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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. went back for the first time in 20 years for last years anni, and no they have not fixed the floor or done the bogs up, but it s strangely all the better for it, LOL. cant wait to get back down there.
  2. [ I thought the scene in the 8ts was far less fractured, due to how bloody small it was, remember Evison djing @ Blackburn anyone, most of the hardcore attended everywhere and anywhere just because it was the only event on that week in my recolection.
  3. some of the Trax pressing that rock jones issued were more certainly more than 30% recycled and some are awful esp considering there 12's, they often have a grey look rather than black!
  4. Sadly I've been to similar 'fancy dress parties' where soft as sh*te looking skins stood on the dancefloor, quaffing larger and looking embarassed whie they gingerly tapped their feet. Its not all like that though as different stokes has shown. The crowd were most definatly up for it in there on sat and at all the others I've attended.
  5. Trax in chicago were notorious for this in the 8ts
  6. a short initial spot due to my own lateness was followed by a bit of double decking with the insatible Rich Penrith later. Rich played so uptempo and hard you wouldnt believe, a hard act to follow , but I did me best!!!! Billy Wade and the 3rd degree- tear it up, part one Harvey scales- shake your power Danny white- natural soul brother Troggs - TNT (cu) General assembly- sensitive mind Dee edwards-why cant there be love Esther willaims- last night changed it all Al foster band - night of the wolf 4 below zero- Baby's got esp Celeste hardy - your gone maybe a couple more to add later........
  7. anyone else ever heard of the TK fire guys?
  8. some great pionts made, glad I started this thread, for once!
  9. Sorry cant remember where I heard about them, maybe the fires were just heresay, can anyone confirm.
  10. Ok, Im not talking about know copies here, that discussion I'm sure has been done to death, rather what I'm interested in is what caused there to be only 19 (or whatever) copies of 'Naughty boy in the first place. For example the shrine or TK warehouse fires, a record being withdrawn for licensing of other reasons, there must be other reasons, for me this is far more interesting than how many have sold on popsike. Assuming most minimum runs for small label issues are around 1000, but please correct me if this assumption is wrong, how come certain tunes are only around in handfuls and others often on the same labels, are availible in abundance?
  11. was listening to Rodigan on rad 2 on thursday and thought this is great I could listen to rocksteady, lovers, roots and Dub allnight, ska I'm not so hot on, but its a Rhythmic thing for me, you can dance to 7o's soulful disco,80's boogie some funk records, soulful garage latin and boogaloo in the same way, imho, but island tunes for me just dont work in the same way.
  12. I had no problems!! and I'm no dirty Jorno Btard!
  13. Cheers Rod, I think me brother still got a bargain when you sold him one for £20 the day you sold your last stock on the stall. I'm sure one day it will start to rise again.
  14. is dustbin getting payed money to make the scene seem uncool, we had to turn it off when he played that Edwin starr track, my god what an insult to Edwin, hope its never released.
  15. some like this are exceptionaly hard to spot
  16. saw one in a box at lifeline on sat, think soul Sam had it.
  17. anything by Donnie Elbert, that guy must of had some serious connections with a voice like that!
  18. doesn't mean it wasnt rare Kev, people on the scene decide to off load things at the same time, once they've played them out or styles have moved on.
  19. I wasnt around on the scene at the time all the copies of Danny moore turned up, how many exactly were found? I did read that som folk lost out big time as the first copies dripped out, going for £500, then £300 and so on. Nowadays it can be had for relatively peanuts, so how many copies are in circulation for it to drop in value that much?
  20. I sincerely hope to of caused no real offence to you Giant, or any others, I just thought your comments were out of order and insulting, and didnt read them as a joke, maybe I shouldnt of stuck my nose in the first place, but I cant stand by and watch people apparantly belittle others, its a curse thats always caused me problems. I could go on about your apparant ellitist attitiude and how it halms the scene, but its all ready been said. I'm always prepared to give others due respect, particularly when there on the cutting edge of discovering new spins and widening the genre, I dont know you Gaint but I have respect via proxy due to what others have said on here about yourself. Right, and this isnt a dig, I'm off to to get ready for one of the finest nighters around, its a living breathing thing this scene and always about the here and now for me.
  21. Hi mate, be great to speak to you im person, come up and introduce yourself some time they even invented a smiley, just for you!,he's not waving, LOL.
  22. Dont care what he's got mate, bet its all on the tube anyway! Unlike loads of great cheapies! it dont give anybody the right to talk like that and before anyone says it, no I'm not the soul police!
  23. Havent a clue who you are except a bleeding ignorant btard, i thought this was sarcasim, rather than just nastyness, Im shocked!
  24. Ian Cunliffe, not sure if he's still got it for sale, it was at the torch reunion last year, er the proper one obviously!

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