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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. heard a great quote on saturday, ' there's loads of peolpe saying they want to hear something new, trouble is they only want to hear thenselves play it, anyone else is sh*te'.
  2. its that note she hits in the breakdown of 'just cant' bout a min from the end, for me the single best adlib ever done, she goes 'oh oooo oh', just sublime, whitney, blige, and carey eat your heart out!
  3. Does this mean your a closet beat juggler in you spare time chalky?
  4. shame there no other uk dates, Manchester would of been nice,
  5. A flintstones 45 on the peter pan label, 'fred the magician' my 4 year old loves trying to read along and turning the pages with the beep. Also dug him out a scooby doo lp, Animal kwackers and magic roundabout on mfp. Bought these around the time he was born and he's just getting proficant at putting lp's on and changing speed ect.
  6. I had not one but two moaning btards giving me some real stick on sat night but I went home as ever with smile on my face, loads of fresh tunes in my head and memories of another great night. the positves always outway the negatives, ie there's more decnt folk on the scene than tossers.
  7. freind of mine bought a demo from the king hall new years nighter a coulpe of years since, a steal @ £400.
  8. Finially the only way to play it, unless as you stated Flynny's wonderkind issue ever turns up, would be off the 'stamps' LP, a pain I sposse. I asked Everson on sat who suprised me in saying it would of been played of the lp at the torch along with the isleys on starline, what good enough for hoe street it good enough for me!
  9. tis odd there's not that many nighter promoters on this, apart from adey, its then that that really keep it going and it can often hit them in the pocket, so what about MR White and Mace for starters?
  10. Thanks guys, as you said it was either a dream or someone who'd buggered about, cheers.
  11. No guys, the reason I'm so convinced I saw a copy was because I didnt know Marvin had done LL, I only knew the Jimmy Mc version and its stuck out in my mind, cause it was a few years later that I heard his version on the format mentioned above, could of been a carver but were these previlant at this time? Its always nawed away at me, this one.
  12. Sorry Guys but I still swear i saw one in a box on the yellow us, Tamla label, not like above, might be the memory or a dream but thats not the one I recall seeing, it looked far more authentic.
  13. Fine Ken but in that case you cant really call the contempo issue the original 7 inch either because the bootleg came before it. I'm not trying to defend boots here but sposse its gotta played of the lp to be ovo.
  14. Got to say it Dave Evison, top bloke, dead honest and in the 8ts when he had his show on signal, the first time I heard the mello souls, CU'ed. His was also regualrly guesting for the likes of Guy's soultown promotions, massive sustained contribution, simarly Rob Smith real stalwarts.
  15. Well I sposse you right in terms of legality, but I just meant that the groovesville boot was the first 7 inch copy you could buy, unless anyone can actually turn up the one Flynny mentioned, and what price that?
  16. Marvin Gaye- Lonley lover, was it issued? after hearing what flynny said about sweet sherry orig, it brought to mind myself remembering seeing a copy of Marvi singin lonley lover on Tamla, around 87. I've been told this was unissued but, unless I've dreamt it can rember holding a copy in my hands and saying to the guy I didnt know he done it, Jimmy Mcfarland was still a massive oldie back then. you can all luagh at me, but I cant get rid of the memory.
  17. So the orig, ( albeit ilegal) 7inch is the green one on Groovesville, thanks guys, cleared it up now. i need the rare stamps LP too but will never part with me auto'ed copy on the boot.
  18. Thanks thats what I wanted to know, oops just re read the posts!
  19. but are they any bleeding good anyone?
  20. hi keys- @ £60 but that was last Xmas, the run up to christmas seems to be fruitful for bargains I got a lollipops cheap too.
  21. hi keys- @ £60 but that was last Xmas, the run up to christmas seems to be fruitful for bargains
  22. Brian Rae , Keb Darge, and your fine self Mr Foster, for keeping it real.
  23. I buy the odd jazz and folk release, and for this kinda 'quiet music' CD wins hands down for durability.
  24. Pete I dont look down my nose at punters who just love the music, and of course the music can be enjoyed on that level, but I'm no ted! and for my collecting is really about listening to fresh sounds, digging the crates, as those young beatsters would put it. I dont hear about hoards of download and CD collectors turning up new sounds on a regular basis. I think the real reason the OVO heads get down on pressings is that the oldies curcuit and its lack of respect for the real ethos represents the death of the scene. swap yer drainpipes for a pair of spencers anyone?

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