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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. New Jersey and connection is brilliant and perhaps, ironically, ripe for upfront northern dance floors.
  2. OK fair point, I understand your perspective, hope you get mine. I apologise for any offence but I think that's how anyone with Northern nounce would se it. Atb. I geese.
  3. Must be great hearing a track like that for the first time, but for most of us it's absolutely hammered to the point that the nails are coming out the other side. I most certainly not what you'd travel a distance to hear. Seriously I would I thought it's a 'most likely heard" down your grab a gran or grandad with trilby an Fred perry night. Really don't mean to sound arrogant but I'm surprised anyone who's found this site hasn't heard it, esp if from the UK.
  4. A counter point would be my recollection of attending Burnley about 10 years ago, for context burnley was renowned as one of the best upfront nights around. A dj played "a little togetherness". an the two dj"s, I was with, both well Know on the scene. said "that's the final straw I were not driving up here to listen to this". I think just about every track played that night wouldn't scrape the top 1000 but they were both really pissed of about the younghearts. And to be honest I wasn't impressed myself.
  5. Have to say I can't it changing a thing, too many couldn't care a less, the're in the majority, those who do are not. The ethics of the scene have been exchanged for a kiss me quick hat, to cover the bald plate"s.
  6. Not been out a great deal of late but I'd have to over recent years Dave Thorley Sean Haydon Doctor pickles, even though I'm not a big r and b fan, lol.
  7. Jumping Joan is on here, she give you a good morning insight into the female perspective.
  8. There appearance and the more leftfeild approach to music when hand in hand.
  9. Don't think there's any professional house djs working off vinyl anymore, upless you count tractor and the like. OK I know spinna will play a breaks set off 45"s but it's not the only format he uses.
  10. Welcome to your door is the side for me, wish he'd pass the pipe to me
  11. Interesting dissertation. A subject there's not that much written about. Id suggest contacting russ marland, ex hacienda resident. He works in vinyl exchange, downstairs, nowadays, but used to work in spinn in back in the day and knows his stuff about that era and style.
  12. Just wondering why the torch oach says 1975 on it? Difnt it close in 72?
  13. Its easy to forget how important conditions are relative to value, finding NM copies of classic is definitely becoing harder.
  14. I wasnt aware of that joan, rather rude. I certainly like to read more of your perspective on the scene. I can remember pete, but at the time he scared this young youth from stoke to death.
  15. He really put into Context, chalky, give a sense of the time and place.
  16. A legend, i believe he was the first UK dj to mix.
  17. Personally thought its the best book on the subject since 'the in crowd'. Which is for me the most definitive. Stuart's book had lots of detail and insight id not seen covered before,
  18. Come on , stoke is an essential, weve got f all else, even the potters ccant play anymore!
  19. Another apparently wise man once said 'if it ever becones like the teds thing, its over' .......... Somebody on here said you used to get whole families of teds in the 70's. Now we often have mums and dads and there kids into baggies and holy st james. Says it all really.
  20. They certainly are, vinyl is now a respected format that's growing all the time. The 'get with it grandad' aporoach doesnt quite fityfor me, vinyl is part of a movement towards 'slow music' in much the way as slow food and the fact that books and even newspapers seem to have survived the flood of digitalism. Convenience misses the point of music, food and reading. I truely believe People will still read paper books, listen to records and even use plates in a hundred years time. Course the masses will choose the convenient, they always have, but then listening to soul has never been about the masses.
  21. Top man well said, divs are divs, whatever they wear.

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