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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. I can dig loads of opinions on this thread, black rca's, red and white's, mar v lus ( one der ful is tasty too) but personally I've always been a sucker for labels with photo's of the act on them, ala, maskman and the agents, and the lovelites release to name but too. I started collecting a canadian house label on this basis, loads had black and white photos of the act on em, and had to get the lot! sad man that I am.
  2. started collecting it, in the 8ts, just because of it monty python style graphics, top pick
  3. i love rockers revenge, and used to acca it up bigtime when ever i played an olskool house set. never been a big fan of double cooking but I know it works in a big venue and most of been real powerful @ the casino. I actually dont mind this too much, and technica lbly it works for me but 'cookin's' already got a couple of vocals versions so have to admit it seems a little pointless. Now a club classic acca over 'thumb a ride', hmmmmh............
  4. someone told me butch has had a copy of the green one in his box @ 400 for the last 10 years.
  5. yes but if it helps to keep NS popular anything is excusable apparantly he's not waving!
  6. thats fine and I'm sure many will find the feature of interest, others will be concerned about his lack of crediblity, how this reflects the scene, and oh pete's general cnutballysness.
  7. cant see the clips so sorry if these are repeat Horace Williams- I'm going Xmas shopping Otis Redding Merry Xmas Baby
  8. been to the dam maybe a dozen times including new year, amazing, and queens day, not a gay pride event, a royal celebration when the whole town goes orange! cetainly one of the most exciting and cultured city's I've visited, hope to take in the soul club next year, Im well overdue a return visit. Also a great place to dig, I found soul great 33's on the rembrantsplein market.
  9. fair point, I sposse what I meant was, burnside is typical of so much in contemporary blues and its productions values. i just used Mr Cray as a well know example, the simarlarity ends there.
  10. Your right, just been freshing up my knowledge on the tube, Robert Cray blows Burnside into the down-home gutter. Personally I love blues, I'm not sure of its place on the scene or if I'd want to hear at a night, but I sposse I could tolerate the odd track, I know a lot of folk dont dig latin and boogaloo, which is always an essential feature if I get to play a set, so live and let live and variety is the key again. However what imho R cray and Burnside have in common imho is a contemporary polish and sheen which for all its clarity lacks the warmth and depth that 60's r and b tunes have by the bucket load.
  11. while were at it, not sure of the credits on it, but there must be a connection between 'Im gone' and Derek Martin's unreleased 'flashback'? they sound so similar, imho. Billy Shae Rae aint as good but it isnt that bad a version either.
  12. As I said I'm not keen but I'd go for this over another top 500 oldie any time.
  13. hope so I've been saving up for a Northern soul Golly.
  14. deffo, I'd also add that latina dnb funky sounds have there own particular nuances.
  15. just for this year, there's loads! Gloria Gaynor- You'll be sorry Lovemasters- Pushing and pulling Mark iv unlimited- gone.
  16. have to add its a pure blues record for me, that I'm not personally keen on myself, sounds a lot like an uptempo tune by someone like robert cray,
  17. most Thanks for that, I suppose the highly disposable nature of this stuff makes it unlikely much has survived, hence the lack of response.
  18. Saw one in Adam topping's box sat, not sure on price but he's got a site called soulsupermarket.
  19. Thanks Ian, I agree personally that re- edits tend to be a little more respectful. I general a re- edit to me cant be about returning to the masters as the original re- editors only had reels of the final recording to work with.
  20. Just been reading a piece about Solomon Burke's infamous popcorn consession at the Apollo, and was interested to hear that it was common practice for soul artists to sell there own merchandise at gigs; hats, posters, photos and the like. He also had preprinted popcorn boxes with his name on them! does anyone own or have they ever seen such items of interesting memorbila.
  21. Ian what actually constitutes a re - edit here, did they have access to the masters, or are these just done from recordings of the finished product?
  22. there's some right misogonistic crap on here, can I first apologise for some of the attitudes expessed, allbeit in a lighthearted manner. IMHO, the scene can only bennifit from a inreased inclusion of more females in active roles on the scene, personally some of the best dj's Ive heard in recent times have been female. Diva Di, Sandi Harpin and of course Joan have all impressed in a major way and something all the these have in common is a lack of ego , sensitivity for the dancefloor and an understanding that rarity have nothing to do with filling the floor, something many male DJ's would do well to heed.
  23. Great thread idea, can always remember Bunny Shivel being revealed and quite few peeps being disgruntled by it being on a major label. I could never understand why myself, your paying over the odds for someone's superior knowledge, and you obviously have a choice when handing over the cash. No ones forced into buying a cover up. From a moral stand piont covering something can be veiwed as dubious, Godin despised the practiced, but I think missed the piont myself, the tune has to have failed in the first place to end up being a CU and when it is eventually revealed the CU is probably going to bennifit from the practice in terms of cred for the artist anyway.
  24. The epitome of crossover for me that track.
  25. hi Conrad, cant open the links at work but does this need to be in wants?

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