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Posts posted by Geeselad

  1. 5 hours ago, Colouredman said:

    The biggest problem now, which affects everything from whats played, to whether a venue is busy or not, or actually any good or worth attending is the fact that as a scene we’ve basically self destructed. From having a scene which was a defined genre, with an approximate consensus on what constituted a Northern record (by and large), now we have so many scenes within one scene that it raises the question of whether ‘Northern’ is still a genre any more.

    We seem unable to stop reinventing what it is, in an effort to keep coming up with ‘new’. So now when you go to a venue, you could be listening to some semi Doo Wopp record made in 1961, or an R&B record made in 62, or something made and recorded last week!

    There is no reliable, identifiable consensus on what Northern is anymore. In the past if someone told me a record I ddnt know was great Northern, it probably was. Now if someone tells me something is great Northern, I find myself asking privately...”yes, but what kind of Northern?”

    When I was a teenager in the 70’s I could pretty accurately tell someone that a lot of Northern was similar to Motown, or at the very least 4 beats to the bar, with a black sound, strong backbeat etc. But what would I tell em Northern is now??? 

    Most people within 5 years of my age (65) grew up with Motown, it was in the charts and played everywhere. So that sound was in our heads, so sliding into Northern with a very similar sound, was easy and perhaps even inevitable. But theres generations since who dont have that Motown/60’s soul sound in their heads or historic musical experience, and so they dont necesarily have the benchmarks to assess Northern as it used to be.

    My impression is that there is a community of punters who dont really know much about music; 60’s with a beat doesnt make it Northern, black with no beat doesnt make it Northern either, nor does you liking it and enjoy dancing to it. Equally having a collection and wanting to dj does not in itself equal a dj!

    As a scene its probably lost its way, add to that venue overkill, and the age of a lot of us, its probably past its ‘sell by’ as a scene. But that said, the finest examples of the best Rare Soul music a person could ever hear, still exist, and will forever, regardless of their being a ‘scene’ or not.

    I agree with a lot you've said, there's not enough open mindedness, most records are overplayed in every element of the scene. However, I've seen similar letters in blues and soul in the 70's with sentiments bemoaning 'it ain't what it used to be', the north may rise again, but only if people will put there phones away! 😂

    • Up vote 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. Whitchurch has been great, last Swinton, I enjoyed and I'm lucky to have a great, quality oldies night, Macclesfield, nearby and the superb more left field, FTMNTC just down the road. It's not like me to be positive! 😂

  3. I have to say Paul, it's not specific to NS, look at break dancing or footwerk for example, are those guys really into the music or just showing their skills? There has always been a competitive element in NS, some amazing dancers that have all the moves technically, but never look like they were ' feeling it'. 

    • Up vote 2
  4. Pm to reserve, post at cost, as requested. 




    Marvin smith- who'll do your running now- Mayfield VG plays great £30




    Sharon soul- his love is amazing - coral ydj excellent- nice copy in company bag £70




    Tony Daniels - how lonely - sport Nm! £70




    Anderson bros- I can see him- styrene 2ns issue ex £30




    California rock choir - whoever you are- cyclone WDJ- VG+ plays great £45




    Roy Hamilton - the panic is on MGM ydj- vinyl is ex label has some water damage, see photo £90







  5. Pm to reserve, post at cost, as requested. 


    Marvin smith- who'll do your running now- Mayfield VG plays great £35


    Sharon soul- his love is amazing - coral ydj excellent- nice copy in company bag £75


    Tony Daniels - how lonely - sport Nm! £75


    Anderson bros- I can see him- styrene 2ns issue ex £35


    California rock choir - whoever you are- cyclone WDJ- VG+ plays great  £50


    Roy Hamilton - the panic is on MGM ydj- vinyl is ex label has some water damage, see photo £100




  6. Not a fan of the beautiful game tbh, but I give it a go as I'm recovering from an accident. I loved the snooker last week and go well into. So far I've seen a a few games, very few goals, and a load of grown men rubbing there ankles and faking injury, torturous tbh. 

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