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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Its the stuff of myth and legend apparantly, been talked about in shades of soul ages ago, and it doesnt exist apparantly.
  2. Bearsey youre spot on about soulies dancin to this and clearing the floor when anything remotely progressive hits the decks, it puts me in mind of soooo many wheel sets that feature, 2 or three ska tunes, mel torme and a bunch of motown, the olies/ swop shop, youth club brigade love it round here.
  3. seen one in a sales box in the last 12 months, a gut reacion guess would be £2k ish, but lord knows at the moment.
  4. Seans set was great, but my suprise comes the fact I just wouldnt have a clue how to dance to this at a nighter, reggae rhythms dont move me in the same way as soul funk or latin, which are rhythmically linked IMHO. Its not the quality or quantity of soul I'm really questiong but its suitability for a northern dance event.
  5. christ me brother will be p*****d he traded me his for a reissue!
  6. Best spots and best music I've heard have been through this format, I seldom here anything but self indulgence through the longer format spots, Whats the problem with a dj doing two staggered 1/2 hout spots, it works better for continuaty and for the dance floor IMHO.
  7. Best spots and best music I've heard have been through this format, I seldom here anything but self indulgence through the longer format spots, Whats the problem with a dj doing two staggered 1/2 hout spots, it works better for continuaty and for the dance floor IMHO.
  8. I think looking at the average age of Northern punters at nighters is misleading in some ways, loads of ex punters from the 8ts and 9ts are off the scene at the moment, having kids and building lives. hence the gap between the young guys in there teens and twenties and the older wiganites in there fifties.
  9. no way!!!!!! loved and owned this for years for the other side. it used dto be less than a tenner, im shocked.
  10. the 1/2 hour spots favoured by venues like Bidds and Differnet strokes help to solve this problem and for the sake of the dancers should imho by addopted universally. It also seems to give Dj's in incentive in morew ways than one.
  11. I never meant this to tern into a scooterist v soulies debate, in fact, initially, I genuinely had no idea that these images originated from the scooter scene. Without a doubt particuarly over the last few years the scooter scene has made a great contribution to the northern scene, musically and socially, by helping to feed some of the larger nighters and weekenders with fresh faces, often with far less preconceptions than many soulies. Cross- pollunation between the two scences has always existed and I hoped endeared respect to one and other. However they are both very different and there will inevitably be areas where they clash. what I resent is the idea that these iconic, albeit cheesey images can be used in this way. That word 'faith' used to mean a lot to me and at times is the only thing that keeps me going on the scene, yes I still believe it has value and worth! This is my musical and cultural heritage, and I'm not going to stand by and see it knocked without saying something, sorry is thats not very post modern. Keep the Faith baby, Really!
  12. sorry guys I'd love to carry this on, as my anti scooterist tendancies grow! but I'm off on hols, in the Alfa, now thats real Italian style for you, mind you a gaggia got mor e class than...... no I wont go there, LOL.
  13. no but I got some spare blinkered W***ker badges if you'd like one.
  14. PMSL, some deap seated insecurity, if I felt like that I'd buy a hog, and join the outlaws.
  15. the more I think about this the more annoyed i get, what reception would I get if I wore a scooterist are W***ers T shirt. At a nighter? Northern soul has added identity to that scene, I just dont get knocking something that many feel passionate about. Regaurdless of whatever term you want to use to describe it the scene.
  16. Similar, this one was like a negative of that design, with black on white.
  17. its clearly meant as a piss take rather than a malicious thing , but I'm pretty suprised by the scooter crowd.
  18. Struggling to find it but did discover this,
  19. Last sunday, a youth hands me a cloth patch, 'Northern soul its W**k', it says, the image in the centre is a play on the traditional black fist logo, its a large semi erect Penis with a fist clenched round it. To be honest I pmsl, but I was a little shocked that these were worth producing. It could be more to do with people being fed up of seeing that same tired old image everywhere nowadays. I searched the phrase on the net and found there also a FB group called this, and its been discussed on scooter forums and the like, is this the start of a back lash?
  20. so sorry mate, I know its a 'had to be there' record, its just that voice!
  21. I'm always suprised by how much and how well certain modern tunes go down @ oldies soul nights. Especially considering how hard it is to break new or current 6ts spins. Handbaggers seem eager to dance to the likes of Micheal Proctor, Kenny Thomas, and DJ Gemini when the likes of the Parisians clear the floor.
  22. Two records that would still get me up for a shuffle .Donnie Elbert Little piece of leather . Sorrry but, someone else played it on sat, for gods sake this man cant sing!!!! his voice is so irritiating I said to Jez, if someone found another version of 'do i I love you' on acetate, I'd buy it to snap, so no one else could ever play it. The only soul singer that you could compare Ce lo Green to, yes that bad imho.

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