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Posts posted by Geeselad

  1. 14 hours ago, Stateside said:

    I would think of this more as a beat ballad rather than your archetypal Northern Soul and to my ears sounds soulful and a well produced effort. Compare that to something at the other end of the spectrum like The Mello Souls - We can make it, and for me there's a very good reason that record is rare, and that's because most of the copies probably went in the bin.

    That's completely subjective, and purely a matter of taste. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Amsterdam Russ said:

    I get your point.

    Briefly back to the “Spanish”, and there is a huge relevancy to soul music - or “music of the soul” - I offer up one of my most favourite songs of any genre - composed at the turn of the last century by Spanish composer Manuel de Falla, and, in this instance, sung by legendary mezzo-soprano Marylin Horne in the 70s.

    Music, of any genre - even that played by orchestras and in spite of some opinions here - can have soul. This, one of my three funeral records, has that “soul quality” in spades. Soul is where you feel it.


    Thanks for sharing that, from the opening bars I knew it was something special. Totally agree that many genres can have soul, but although it may have been played with technical gusto, did the BBC orchestra have the belief in the music that makes any music soulful?

  3. 19 hours ago, Amsterdam Russ said:

    There is a jazz prom - that's it. As for "Miles David's sketches of Spain", I think it rather flat. The only stand-out track being Saeta. Give me Coltrane's sublime Olé instead. Of course, each to their own. 

    I said it with tin hat in place, I am a fan, but not as knowledgeable as I want to be😁. Flamenco sketches is my favourite piece of music any genre, but it's the Coltrane section that really lifts it to another level. 

    I think my point is actually this, Davis and be bop was about small groups, I was involved in a night recently and I related to the orchestra thing and thought, well I can't remember a single track played with strings. All small groups, perhaps a bit of brass, but all group based. It's just all a bit excessive to these ears, to rich and lacking rawness. So many of my favourite tracks have a sparse sound but do so much with it.

    • Up vote 2
  4. Interesting that we haven't had a prog proms, or a be bop special, perhaps a orchestral rendition of Miles David's sketches of Spain. The reasons simple, irrelevant and they have too much respect for those genres. Where as northern, well they don't care about offending us uneducated plebs. Reminded me of when James last played the Albert hall. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, John Reed said:

    FFS, its just a song that a band has decided to cover, that just happens to have been originally played on a once underground youth, club scene.  It was written and produced by a couple of white country-boys from the south.  I wonder how many Beatles fans moaned when the like of the Temps, Four Tops, Mary Wells and Aretha to name a few covered their recording.

    I'm not bothered who covers whatever song, it's the quality of the cover that interests me. I like wholesome music, not homogeneous, insipid snoozefests. 

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  6. Mace mentioned a tape I used to have around 87, I think mini used to knock them out at nighters. It had magnetics, Paris, ray Agee and a host of other big rarities from the era, very influential on myself and others who were youthful at the time. Anyone got a scan with track listing, also who did it? It was just called rare soul 1, I think. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Torch56 said:

    First time I heard this was on Dave Evison's Radio Stoke show on a Sunday night, late eighties. Referred to as the Del-Larks at that time, Butch apparently insisted that Dave interrupt the track on occasion with comments such as, " Great record." to foil potential bootleggers.

    Same here! 

  8. 3 hours ago, Dobber said:

    Yes I’m afraid I am one of them where the higher the value the more blinded I become,for example I would love to bid on the Mello souls at what looks to be a high amount,but in all honesty,if  it was a major label item with boxes of copy’s around,and it was a 10 quid record,I wouldn’t look twice at it!

    however it terms of QUALITY,it is the best northern soul record ever!

    But you wouldn't find a record like the mello souls on a major label or the del larks for that matter. There's nothing commercial about it, I'm unsure of what market it was aimed at, a happy accident by made by some kids. That raw sound that's still sophisticated it's truly a rare quantity in the genre. 

  9. On 24/04/2023 at 19:13, Marc Forrest said:

    Seconded mate, the tune had sth like a cult status amongst the first German Soul generation, the KENT educated one. First time I heard it "live" was then in 1989 @Leighton Buzzard allnighters, sounded awesome in that huge hall. Demo here since decades and one that will stay with me till the end.. 

    Huge hall Leighton? I went in 88' thought it was in a small club?

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