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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Reasonable prices fro the following classics. Eloise Laws- Love factory ( blue styrene) Jerry Williams- If you ask me (60's issue) Showmen- our love will grow (swan only) Cheers, geese.
  2. sad news indeed, nothing smell like a 1200 and for so long in the 9ts, I couldnt afford them, so when I finially got a pair I was just like, tis a dream come true.
  3. Love it to bits mate, as I do much of Patrick Adams early prods, but I agree most on the NS will snear.
  4. Thanks for help with this guys, anyone know the correct matrix for the 68 jackie lee, thanks, geese.
  5. Hi can anyone confirm or refute the idea that Jackie Lee - Darkest days, along with perhaps Marvelows, was booted on styrene in the earlu 7ts. thanks, geese.
  6. I've got quite a few bits of old flyers memberships ect fron 87- till 1990 if you need anything from this era, give me a shout. Oh and put me down to purchase a copy when complete.
  7. spot on mate, I've seen loads of studes over the years @ both keele and other venues, still happens @ king hall, late bars and the lack of antthing else going on in stoke usually do the trick.
  8. Careful ther's a re of that LP too.
  9. [ The Magnificent Seven. Together Forever. Capitol. M- £20 Do you mean men?
  10. Bigtime, cardschools were everywhere"
  11. also thought the scene lost a lot of young devotees to the upcoming house/rave scene
  12. Personally I believe there seems to be a whole generation of 40 somethings that aint on the scene at the mo for family or other reasons, who were into in the 8ts and 9ts, so I feel that at some piont in the future many will return once more to relive there youth. I was also suppried to see many younger faces @ the last kings hall nighter, but would be even more impressed to see some fresh faces @ the, lets say, more cutting edge nighters and soul nights.
  13. Superb, where and when will the doc be screaned?
  14. totally unrelated to the sale mate, but I heard Led Zep used to do this in there early shows! no recording of it though.
  15. A few more that sat @ Bidds reminded me of, I'm sure that neither were first played @ Keele but they will always be associated with the place for me. Wilson Picket- Let me be your boy (played @ Bidds) Freddie Houston- Soft Walking (purchased @ Bidds)
  16. Keel may have not been breaking tunes to fans that had been on the scene for 20 years or more - but I guarantee you that this 20 year old was hearing plenty of new and exiting things every time I attended !!!! . Thats exacxtly where I'm coming from, and judging by the age of a lot of atendees to the last King hall, some punters who first atended keele nighters are are returning!
  17. fair point mate, I got into nighters around 87, so I just seemed to me that these tunes were associated with this place having missed out on late wigan and even Stafford, but I think its fair to say that these were absolutly hammered @ keele, like 3 time a night! I know these were played previously on the scene but to many on the scene who were teens or early 20's then, I think they'll be eternallly associated with that venue.
  18. With this lonstanding venue not with us anymore I thought it might be nice to reflect on the sounds that were big here in its halcyon days, (mid 8ts- early 9ts). There's been loads of stuff on here about the holy trinity of 70's venues, but at the time this was probably, along with the 100 club, the most signifigant venue from this underlooked era of the scene. OK I know it was know as primarly an oldies allnighter but the reactivations and revivals are still of interest, as well as the breaking nighter sounds. To start us off here are a couple I certainly remember being massive when the venue first started, Doug Banks- I just kept on dancing Howard Guyton - Iwatched you slowly slip away Imaginations- strange neighbourhood.

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