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Posts posted by Geeselad

  1. Anyone have the above or heard of it, white group, dark red label. My brother had it in the 80's can't find a track of it on the net. I'm 100% on the title, 90% on the artist, possibly vondelles or similar, any help appreciated. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Mal C said:

    Think it was put out initially by the secret Stash M-Pac Lp's, probably an acetate play before that, looks like Charly might have either sub licenced it from them, or who ever has the tapes now, I think that all went south at Secret Stash didnt it, I cant remember the story behind it...

    That was it, was on The One-Derful! Collection Vol. 3 - M-Pac Records

    Heard ted play a 'mountain of soul' at Keele, not sure if it's the same 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Solidsoul said:

    Just about every great record that had ever been played on the Northern Soul scene since it's inception up until 1980, got played at Wigan Casino at one time or another. Yes there were some bad records played, but overall the great far outweighed the bad!  


    I'm not picking on Wigan, you make a fair point, some amazing records discovered there..

  4. 4 hours ago, Woodbutcher said:

    You have to allow that to any newcomer everything is new to them.

    Back in '81/82 when I was just starting out on this lifelong journey I was often sneered at for enjoying dancing to "that tired old shite" and being told to "get in the 'newies' room and learn something" by the older folk that had been through the Torch and Wigan.

    But it was all 'newies' to me who'd just come from an earlier life into the similarly 'phet fueled punk scene and I was like a kid in a sweet shop trying to catch up on the past whilst absorbing the new , all at the same time , and loving it.

    So I welcome anyone to start that same journey and enjoy hearing these wonderful tunes for the first time.

    I just wish they'd disconnect from the bloody internet and the rest of the world while they did it and enjoy it properly and fully immersed in the music rather than wandering around trying to film their every move , or sitting glued to their screens for hours on end googling something or other obivious to what's going on around them.

    If I ever run a soul night or nighter , thinking about it for my 65th in a while , I guarantee that all phones , cameras and video equipment a bit like guns in Tombstone , will be handed over for safe-keeping at the door else you won't be coming in. 

    I suspect the floor will be sparsely occupied however because every bugger'll be out in the carpark vaping and Snapchatting ... :lol:

    I get it's all new to them, I loved oldies and the stuff Guy and Ion were playing when I first got into the scene. I still love oldies now, especially torch and wheel era. However I hated most of the poppy shite that was played at Wigan from the get go. I went, and still do, for music with bollox and an raw feel to it, not pop records or love boat music which is often what I hear associated with the 'apparently' burgeoning youth scene.

    I say apparently, because the clips I've seen frequently show the same handful of costumed actors dancing their (hands on!) hearts out, Surrounded by loads of pissed locals who possibly show at that venue every week for whatevers on. Now I may be way off the mark, I've not attended these events, but that's what it seems like to me. 

    • Up vote 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Shinehead said:

    What happened to the music? it just seems about dancing now with the "Johnny come latelys" back in my day the music was the bug and the dancing followed. Most of the newcomers seem to just want to get out on a weekend get pi**ed and dance in the same formulated way. 

    Glad that the music is my passion and still going strong 50+ years later.

    Good job there is still some events with the original ethos and sites like this where like minded individuals can have discussion.


    Very good point, the folk left on the scene, generally still are music focussed and obsessed, the youth version of the scene seems as happy to dance to Jimmy James or 'love don't come no stronger', as something rare, great and underplayed. 

    • Up vote 2
  6. 27 minutes ago, Tlscapital said:

    No ! As I'm no member of the f*c*book sect and never will be 😉

    Costume play acting, teddyfication. 

    Let's face it there was always folk ready to blab about it, but now every new kid on the block has sommat to say. Kids searching for identity I can understand that, wanting to share it with all unsudary, I conna. 

    • Up vote 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Solidsoul said:

    So that means every rare record must have crap vocal's!  That's why nobody wanted to buy it!  So now we know why Ty Karim and The Cashmeres, for example, never sold many records!!!

    Rob wrote quite an honest review of the artists career and I think he was spot on. I just played his hit, the guy probably only sings for 30 % of the record! However, I love IFAF, the package of his albeit limited vocals works well with the great instrumentation, and as a northern tune. The other artists you mention have great qualities but their own contextual reasons for rarity. They all do! It's should be a nuanced  discussion with room for critical thoughts. 

    • Up vote 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Tlscapital said:

    You can now click on solved 😉 I didn't assume it would turn out to be Buddy Lamp though.

    But so are the odds of the whatever hints one gives and what we can 'picture' out of them... 

    I've seen how good this site is with vague memories recollections before, always impressed. Thank you very much. 

    • Up vote 2
  9. It's bubby lamp guys, thanks for the help, now I need a copy! 

    5 hours ago, Alan T said:


    First couple that i thought of was Buddy Lamp "My Tears" or Benny Latimore - "Rain From The Sky"

    Thanks pal, it was indeed buddy!

  10. 3 hours ago, Alan T said:


    First couple that i thought of was Buddy Lamp "My Tears" or Benny Latimore - "Rain From The Sky"

    I'll check these, thanks 

    3 hours ago, Alan T said:



    3 hours ago, Tlscapital said:


    I know this great tune but not the one

    3 hours ago, Headsy said:


    Thanks but not the one

  11. Sorry to be so vague about this one. All the Lyrics I can recall are 

    Tears come falling/ tumbling down my face

    Male vocal, quite raw sounding and possible early 64/65. Had it on a Stafford tape years ago, I've tried several songs with the that title to no avail. He bends the 'tears to sound 'te- he - he - ears, come falling down my face', I think 🤔 🤣

    Hope someone can help, thanks in advance. 



  12. 9 minutes ago, Woodbutcher said:

    I can only barely imagine the chaos that would ensue if a bunch of three parts p*ssed , overweight , 60+ punters started that kind of malarkey round the Tower Ballroom , pint in one hand and selfie-stick in t'other ... :facepalm:

    Oh totally 🤣🤣

  13. 1 hour ago, Chalky said:

    Saturday Night Fever was marketed and aimed at the divs we are talking about

    Fair point but it was also inspired by a mod lifestyle, transplanted to Brooklyn in the 70's. The writer of the short story that inspired it was a regular at tiles the flamingo and scene club. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. Myself and my brother been searching for a Tom Jones ep, I used to own, it had probably easily best track on it, neither of us can remember the title! The EP, was called 'jones the voice' it also had, ain't gonna be that way, on it. Any help appreciated! 

  15. One I've heard touted is; the trends album on ABC, they did put out enough singles, on the label, to make up an album, 7. Anyone know what, tell me, is like? By them Incidentally. 

  16. 40 minutes ago, Sutty said:

    Laura - Eli and the 13th confession is amazing, a desert island disc for me

    The LP of covers with Labelle ‘Gonna Take a Miracle’ absolutely essential

    Carolyn Peyton

    Karen Dalton as above 💥 amazing voice

     Carole King of course…

    cheers Sutty






    Thanks a lot, really appreciated, all on my wants list, I was aware of the work with labelle, such an interesting artist. 

    Just now, Geeselad said:

    Thanks a lot, really appreciated, all on my wants list, I was aware of the work with labelle, such an interesting artist. 

    Karen Dalton, what a voice and wasn't aware of her before, thank you, music really is a blessing. 

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