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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Thanks for the insight, Im certainly no social history expert, and I respect your views. For me the poor:white, black and every shade betwixt have been sold down the river politically by left right and centre.
  2. I would have thought a man like Mr Manship could and should have had the judgement to know selling this was wrong. Even if it came into his possession I'm sure he had contacts in other specialist collecting fields where he could have disposed of this item without offending the mainstay of his customers. I don't know but if after how long he's been record trader I'd say it was rather odd if he didn't have contacts to trade or pass this onto! However the guy wilfully made a discerned choice to get the best possible price by auctioning it himself. I'd say that's really, really distasteful given the context, as bad a Kosher butcher selling bacon or the Greg's Sausage roll Messiah. All done in the name of greed!
  3. not sure Malcolm X or the panthers were too fussed about love and equality myself, get your point tho entirely
  4. Two from me both obvious, but hard to fault, if you think you know what soul and haven't had the pleasure of these two, then I evy you https://youtu.be/eQPUTMU4Lho
  5. I meant newcomers to djing not necessarily to the scene. Of which there are many.
  6. I spose I just meant prepared to push the boundaries.
  7. Contrary to my earliercomments. It's taken me a while but finally thought of a few:all seem to be missing in action. Killa (not heard of him for ages) Adam topping, come on Adam, it's been a year! And of course karl Heard. Not heard any new comers quite as progressively aggressive in their plays yet.
  8. For me it's now more of a case of I would travel to a venue that puts on the kind of music I enjoy, and see upfront thread.
  9. Couldn't have said it better another good example would be Was gobsmacked when I heard this played, wtf, but it works on the dance floor and has been popular in the last 12 months
  10. I think chalky is pretty spot on as to its origins, but I'd say it was first used regularly about 10 /12 years ago, and with Steve cato's soul or nothing, Adam and mat's move on. I think there was a general appetite for a little more diversity in playlists. I I used the term to promote change in Stoke a little later.
  11. Sorry guys rugby's back room, and Swintons , witton albions dolly room, va va voom, empty bottles, pumping hearts all doing it. Please feel free to add to the list.
  12. here we go again all these have been played on what I'd term the upfront scene. but no doubt I'm going to get a tirade of abuse: as they were all played at wigan/ Stafford, or there not soul, or you cant dance to them, or there played out! delete as appropriate. Sheeze there are some ex rare soul guys who are titsed at not having a scene anymore! really your all welcome guys, you just need an open mind!
  13. there you go it was only a matter of time.
  14. I'd consider, soul function, Burnley, Go Go children, different strokes as some of the Key venues. tunes wise I'm hesitant to post for the sake of being berated by the rare soul crowd, and oldies crew for that matter. Best thing is to get yourself along to one of those venues.;
  15. the question was has anything else by Gill played, didnt realise I needed to justify its merits as 'upfront' as well. Well its fresh to the Northern scene anyway. I sposse it a bit like the oldies crowd playing Mel Torme and 'baby your out of time'.
  16. it was always assumed to be much commoner than 'look at me now' wasn't it?
  17. Here you go, christ I've amazed myself, posted a link from my phone! Killa was the first I heard play it about 10 years back in the back room of the King's hall.
  18. Lady day and John Coltrane has had plenty of spins in the upfront scene. sorry will try to post a link later.
  19. wouldn't be truly leftfield if you all like everything on this thread, so here's a bit of marmite, but I love it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z42IQ64mcg
  20. that's because if it were by the terra shirma strings it would sound sweet FA like Mike post! Valid only as nostalgia! Tis a piece of crap that should get no airings nowadays.
  21. At the risk of being a cheese maker here, my sugar baby and dilyiid epitomise northern soul for some, and but not all. It's a broad church and the sweet uplifting feel to said tracks is miles away from say the moodiness of a Ray pollard or grey imprint for that matter. There is no arcatypical sound, look at what was played at the wheel, as much stax as motown! But it never sits sweet with the history writers and documentary makers, and ruins a simple narrative.
  22. in collecting terms test pressing like Acetates (of an issued record) are never as desirable as the actual record. Unless its a classic and there is some provenance about the tune that makes it desirable as a trophy piece, which in this case there is. More desirable than the vinyl? its hard to say on a piece that is so rare in its original format. Should really go for more as the general trend in collecting is up, but would it go for more than the one with soul label on it if sold at the same time? doubt it personally.
  23. Not sure about loads. compared to a well respected oldie that's always the in demand , but shite imho, el Anthony, its dog rare! Never whent to the casino but love coloured man. Would love to own one, but but you never see them, so no surprise for me.

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