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Everything posted by Geeselad

    It's been great to watch this event build steadily over the last 18 months, last Saturday, however saw Keele with a very busy dancefloor and a real buzz about it once more. Proceedings were kicked off by jez Jones, who delivered a great set full of lesser known oldies and underplayed gems. Alan Jenkins, Fred Benson and of course Ted Massey brought our the big guns with a top selection of rare classics. In contrast Johnny beggs followed with a set of exclusives and one offs. John weston has to be one of the very best northern and R&B DJs in the game and played a highly danceble set including the gentlemen four and muchachos as requests from me. Fellow gathering resident proved she is one of the best out there at the moment with a set full of energy and verve, filling the floor in the small hours with easy- just grooving along. Proceedings were closed by Rob Smith and pep, who played quality rare classics of an ilk you only really get to here at nighters. All in all a top night and proper nighter.
  1. Geeselad

    Raven Soul Night

    Without sounding trite is really is an honour to get the opportunity to play historic venues like the raven. Hope if can offer some quality tunes for the floor.
  2. Betty jane- Albert Washington Rosemary what happened - popcorn Wylie
  3. Good weather forecast great night from r dancing
  4. Some reminders of that superb dancefloor
  5. Most folk back from hols looks like it's going to be busy, can't wait to get dancing. Always something special about getting out on this floor
  6. Really pleased to be involved with the reactivation of this wonderful venue. A night certainly worth travelling too. Excellent dancefloor, quality system and an outstanding guests in Ashley and Ted.
  7. Check out our first mix on mixcloud
  8. Thanks, I was hoping you'd put forward your insight.Any idea about how he come to do this one off release on the label, or the labels connections?
  9. I've searched a bit and can't find out a great deal about this record, which really surprises me, considering how it it apparently was at the Casino. Doesn't seem any other releases on the label, and apart from it's connection to the Tof record label very little detail at all.
  10. I thought so but discogs gives me this https://www.discogs.com/master/1411979-Joey-Dee-And-The-New-Starlighters-How-Can-I-Forget You.cant purchase any of those, blocked from sale.
  11. Hi all was searching for this Wigan classic on discogs and find all of the caneil releases deemed unofficial, what was the genuine label for this? Many thanks in advance, geese. I know I'll get some stick but always loved this Wigan tune.
  12. Hoping Mark will make a speedy recovery.
  13. This Friday, funk and modern in Birmingham city centre, really excited about this new venture.
  14. Going to be dead obvious here; Otis Redding - Otis blue Marvin gaye- trouble man ( Only play this on rainy days)
  15. What a fantastice up, absolutely something for everyone.
  16. Shoes polished and ready, I've been told it's a great dance floor so I'm eager to see. Really looking up a little road trip.
  17. And here's the line up
  18. We've started a travelers list to assure entry for those covering from a distance. Interest already seems high for this event, get in touch if your coming from afar, we'll put your name on the list.
  19. It's a little funky and can fit in the Modern cannon, fantastic tune I might give a spin a week on Friday.
  20. I remember you did the rare soul uncovered years ago.. excellent compilation

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