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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. It is a solution Len. Things that have been totally inflexible in the past have changed overnight in education, nothing seems unfeasible anymore.
  2. Am I losing it post covid? Or did the goodies listen to Don Covay before Dreaming up ' black pudding Bertha'. There something in that intro and the arrangement that convince me they did, both released '75, I note.
  3. I can remember frank Ellison devoting two pages to this exact point, that's half and hour of my life I'll never get back. If you think the following Lacks soul you're not on the same planet as me.
  4. Fair enough, I'd call it rock and roll but I bet the ted's would lynch me. I think it's awful in another way, what a waste of his amazing voice on such an inspid, wishy washy pop tune.
  5. Great news, might take a trip down to ribs legendary shop.
  6. Where would you put the ones coming in, year 7 and reception, for three months? The whole system is interdependent. What about university's? Just couldn't work I'm afraid.
  7. I'm a teacher, a couple of weeks ago I doubted if we'd be back in September, now I think all years will be back in more or less full time. The union issues a red herring, academies don't recognise them anyway.
  8. Pm to reserve. Post extra. Lollipops- cheating is telling on you VIP demo. Ex 45 Carstairs- he who picks a rose- okeh ex 45 Vernon Garret- if I could turn back the hands of time- modern ex 45 Charmers - if you're looking for trouble - pip ex 50 More to follow soon
  9. Ffs, that's total utter crap. Love it when the singing kicks in, he's does indeed sound drunk, they all do.
  10. this would have to be a contender for me. Many will disagree but let's be honest here: No discernable bass line, a shuffly, scratchy, rhythm, instruments sound like they're playing in different keys. Then there's the vocals, just reminds me of Vic and Bob doing, piss take, soul harmonies. The song in its self isn't too bad but it seems like there rushing to fit the lyrics into the arrangement. It's just shite and I'll be eternally grateful I traded my mint copy for an iffy copy of Terry callier' s look at me now. You're taking a collector's creative vision too far if you think this deserves playing out. Bought it blind at a record fair, when your your you think, erm, well maybe on big system, it's pretty rare, but no never! Just don't do it!
  11. This came up in conversation on the other night. I'd wondered about the use of the name Jodie in various soul records by: Johnny Taylor, Bobby Patterson and Anne Sexton amongst others, a quick Google brought this up. Might be of interest. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_cadence
  12. Personally, I believe regardless of whether a vaccine is found, there Will be events, legal or otherwise. Maybe a return to a true underground of unlicensed venues might hint at the atmosphere of the heydays of yore. Chalky you feel like that now, but how about in 6 months, or year? As we've seen, many are starting to take liberties and that will only grow. We have a crew of aging piss heads who gather daily to drink cans on the town hall steps, in my town. The level of policing is a fraction of what it was 30 years ago, regardless of the statistics. Posturing and threats from the government are totally unrealistic. Maybe what will define us won't be the width of our trouser bottoms or ' the knowlege', at these events but whether we have the desire be to continue live, dance and share a comunal experience. FFS their are heavy metal bands that formed in the centre of war zones. I can't imagine a world without soul events and don't want to. I think the essence of the new normal will be tollerance and respect of others veiws and concerns.
  13. Really sorry to hear of you loss Dave, thinking in you at this sad time.
  14. She was the real, proper soul girl.
  15. Looks an interesting documentary, about time BBC 4 made something new, sky arts tends to wipe the floor with them in terms of music docs, of late.
  16. Thanks a lot Richard, I think I'm probably a little ignorant if the scale of the edits scene and I must admit enlightened by your be words. I was labouring under the apprehension that this was a commercially orientated rather than enthusiast based. Not keen on a lot of it personally, but realise my hypocrisy when driving today listening to Sasha slice a Whitney Houston accapella over a leftfield track from a thousand years ago, and recalled I almost wet my pants when I heard him do it live for the first time.
  17. Thanks Richard, I realise there little cash In recorded music in general and the situation with remixes. I think what concerns me more than the radio play of the edits is all the uncredited edits that appear on SoundCloud and mixcloud, via mixes, where no mention of the original artists is made.
  18. Listening to Craig Charles last night while cooking tea. . The thing that come across was just how many edits of old tunes he plays, in fact I don't think he played the original version of any track from the 60's or 70's. In wondering how the royalties are divided? How much does the artist get, how much the re editor? Surely the re editor is getting paid? Is this at the expense of the original artists?
  19. Not seen that one yet. Started half way through. Funny but better detail and insight than I've seen on many documentaries.
  20. Seems plenty to interest funk fans, after the two part James brown, I've just watched one on Morris Day and prince, next up Bette Davis
  21. Just watched this, the animation was a little off putting initially but really enjoyed it. personally. Wasn't aware of the issues between Joe Tex and JB.
  22. Loughborough all nighter around 88. Arrived easily enough from London on the train, where I was studying, never been to the town before but easily found the venue, town hall, if I remember correctly, nighter bag in hand I was told by the bouncer 'allnighter, that was last night pal!' Back to the station, last train to London had gone, first at 7 in the morning, cold nights sleep under the bench on the platform. Shrugged it off and was back at an nighter the following week.
  23. Well I just hope Sammy gets something out it, if he's still around.

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