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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. Are some northern fans more into collecting than the music? a non soulie friend and I were having a conv about hobbies, he's a big fishing head, we were talking about ' all the gear no idea' and he asked me the above question, cause I lept to our defence but since I've been wondering. Especially as I know people on the rare and oldies scenes only seem to be interested in records they already know and have been availible on CD for the last 15 years.
  2. most of joe's 6ts is worth a punt,try 6ts stuff from these artists, ray Barretto, mongosantamaria, the latin souls, hector rivera, pucho and the latin brothers, that should keep you busy to start with.
  3. sorry, pete, I heard it was doris, but stand corrected.
  4. Not sure if he ever admitted to it but Robert plant vocals owe a lot to Bobby parker, its that ' whow a ho a ho' thing both often have going on. I do know both he and pagey often cites johnny watson as an influence.
  5. cant see anyone has mentioned it, how about Doris Troy doing the add lib vocal on great gig in the sky- by pink floyd. oops, just seen it right at the start.
  6. you say it like its a bad thing, early chicago, BST, electric fag, titanic are all superb IMHO.
  7. Mayfield's 'hard times' from ' there's no place like America today' is so different to either of the aforementioned tracks, think?? the lyrics are the same, but production wise its in a very different place .
  8. For me, big production, strings and things type records seldom work in small venues and earthy, low budget sounds never seem to do as well in large dancehalls, though there are obviously exceptions.
  9. Not sure, thought the lyrics differed in the verse's, I dig through my curtis lpee's and listen.
  10. well it is penned by him, when i first heard it I thought it was just an uptempo version of hard times
  11. Just got one of these myself, well will do soon, paying £35, apparantly has gone for as mush as $100 on bay, though I couldnt find it on popsike, one on here sold late last year for £30 I seem to remember.
  12. I'd have to say I love most of it, from late 50's black R N B to soulful house, with most stops inbetween, though I'm not Keen on Popcorn, cliperty cloperty cowboy tunes, and think there's little place for crossover nowadays, though i like a lot of it for home listening. Things have changed so much since I've gotten into the scene in the 8ts and for me tempo's have actually gone up from the days when, 'the panic is on' and 'down and out' were big tunes, still love big voices and productions, but not sure how well they work on the floor now.
  13. Here's my playlist from the 2nd kaliedescope @ Illiccini's in Congleton, cheshire, Plently of the local youth are beggining to attend this quirky venue where the focus is on variety, with latin, funk, garage and soul all represented throughout the night. The playlist should also provide a great taster for the first night @ BASEMENT BOOGALOO, MARSH STREET IN HANLEY SOUL ON TRENT. Stoke's finest Mace and Beggs are starting ON SATURDAY FEBUARY 18TH, with lucky ole me guesting at the first, WAYYYHEYYYYYY! Hector Rivera- Sweet soul Baby Joe Bataan - Uptown Joe Bataan- Special girl ???? - Guyaba Billy Larkin + Delegates- Little Detriot JNR Delegates- Pigmy pt 1 Tippie and the Clovers- Bossa Nova Baby Fats Domino- You better do right Fats Domino- sick and tired Queenie Lyons- Drown in my own tears Bamboos- tighten up Ghetto Kitty- Stand up and be counted Ted Ford- Your gonna need me Rose Davis - that's Enough Anne Sexton- your losing me Bobby Fisher + the Bishops- Now your gonna cry Elli The prophet- Take a little, give a lot Velvet fire- Stop and check tree Otis Redding- Papa's gotta brand new bag Gene Anderson- Baby I dig you Exits- gotta have money Herb Ward - Strange change
  14. Always been a zep fan, trampled was supposed to have been played @ the mecca apparanlty, they also use a riff straight outa 'slipping around' the track also has similarities in the lyrics of said art freeman track.
  15. dont I remember Humperies retiring about 10 years ago, LOL. Clausell should be fantasic, what kinda latin's he spin, contemporary or across the board?
  16. Kinda assumed I t would be to do with this venture, he seemed really eliquent and full of amazing anecdotes on Trevor Nelson.
  17. on at the moment, great interveiw so far, now there's a radio show to really get hot under the collar about.
  18. ALL QUALITY, mate, check you Fb message Al!
  19. Thanks to all who've helped so far, but nothing definative yet.
  20. bit of the phsycedelic influence showing there, its credidted to Gene anderson and the Dynamic phsycedelics on the Royal tone issue too, though I cant imagine there being much of a 'heads scene' in st louis, mid 6ts, maybe wrong though.
  21. I was pleasde to pick this up in a trade over Xmas and seem to remeber having it in the 8ts, when I sposse it was what you might call a tape swoppers fave but can anyone tell me more about the disc, artist or most importantly when and where it was played, a stafford sound? Gary Rushbrook perhaps?

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