pretty obvious choice- Jackie Wilson, he doesn't have many rare tunes for sure, but in terms of shear volume he's gotta be top 5.
  8. Same could be said of loads of tunes that go for double the value of this.
  9. maybe its the same as capitol 66 demos? Did abs issue demos in 68?
  10. I was going to ask how did you play it, but thanks for clearing that up.
  11. Wish there were that many books on the really influencial clubs of the era, garage, gallery, zanzibar, or the warehouse. Their seems to be very little written about the sanctuary, which was probably the most important of all.
  12. Arron neville has a great vocals but it's really sounds like a demo, the instrumentation is really back in the mix. I I like the fidels but it's kind of so wrong for now. would have been massive in the 80's though.
  13. It's really sad, but it happened again in the 80s with the early house pioneers. Most of them didn't even get a royalties, but just a one off payment for the tape.
  14. a decent read, just interested to know how widespread is it, are we just talking about one club here or are there nights all over japan?
  15. Yeah you're right of course, but I the Melba - standing is in another class, too good for this type of crowd, lol.
  16. Try Al mathew_ fool Emotions best of my love/I don't want to lose your love Boz scaggs-lowdown/what can I say Melba Moore baby don't change your mind All worked well for me at these types of events in the past.
  17. in terms of house, certainly one of the most influential and sampled artists
  18. saw him absolutely stuff up a mix, cutting between two copies of mfsb on the show, kinda embarrassing really as its his signature mix.
  19. Muck fe mace, the how very restrained you are, and you hit the mother load, you jammy bad tart.
  20. always wondered why they had so many sub labels, without any real distinction between styles or genre
  21. do you think they focussed on 'that motown sound' at the expense of individual artist development Dave?
  22. hardcore dave, I'd have more respect for some of the young guns if they were doing it more, that said there are a small band of them that are always up and out. that national express from London to Blackburn, was a long one, it used to stop at every small town in lancs.

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