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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. you got to be proud when someone get a shot like this of your son.
  2. mandells and eddie floyd please des
  3. Sublime. Still adore this track.
  4. Hope this hasn't been posted before, I found it a fascinating article. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/10/magazine/the-brazilian-bus-magnate-whos-buying-up-all-the-worlds-vinyl-records.html
  5. I thought he came across well, in terms of a mainstream audience. But I've been listening to Richard on the radio for a long time. His genuine passion an knowledge puts, that dick, Charles, to shame, it's so obvious he's clueless and just chasing the cash.
  6. Don't know if this is old hat, but reading 50 shades of grey, at the moment and a major character is called Gia Matteo. Seems an odd coincidence the author would pick that name out of the blue, northern devotee perhaps?...
  7. I got a couple of Chi-lites records both on costa rican Brunswick- white! also got a Eddie Kendicks on Black Panamanian Tamla
  8. Never got the analogy between NS and Hardcore, where is the soul in Hardcore for a start? The punters into Hardcore were basically like the divs that flocked to the Casino after TOTP's. They missed out on the early and best days of house and rave and never really got its connection to the soul scene that was already there in there first place. All of the guys that got me into going the Hac ect were ex soulies, the link was far more trasnsparent than the perceived cultural link the author alludes to.
  9. sold one on here last year, £60 ish if i recall correctly
  10. The more I look at life, the more I get the feeling that the vast majority of people don't really love music that much! They just want to be fashionable. Go with the dictated music industry fashions, so they look young and trendy. the increased feminisation of society has compounded this, women love compromise and this leads to mediocrity in all fields They call Bruce Springsteen the Boss, even though he is a overhyped poor singer! he probably acknowledge that himself, his main talent is as a song writer. and he's a genius. 'got a wife and kids in Baltimore, jack went out for a drive and never came back.'
  11. Personally many of these retro soul efforts already sound stale and formulaic, it's like acid jazz all over again.
  12. Interesting tune, unusual production and very atmospherric, could image this getting plays.even if he does sound like elvis!
  13. Transplant the same kind of unheard artist's from the 60's to now and they definitely wouldn't be releasing there low budget but creative recordings on vinyl.
  14. I've made a similar piont about mods.
  15. liked it when first heard, but as with most pastiche's they quickly fade into parody
  16. That s really good, IMHO, be really interested to know who it's by myself. Where did you come across it? and to the above post, my mum told me, 'if you can't say anything nice, STFU.!'
  17. Often wondered about general collectors as you termed and them, just how many UB40 collectors, for instance, are out there and would they want read an article about Madonna, of they didn't collect that artist?
  18. They'll go wild at all those incontinence pants.
  19. Just realised my 'cosha' and was most definitely not kosher.

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