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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. lot of dj's have no imagination as George already said, it's sad reading others lists and copying there sets basically where is the enjoyment in that? would never want to play another dj's cast off's basically but hey ho each to there own... Play what you love, dance to great cover ups and have a great weekend y'all.... L As I said before, I think the focus on exclusivity aint neccasarly a great thing for the scene, for a tune to truely to crossover to the mainstream, it has to be about in multiple copies or sadly bootegged, cause every DJ wants their own exclusives, but tunes common to several dj's are just as important to the scene imho.
  2. Top pick mate, is there anyone who doesnt love this?
  3. Same here, but diversity be the spice of life too.
  4. Well there was certainy loads more young peeps on the scene in the 8TS when I got into it, and that was the beat ballad era! 'Panic is on' was massive along with kurt harris, jonnhy maestro ect, hardly stompers, but again I think was reactionary to what had gone before, ie wigan stompers. The re-assurgence in the late 9ts was about 5o somethings returning so maybe it was about satisfying that older crowd with slower tempo's and more soulful sounds?
  5. I think there a reationary element at play, for instance its not suprising that after a midtempo, tricky to dance to movement, like crossover, the next trends, latin and funky N, have an orientation towards the dancefloor.
  6. Bought the charley sampler and the stateside sampler in the 8ts, and still play them now, not particurly but some ace deep and slow stuff just for listening. Also the modern soul story vols 1 -3 are excelllent, if not probably legal. More recently the BBE series, funk spectrum, Soul spectrum and even the latin and jazz volumes hit the target fro me.
  7. Please note change of venue, all other details remian the same!!!!
  8. Geeselad

    change postcod

    Please note changed venue, now at the white star!!!!!
  9. Fred, I pondered and came up with - Lou pride- mans world - please.
  10. south African, I take it? Ooops, didnt notice you said UK, so it exists then?
  11. Otis blue, miles- kinda blue of maybe Zepplin 2
  12. Its a thousand years in the future and guys are riding around on hover scooters! see they gotta listen to northern!
  13. Sorry to say this mate and no offence but BOLLOCKS!!!!!!
  14. Deadbeats, court davis, cecil, Billy Arnell, majestics funky chick, al williams, John and the weirdest, Christ ther'e so bleeding many!!!!!A rrrgghghgh my heads going to blow!!!!!! sorry I can pick just one fred!!!!!
  15. As I said, I'm over simplifying to say its just about tempo, its the feel, production and vocal style that appeals to diverging elements within the scene.
  16. Its all so off the peg for kids now, if its easy to access, it must be good, there's such a different mentality amongst most young people toaday than even my generation that grew into the scene in the 8TS. I think we were just so much more suspicious of the mainstream.
  17. You've got it there. Although I think that the more 'traditional' rare nights are more accepting of downtompo stuff, and too be honest its not just tempo either, that would over simplify things, tradition rare fans I've spoken to seem to prefer more polished production styles, with a greater enthpasis on the soul qualities, as opposed to dancability. I heard so many anecdotes where folks have said' I like it, but where's the soul?'
  18. I didnt want to be so specific, its just one mans opinion, and as always my appreciation and understanding by reading many of the opinions on the subject, has grown. There certainly a difference some of what I hear at rare soul nights compared to allnighters, and I suppose thats always existed for obvious reasons! Many rare soul fans no longer attended allnighters and have little taste for the more upfront sounds, possibly due to not hearing them in context.
  19. Sound Shute, good to speak mate, yeah your right as well there's certainly parallels with the oldies/ newies scene.
  20. The definition of what a rare soul night is is very broad, at the moment, with some nights choosing to focus on midtempo and X over as opposed to the more uptempo, upfront sounds, including latin and the funkier end of things. Do folks see there being a definate split in what's offered in the future or will rare nights need to grow to encompass all the sounds mentioned above. For me tolerance and diversity is the key, but I doubt some of the oldskool 'rare' crew will appreciate the BPM's and energy of say one of Carl H's sets, or Vise versa. I'll take a big Gulp before posting this, and I'm sure I'll get some stick! but it needs saying! there's just something in the air.........
  21. Saw gil in Manchester in the mid nineties, first time he didnt show, but his band did! The midnite express were excellent, so much so that whe Gil did play with them the following month I was didappionted with his, just like the record performance and lack of rapore with the audience, but thats Crack cocaine for you!
  22. seen a few bits from this tape cheap recently, I had the charmers and margie hendrix for 40 and 50 resepectively, over the moon to pick em up for that price, they sold for more than that in the 8ts!
  23. charmers-if youre looking for trouble (red label?) DIP vito and salutations-id best be going (Sandbag same as Epitome Of Sound)) Yeah but its purple Derek
  24. I was studying @ st martins when I met you Kev, djing in our coffee bar, the Alex introduced me to so many folks on the scene, and reading this so much has come flooding back, those drapes wow! So many names mentioned on here have conected names to faces as I remember talking heavy vinyl with dennis Ben and Mat especially on many occasions. I'm sure I've got a flyer somewhere, musically Kev playing Jackie Beavers and Little Johhny Hamilton, and hearing John and the weirdest for the first time and darting over to ask Tony smith wha it was. I 'm certain I recalled asking you why you'd rigged up a pulley system to keep the lids on the deck up, 'why dont you take them off Kev?' I asked.

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