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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. unless they play a ska record.
  2. probably ben done to death before, but as a healthy alternative to Butch's thread ( will the real mr Dobson please stand up) what have you had cheap as chaps from a booty of charity fazzle lately. Nothing major for me, I dont live near a swap meet in Idaho, but picked up, lou Rawls- silk and soul Bob and Earl- B and C tower of power lp for £2 at my last boot sale. oh and Laverne Baker- Bumble Bee on london ( just loooooove it) for £3 from a market staff last month.
  3. The thing that pleased me most about the first change was the amount of younger punters it had attracted, if for nothing else I considered it a sucsess for that reason alone.
  4. cheers guys thats helpful, great tune and just right for now as the cliche goes......
  5. little rena scott- just cant forget thaty boy, manship list this sublime uptempo item as on epic, mines on grand junction and not listed, is it the same version? rare? anyonew else have it on this label?
  6. Aye up mate long time no see!I'd say aroung the 40- 50 mark shute, apparantly its a better cut on the lp tho as the 45 has a predisposition to styrene burn!
  7. loads of us used to go into Eastern block and say have you got 'da da da, dum dum'.
  8. rather than be obtuse, I'd say your right, it is a sliding scale its all about context isnt it. Ive heard Micheal proctor and DJ gemini played and loved by to an oldies crowd who would lynch anyone who suggested they were into modern soul. Similarly midtempo 60's can definatly suit a crossover crowd, indeed 6ts cuts were played @ venues like Parkers.
  9. Without a doubt soul night wise, different strokes.
  10. Intersetingly and perhaps revealing the best Dj's Ive heard this year dont come form a northern background and I'd say are below the age of 40, heads up to Gumbo and Big George.
  11. Indeed, indeed, see you @ the go go Tabs, and you gotta stay awake this time!
  12. Well I know you have the kings but 'that oldies crowd' simply wouldnt attend on such a regular basis, imho, the fact some of these larger events are in frequent make them well attended, and there's a real focus on oldies at said venue's as well, that would put most of the more progressive/ nighter crowd right off. a case of never the twain methinks.
  13. nic ethought anbd sentiment to push the scene further into public concience fro the right reasons, ie other then to make money from it!
  14. Myron and E, on Tmmion blows most out of the water for me.
  15. All of the above are now more hammered than some of the more common oldies, form the wheel and torch era.
  16. went to one on Withington, 'get to steppin' the other week, we were the only soul heads in there apart from the dj's, a very open mionded music policy that included funbk and 60's garage and it twas awsome.
  17. went back for the first time in 20 years for last years anni, and no they have not fixed the floor or done the bogs up, but it s strangely all the better for it, LOL. cant wait to get back down there.
  18. [ I thought the scene in the 8ts was far less fractured, due to how bloody small it was, remember Evison djing @ Blackburn anyone, most of the hardcore attended everywhere and anywhere just because it was the only event on that week in my recolection.
  19. some of the Trax pressing that rock jones issued were more certainly more than 30% recycled and some are awful esp considering there 12's, they often have a grey look rather than black!
  20. Sadly I've been to similar 'fancy dress parties' where soft as sh*te looking skins stood on the dancefloor, quaffing larger and looking embarassed whie they gingerly tapped their feet. Its not all like that though as different stokes has shown. The crowd were most definatly up for it in there on sat and at all the others I've attended.
  21. Trax in chicago were notorious for this in the 8ts
  22. a short initial spot due to my own lateness was followed by a bit of double decking with the insatible Rich Penrith later. Rich played so uptempo and hard you wouldnt believe, a hard act to follow , but I did me best!!!! Billy Wade and the 3rd degree- tear it up, part one Harvey scales- shake your power Danny white- natural soul brother Troggs - TNT (cu) General assembly- sensitive mind Dee edwards-why cant there be love Esther willaims- last night changed it all Al foster band - night of the wolf 4 below zero- Baby's got esp Celeste hardy - your gone maybe a couple more to add later........
  23. anyone else ever heard of the TK fire guys?
  24. some great pionts made, glad I started this thread, for once!

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