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Posts posted by Geeselad

  1. I'd like to add that this practice doesn't work without discretion, well know classics are to be avoided IMHO, it's a technique that works best with less familiar titles. I appreciate peoples more purist perspective and it's not something I ever do listening to albums at home but playing out is a different matter. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Geeselad said:

    In terms of promoting an underground dance scene, mixing records ect. Obviously they didn't get into production in the same way but non the less both the British dj's along with George power, froggy ect were doing very similar things to new York and Chicago, at that time, musically without the fanfare. 

    When actually, your right, important but not in the same league really, at least, not collin. 😂

  3. 11 hours ago, Joesoap said:

    Totally get where you're coming from but 'part they played equal to Larry Levan and Frankie Knuckles'? Lol -no way!

    In terms of promoting an underground dance scene, mixing records ect. Obviously they didn't get into production in the same way but non the less both the British dj's along with George power, froggy ect were doing very similar things to new York and Chicago, at that time, musically without the fanfare. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Kev John said:

    Just a response to what happens on a dance floor ,cd's,laptops & vinyl

    I have taken original vinyl abroad bit of a pain always in hand luggage 

    The original poster asked  for the best DJ that the UK as produced 

    We have the top 500 book  where the legends of the soul scene are all listed for the 20th century 

    Nothing for the 21st century & we are 23years in  

    For me Best UK DJ is @Pat Bleasdale

    There are many more proggresive Djs on the nighters scene who bring something new to the table

    Atb Kev


    Good point kev, 20th century dj's been done to death, mind you some, like Butch, are just as relevant as ever. Best I've heard this century, I'd add Tom McGrath, Sean Haydon, Dean Read and Johnny Weston after that set last weekend 

    Just now, Geeselad said:
    3 hours ago, Kev John said:

    Just a response to what happens on a dance floor ,cd's,laptops & vinyl

    I have taken original vinyl abroad bit of a pain always in hand luggage 

    The original poster asked  for the best DJ that the UK as produced 

    We have the top 500 book  where the legends of the soul scene are all listed for the 20th century 

    Nothing for the 21st century & we are 23years in  

    For me Best UK DJ is @Pat Bleasdale

    There are many more proggresive Djs on the nighters scene who bring something new to the table

    Atb Kev


    Good point kev, 20th century dj's been done to death, mind you some, like Butch, are just as relevant as ever. Best I've heard this century, I'd add Tom McGrath, Sean Haydon, Dean Read and Johnny Weston after that set last weekend 


    Good point kev, 20th century dj's been done to death, mind you some, like Butch, are just as relevant as ever. Best I've heard this century, I'd add Tom McGrath, Sean Haydon, Dean Read and Johnny Weston after that set last weekend 



    • Thanks 1
  5. On 21/03/2023 at 10:24, Rhino said:

    Personal think that people like John Anderson has to be mentioned as there ain't many djs haven't got a record that came through soul bowl. Without John and the likes of Tim Brown and John manship the scene wouldn't be what it is today in my honest opinion. Need to be taken into account as well as the djs taste and balls to play new records records. Personal know a few djs that still cover up records and agree with micks comment to many variables to just name one dj. Richard searling in his day has to be up there with the rest . 


    23 hours ago, Jez Jones said:

    Yeah good point made their Kev....Currently there are some great dj's out there playing my type of 'sounds'

    Yes my type of sounds is different to when the 'legends' were being feted..in that 2 out of 3 at least were trad northern.....i didnt know then that i liked summat different ...ring a bell anyone ??

    So I'm quite happy hearing .my type of sounds' in 2023.....totally different ball game to 1973......coz ..well basically I'm in charge of what i hear so can pick and choose where i go to hear it......its great

    Ive purposely mentioned no names.....coz we are in the era where music is king and not who plays it

    Kev mentioned playlists.....I went to a great event on saturday night and it sounded much better than reading the playlist !!

    So to summarise there are enough dj's out there to satisfy my needs  so for me they are the best DJ out there         

    and am not sure any hierarchy is of any use nowadays apart from a conversation starter.....but i would soon leave after saying my point of view

    Try this George Best is the greatest footballer UK has produced......see what i mean...it'll go nowhere

     .........we've all got different tastes nowadays so only current DJ's playing my type of sounds are relevant to me

    Obviously Gary liniker is the best football player the UK has produced, and he just doesn't get the credit. 😂

    • Up vote 2
  6. 16 hours ago, Agentsmith said:

    Any dj worth his/her salt, plays to the crowd, not theirselves, that the first rule.

    I cant fathom the age group of who has contributed so far but, if youve served your time on the scene, as the djs have, then you'll probably know them and how they work.


    Without doubt, Colin is full on with the scene, as he has been from day 1, and he's always maintained this forward progression at a staggering pace. His spectrum of black music is ever broadening...he really is one of the hardest working guys i know, or anyone else for that matter, he's certainly been at the helm of Northern Soul in its formative years, and ' broke ' many tunes, whether incumbent of c/up status or not.

    He's played the venues that matter and probably everywhere else in the soul pyramid.


    I haven't said he's the best, but there's no doubt his reputation precedes him, he's one of our greatest. 

    Perhaps its better we're all just grateful the way our icons have graced the scene and served us

    Colin's contribution goes way beyond the soul spectrum along with Greg Wilson the part they played, in terms of dance music, is equal to that of Larry levan and Frankie Knuckles.  

    • Up vote 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Tlscapital said:

    This has to do with the stereo and MONO "war" and the switch in the manufacture of the "mothers" lathe  that were always and still done with a 'MONO' cutter for the MONO records up to 1967 but then they switch for a 'stereo' cutter even for the MONO groove "mothers" lathe. It's believed that by the early seventies about every lathe cut were then done with 'stereo' cutters even for MONO records.

    Since the mid sixties the practice for 'rush' promo releases for major labels with double 'A' sides promotional issues became more and more accepted since radios were indeed playing a lot the same sides when a 'HIT'. Although this thing started because the record companies had no material to toss on the flip and so rushed releases them double 'A' sides or later even 'single sided' for even less elegance.

    By the late sixties most radios were broadcasting in stereo but not all and many still were using MONO phono gear and so they gave those promos a stereo and MONO double 'A' sides. These MONO sides were cut with a stereo cutter and prove rather disappointing IMO as it's not real MONO but stereo made to be MONO. On my MONO phono set-up those stereo sides play better than those "fake" MONO sides.

    Thanks very much, highly informative 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Geeselad said:

    As keb has often espoused, garage records have always been part of the northern scene, Human being being one early example but there's just loads, especially at Wigan. I'm not a massive fan personally but variety and quality has always been the key to great sets imho. Mind you, back in the 80's there it did seem like anything deemed as white was sneered at, as not being authentic.

    Part of the preoccupation with garage and obsession with 60's only, comeds from a large influx of scooter folk onto the scene, some great characters but they won't go near anything past 1972, and then only if it's got a wah wah and is 120 mph, and they call themselves progressive! 😂


  9. 8 hours ago, Mal C said:

    Just some thoughts...

    Let me start with Garage posing as Northern Soul, seems to have crept in big the last ten years, I like garage records allot, I collect them, not all of them of course, but I hear people saying this allot, and I'd have to agree, it's not Northern Soul

    As keb has often espoused, garage records have always been part of the northern scene, Human being being one early example but there just loads, especially at Wigan.



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