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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Who coined the term 'newie'? does come from the stafford era or before? what were the first tunes to be turned newies? any opinions ideas welcomed.
  2. I have a tune by him on that label, will check
  3. found my orig copy in a collectors shop in london, around 88, sold it to Brady around 92, my copy, as a lot of them seem, was a bit knackered, onbloy had one off so far, not great cond and around twice the price folks have quoted, I'll be sitting waiting for this for a while I think.
  4. one of my coffin tunes if i ever get a copy to stick in my ' big box'. no offers as yet though!
  5. Any one have a spare Kris Peterson - just as much - top dog And can anyone recomend a price?
  6. thanks for all for responding, nothing I hadnt thought of though, spose I'll learn to accept it sure do miss him though.
  7. Think this was played at junction 17 on saturday, towards the end of the night, great tune.
  8. Thanks, maybe one of those, that, despite only being 75, is quite hard to get hold of?
  9. Custers last Band- I couldnt last a day without your love- Cant recall the label, twas gold though Used to have this years ago, anyone have one? also can anyone also give me a price guide, to this, as me Manships is a few years outa date it says £75 Cheers, geese.
  10. My brother and best pal has lost his faith, after 30 years soulin, Torch, Wigan, all the way through the 8ts, but now he wont listen to the tunes or come my soul night and all he wants to do is go bird spotting, the feathered kind! What should I do?
  11. Over the last couple of months I've seen loads of really young Mods and skins in Manchester, dont know if this is going on in other cities, but many of the plastic mods from the 8ts are now respected menbers of the scene methinks, Hopefully these kids will eventually make on to the scene once they realise what its all about.
  12. Thanks guys, I last saw him at that originals gig too, seems like he really is missing in action, Thanks all
  13. Kinda like them again now, but If i had to listen to Howard Guyton or Doug Banks agian in the 8ts I would of done mar sen in.
  14. Too right mate this is awsome for me, but each to there own
  15. Can anyone tell me if Dave is still active on the scene and if so where's he go?
  16. its weird really but most of the unknowns I used to see in countless boxes have disappeared to be replaced with others, so how right is Tim when he asserts that there are only 7ooo Northern tunes, Is he just arrogant or wrong?
  17. God this is hard, so many, gotta be my fav label, here go's Billy Paul - Only the strong....... Lou Rawls - See you when I git there O jays- I love music Just 3 for now.
  18. Anybody in contact with Dave? or know how i can get hold of him?
  19. anyone remember the 'rare soul' tapes of monster sounds sold at nighters in the mid eighties? tapes like these were the only way to hear tracks like 'pyramid' back then.
  20. Here mine, all big int 8ts, Tempests- someday Joe Stamply- Not too long ago Howard Guyton- I watched you slowly slip away Roseivelt Grier- Pizza pie man Dave Charles- Aint gonna cry no more
  21. not at all most cheapos beat yer top rarities every time, but even if its dead common it can still have a value through demand, unlike this, which I've seen at fairs for as little as 50p, unlike say something like nine times, or tired of being lonley. But hey if you like this, good on you, sorry not for me.
  22. I wouldnt be so sure, hott records, was a pretty obscure indie, with quite a few good soulful tracks on it, its not a re either it came out at the time as the us, not sure if all the mixes are the same, I'd after ogg it.
  23. In my op it depends, Viusual condition or how the bloody thing plays, there can be a massive discrep between the two, I have some tunes thatlook awful and play great and others that look great but I'd never play out, it also depends on demand, cheapos( less than a tenner) are virtually worthless if in poor cond, big rarities can still fetch good money, some tunes, you just cant find in good condition. But as a rule of thumb anything less than VG should go for about half its book value, I bought a Velvet Satins at KH for 120, it book 250, and the copy plays with no surface, so I consider it a bargain. others would be mortified at anything less than M-, Generally tis good advice to listen before you buy anything of any value.

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