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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. At least 3 CU's played at our little soul session on sunday, and certainly no sigh of a drought at Bidds this year, albeit from more esoteric sources.
  2. cheaper alternative might be, the mosquito's - the fly, on spear, exactly the same tune, but aspirtions have been cast as to it validity......!
  3. This was massive in scottland in the mid 8Ts at Allerton, I'm playing it out, whenever I get the chance, too.
  4. Anyone been to rubber soul in Stoke, top contender for me, apart from trying to flog obvious pressing for exorbinate sums, he's glummer than Morrisey too!
  5. BPM's wise, Al foster band - night of the wolf, blows all of thsea away for speed
  6. Rob was the MAN for me around 87, Dave charles, Ruby, Joe Hick's he always got me on't floor.
  7. Spot on, thats how I remember it too, liverpool and manc scallies started wearing 'gear' first without a doubt well documented in several books.
  8. Bradford was one of my first nighters where I can distincly remember opening a cubicle in the door and seeing two guys with a piece of orange rubber and a needle.
  9. Dusty seems a little to 'up ' in the mix for me mate, but otherwise a fine effort.
  10. Absolutly love the milesstones, porper "off it" northern in iMHO, really apt use in soulboy.
  11. Ahem, hasnt the top shelf gone Des!
  12. Gutted, she, and Rochelle were THE voice of Salsoul!
  13. sad news indeed, probably one of the most sampled artists ever, acca's of her salsoul stuff were virtually the bedrock of early house music.
  14. the moses and joshua. Ah ha! I was expecting a blue molded label like the vandykes records, probably seen these and not looked close enough, just the text is different. cheers.
  15. shoot me down in flames, but I've never seen an issue of moses and joshua, get out of my heart on mala, I'm sure someone will correct me, but I ve had 3 demo's over the year and I've never seen an issue.
  16. I have a fan club record I picked up in holland some years back, with an unreleasd B side, must dig it out.
  17. Think I own all of the above mate, quit northern for the Hac and Shelly's in 89, and for the diserning listener all of the above were essential. heard morales kick his set of with the man machine track in 91.
  18. maybe its a little niave of me, I just love it all, well at least a good portion from all the genre's mentioned. shame folks aint more open minded but I do belive there's a lot to be said for programming, the order that you play them, in terms of keeping people on the floor and intergrating and introducing new sounds.
  19. Spot on, its just the decent thing, no audinece want well know classics repeated within hour or even minutes of one and other.
  20. a nice mix up of all genres would be great for certain venues ie- ATB but not anywhere else imho personally I believe there's room for variety everywhere, even if its only in tempo or the texture of records played, but were off into that ole can o worms yet again. same can different magot, LOL.
  21. Big Al told me about someone coming up with a formula for the perfect northern spot, for example 30% oldies, 20% underplayed, 20% modern ect, anyone know who said it? and how do you think the ratio should break down? Obviously many would argue that any formula takes away the spontanaiety and ability to respond to a dancefloor, but it could be a reflection, post set, rather than how you'd set out to do it before the spot.
  22. Me too, they lost my mixer, a pain in the arse imho!
  23. they look proper tasty Keith cheers.
  24. cheers, guys, I'll get in touch with swan, they seems like the top pick, spoke to anton on sat who informs me he's going to knock out some cardon fibre cases, super strong and super light. until then, I'm probably going down thew swan custon route.
  25. cant wait to see it, but I'm looking forwards to Bidds anyway mate, cant wait!

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