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Everything posted by Geeselad

  1. I went to that, with the northern night downstairs, think it was boxing night 1990, I lost it big time though! LOL, Seem to remember Njoi did a PA with Sasha DJing.
  2. I'd add freetown and left bank to the list, think Johnny B and duncan did soul nights there, and what about the Bear in Castle youth! Jez mentioned a club in stoke from the early 7ts, anyone?
  3. I'm on the podium wearing a bobble hat and oakley shades, at night!
  4. The Eclipse night were bleedin awful all the grooverider sh**e! bangin techno, Delight was where it were at if you had any soul left in yer!
  5. From August 90 till may 91, Delite was THE biggest club night bar none in the north west ( the hac was busy applying for a new licience!) and certainly one of the most influentail of all the early rave clubs. Sasha was the man, but Dave Seaman, Laurent Garnier and Golden's Pete Bromly supported the wax spinning. Music was a mix of Chicago house, Italo and european piano house Anthems, Contrary to what many think of as early rave tunes the tempo was often slow and the vibe mellow man, musta been the Doves, LOL.
  6. When I was a kid, on the estate where I grew up, if you only knew one NS tune it would of undoubtably be 'Skiing in the snow.' If was massive on the scene @ the torch or not,it certainly had an impact in youth clubs and the like with generation to young to go to nighters.
  8. I did say generally Steve, I know you could buy gerneric badges for the NS scene, like soul- lancashire or soul- on trent ect, but could you purchase actual anni badges over the counter?
  9. tis but relish on the burger, not the meat itself, it has to be said!
  10. think one of the nice elements about them is they generally had to be earnt, by literally 'keeping the faith' rather than just bought over the counter, bring back patches! seriously I'm sure you could boost attendances to nighter with these things, there so hard to come by now. some young kid around 19, who'd traveled from cornwall, was fascinated by my addididas holdall and badges at the king's a couple of years back, and I dont even have any good ones on it!
  11. again there part of the heritage of the scene, and for me a nice bit! dont have any origianl wigan badge's but have keep my old ones from anniversaries in the 8ts, keele ect, shame nobody doea them nowadays.,
  12. will ytou have some tommorow at different strokes steve?
  13. I started a thread on this a while back, I must of been really out of it when I saw an original 6ts issue @ keele in the 80's as I'm enthatically told it doesnt exist, but there still a bit of me that says I saw it in a box!
  14. moved to london in '87 and attended rare groove night at the wag and various west end venues, along with allnighters and events on the NS scene, as an uneducated young soul boy, my perceptions of rare groove at the time were of obvious tunes such as the 'jackson sisters' and 'voices of east harlem'- 'wanted dead or alive', also the 'vibrettes' 'humpty dump', the general impression was of records that had the funkyness and feel of tunes on hot wax and invictus.
  15. its not really that healthy is it when collecting gets like that!
  16. mandrill's peace and love LP. very varried, a real melting pot of styles.
  17. sad loss, a man of great talent.
  18. I'm a bit guilty of that too mace.
  19. I heard you were dragged on stage by King Kurt, Mace, and then a gallon or snakebite was poured down you gullet, any truth in the rumour? pmsl.
  20. the way some of you guys have put it reminds me of the inherent qualities of collecting, the asthetics heritage ect and I do see the point but for me its always beena bout the thrill of the chase and cant understand anyone who's ONLY absorbed in collecting records the're very familiar with, thats what makes me wonder about those who do. Dont you loose something as a collector when your not keeping you collection topped up with fresh plays? Are you really collecting music or just memories?
  21. Sorry Kev, not being pedantic but I'm not following you either, but you should know I'm a skatty divit by now! but to clarify what I mean is there are a whole bunch of collectors that chase the same tunes wether they be classified as big oldies or rare soul. and it seems to me there not in the least bit interested in music, just investing in something that will either keep its value well, in monetary terms or in terms of getting people up to dance with reliable sounds.
  22. its often the case, and I'm not being specific but I played a clip of a rare unknown on here that I honestly wouldnt keep if I'd payed a couple of quid for, it was valued at several hundreds. I'm not even about people who collect to uncover and discover music, there seem so many that arent interested in anythign that isnt a very well know sound that will instantly fill the floor, be it Holly st James or Harvey Averne.
  23. I'm totally fished off at you's all carping on and taking the phish!
  24. the band you were in, anyone we'd know, did you ever record?

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