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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Very nice to have derek in board, I'm sure he'll provide some quality sounds.
  2. The club soul we play at the Vic's can extend into more modern territory https://youtu.be/VoOp0UjNXBI
  3. Shame Joey conna make it keV, I'm sure George will provide an excellent replacement.
  4. Meanwhile back in the main room expect classics from The big 'D' like this https://youtu.be/eyglf9F8P68
  5. Always a staple when I play a set at the crown in burslem, Stoke, I use the break to segue into the vocal, double bubble!
  6. Just in case you've not seen the main attraction before. https://youtu.be/vO5OUrZeJg4
  7. Never worked for me, always clears the floor, too fast
  8. A healthy dose of motor city tunes is always essential at th Vic's. https://youtu.be/6Ah3xGtS09Y
  9. Another ever green you might well hear, at the Vic's. https://youtu.be/Vie8XxjpmMU
  10. To be fair, I love the opportunity to play some club soul, tunes many heard at 'the youthy'
  11. Looking like a cracking line up, Kev. Nice to have additional space and capacity as the last two have been very busy.
  12. The band doesn't get enough credit. Out of everything I've heard from contemporary classic soul and r and b, JH is by far the most authentic. If he was singing these in the early 60' his stardom might of eclipsed Elvis.
  13. Ace, one of the best I've seen in terms of getting it right. Adey and keb, are always reliable and passionate when asked about the scene.
  14. Did a bit of digging in central America, most of the 70's vinyl seemed okay but the few 60's records I found were of dubious quality. High Humidity can't help the survival of vacation vinyl or styrene.
  15. There's a major Lance tune that's really similar to all three, can never recall the title, probably Curtis penned anyway.
  16. Last two have been really busy, get in on the action, this Easter Friday from 4pm!
  17. As mentioned, the depth of knowledge is like the Mariana's trench. Welcome aboard.
  18. Been looking forward to this one for a while. Tim's collection is legend round these parts as are his digging exploits in the states. Anticipating some serious rarities and an equisite taste in soul.
  19. It's not about the vocal performance for me, but this is a pretty average song. You might say 'good flip', if it was the b side to uptempo stormer, but that's it. A really good example of a tune that would never get deck time if it wasn't rare, can't see it exciting dancers anywhere.
  20. Finding a paper match could be difficult. Think I could spot the difference between a Lazer copied print and the traditional method pretty easy, unless monochrome, that would be harder to spot.
  21. Those garage records were a reaction to the British invasion, which was in turn inspired, American rhythm and blues. Truth be told, musical influences know no race Boundaries, black musicians have accepted western European influences as have white musicians of African.
  22. I paid £100 for mine on here,Mary Jane,. About 18 months ago, if that's any guide.
  23. Totally agree, on this occasion though the writer comes across as an unknowledgeable arse!
  24. Not heard Ian before but I'd assumed this was written by someone with English as a second language. Not sure I've read such disjointed, awkward writing online in some time. Best you can say is that some of it is factually accurate. To think the writer has been paid to write the tripe, staggers me, discogs, I expect better.
  25. We are very pleased to announce an extra special guest.

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